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Forked from Badgerati/levenshtein_algorithm.lua
Last active November 24, 2022 21:52
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An implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm in Lua
-- Returns the Levenshtein distance between the two given strings
-- Lower numbers are better
local function levenshtein(str1, str2)
local len1 = #str1
local len2 = #str2
local matrix = {}
local cost = 1
local min = math.min;
-- quick cut-offs to save time
if (len1 == 0) then
return len2
elseif (len2 == 0) then
return len1
elseif (str1 == str2) then
return 0
-- initialise the base matrix values
for i = 0, len1, 1 do
matrix[i] = {}
matrix[i][0] = i
for j = 0, len2, 1 do
matrix[0][j] = j
-- actual Levenshtein algorithm
for i = 1, len1, 1 do
for j = 1, len2, 1 do
if (str1:byte(i) == str2:byte(j)) then
cost = 0
matrix[i][j] = min(matrix[i-1][j] + 1, matrix[i][j-1] + 1, matrix[i-1][j-1] + cost)
-- return the last value - this is the Levenshtein distance
return matrix[len1][len2]
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