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The movement's in motion with mass militant poetry

Jack Zampolin jackzampolin

The movement's in motion with mass militant poetry
View GitHub Profile
jackzampolin /
Created April 26, 2022 19:46
Cosmos Builders Multisig

Create the Multisig

To create the multisig run the following commands:

gaiad keys add jack --pubkey '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A1SgSrlikj83agLUJPYDuWTjPkw4rPzkWgMMy/5RxANy"}' --keyring-backend test
gaiad keys add marko --pubkey '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AkB39mhssV2tVBxu/3fx3eVoXfIZDBHL50VLI1/J9OHt"}' --keyring-backend test
gaiad keys add adi --pubkey '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AmdAHVz7ugQb5qoEsssxj1fC1UrpxkLguGykg4UA/RR1"}' --keyring-backend test
gaiad keys add sunny --pubkey '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"As/ouf6C1qz4n+Csqt9ZqML9VnFG88gluMIt1KiKZYgG"}' --keyring-backend test
gaiad keys add zaki --pubkey '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A0OjtIUCFJM3AobJ9HJTWKP9RZV2+WPcwVjLgsAidrZ/"}' --keyring-backend test
I contributed to the Semaphore Trusted Setup Multi-Party Ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit: semaphore16
Contributor # 302
Hash: 42ae99e9 a7576985 19649787 ed44e594
ec463f98 e924a8ee ca87c826 61013929
5b162948 8b54fca5 6a893bee e2d4dfa1
638be1a5 291d28b2 eb115cb7 3cf739b2


jackzampolin / format1.json
Created April 10, 2022 17:58
Payments for Juno Revival
"wasm": {
"execute": {
"contract_addr": "juno",
"funds": [],
"msg": {
"transfer": {
"recipient": "juno1083svrca4t350mphfv9x45wq9asrs60c7a585a",
"amount": "500"
jackzampolin /
Created April 8, 2022 15:16
Juno Relayer Routes
  • ATOM: channel-207 hub <> channel-1 juno
  • LUNA: channel-20 terra <> channel-27 juno
  • OSMOSIS: channel-42 osmo <> channel-0 juno
  • BitSong: channel-5 btsg <> channel-17 juno
  • Stargaze: channel-5 stars <> channel-20 juno
  • Huahua: channel-11 dog <> channel-28 juno
  • Akash: channel-35 akt <> channel-29 juno
  • Xprt: channel-37 xprt <> channel-33 juno
  • Cmdx: channel-18 cmdx <> channel-36 juno
  • Dig: channel-2 dig <> channel-37 juno
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am strangelove-ventures on github.
* I am strangelovefund ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASAWN1gf4XXzFIuaDdyfJoIOZhw4by59Q5E6nl5gjB6JIwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
jackzampolin /
Last active June 15, 2021 12:07
Whats going on in the Cosmos?


A lot of people have reached out to me over the last couple of weeks asking WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE COSMOS!? They have seen a lot of action on twitter with words like Stargate, IBC, and Luna Mission. This document is meant as an explainer with links to relevant blog posts and explainers. It is also meant as a timeline of the next few weeks to help Cosmonauts understand when and why things are happening.

What happened in 2020?

2020 was an incrediably productive year for the Cosmos ecosystem and the core teams in particular. We have been focused on shipping a version of the Cosmos Hub that includes a production version of Interblockchain Communication (IBC) as well as some material improvements around client integrations and performance (~100x-1000x). The feature set for that upgrade was finalized in Jan-Feb 2020 and the team has been working on it since. We had been close to a release before the holidays, but some bugs kept us from a release.

There are a lot of great explainer blog

relayer [master] :> rly tx clnts demo -d
I[2020-05-11|13:56:38.475] - [ibc0] -> creating client for [ibc1]header-height{45} trust-period(336h0m0s)
I[2020-05-11|13:56:38.586] - [ibc1] -> creating client for [ibc0]header-height{46} trust-period(336h0m0s)
I[2020-05-11|13:56:39.473] ✔ [ibc0]@{47} - msg(0:create_client) hash(035E672332440687D013055E63CAB273DDBF3D78EF65D6BADE56BA7B8CFA962B)
I[2020-05-11|13:56:39.732] ✔ [ibc1]@{47} - msg(0:create_client) hash(8A16D28FA1BC23E7F498E090D385EDE5C19393C234D528C67C1FB70068679F73)
I[2020-05-11|13:56:39.732] ★ Clients created: [ibc0]client(ibconeclient) and [ibc1]client(ibczeroclient)
relayer [master] :> rly tx conn demo -d
I[2020-05-11|13:56:48.264] - [ibc0]@{0}conn(ibconeconnection)-{STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED} : [ibc1]@{0}conn(ibczeroconnection)-{STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED}
I[2020-05-11|13:56:49.156] ✔ [ibc0]@{56} - msg(0:connection_open_init) hash(0A2D557430E1DBFBFD6CD34C46831135C6E01BA12C2F40CA08E67E01D5043233)
I[2020-05-11|13:56:58.267] - [ibc1]@{0}co
"total_count": "1",
"count": "1",
"page_number": "1",
"page_total": "1",
"limit": "30",
"txs": [
"height": "5388",
"txhash": "5A186DD84F6B4301D4F0A338608C8BDAC6ADAED0F134808F98BA596D91C37E07",
$ TEST_DEBUG=true make test-gaia
=== RUN TestGaiaToGaiaBasicTransfer
=== PAUSE TestGaiaToGaiaBasicTransfer
=== RUN TestGaiaToGaiaRelayUnRelayedPacketsOrderedChan
TestGaiaToGaiaRelayUnRelayedPacketsOrderedChan: relayer_gaia_test.go:62:
--- SKIP: TestGaiaToGaiaRelayUnRelayedPacketsOrderedChan (0.00s)
=== RUN TestGaiaToGaiaStreamingRelayer
=== PAUSE TestGaiaToGaiaStreamingRelayer
=== CONT TestGaiaToGaiaBasicTransfer
TestGaiaToGaiaBasicTransfer: relayer_gaia_test.go:22: