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Last active March 2, 2017 01:13
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How to publish a new version of the recorder

How to publish a new version of the recorder

Open the PointGrayRecorder solution in Chimera

It lives at Lol.

Alter the server app post build step

I've never got the post build steps to run. When I first got the recorder setup on my machine with Bob's help we simply deleted the code in here as it wasn't needed for the ServerApp project. So you should just do this too. Only thing to remember here is to not commit this change.

Make your changes!

Simpy make the changes you need and test them locally.

Publish the app

For this to be automagically updated the next time the user opens the Studio you'll need to make sure it is published to the same folder location as it was installed from. This is due to the MS ClickOne install wizard.

For LA this need to be set to


which means you'll need to be on the same network as the LA studio.

The latest version number should increment itself.

Commit your code

There are some chunks in the .cdproj code you'll probably want to ignore. The only real change you need to commit is the change to ApplicationRevision which dictates what the next version number will be.

Reopen the recorder on the master machine

On master you just need to reopen the recorder app. If all goes well you'll see a wee "Do you want to update" box come up when you restart. Do that and when you log in the version number listed up the top left will also have been incremented.


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