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Created October 14, 2024 12:37
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;; If you have to do any sophisticated time calculations, including
;; calendrical stuff (day of week, &c), you should obviously use a
;; library to handle that stuff. However, if you only need some simple
;; things it can be very useful to leave ISO 8601 formatted dates in
;; string representation...
;; gold/oz 1995-01-03 to 2016-11-10
(def data
(->> (slurp "")
(map #((juxt first (comp read-string second))
(clojure.string/split % #",")))
(into (sorted-map))))
(count data)
;;=> 5526
;; Because ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) dates sort lexicographically, we can
;; easily partition by year and month
(def data-yearly
(partition-by #(subs (first %) 0 4) data))
(count data-yearly)
;; => 22
;; average price per year, 1995-2016
(map #(let [prices (map second %)]
[(ffirst %) (/ (apply + prices) (count prices))])
;; =>
;; (["1995-01-03" 384.07063492063486]
;; ["1996-01-02" 387.7348425196852]
;; ["1997-01-02" 330.99683794466415]
;; ["1998-01-02" 294.1223320158102]
;; ["1999-01-04" 278.8626984126983]
;; ["2000-01-04" 279.2896825396827]
;; ["2001-01-02" 271.19011857707505]
;; ["2002-01-02" 310.07599206349204]
;; ["2003-01-02" 363.8316205533598]
;; ["2004-01-02" 409.5322834645669]
;; ["2005-01-04" 444.98789682539683]
;; ["2006-01-03" 604.3378968253966]
;; ["2007-01-02" 696.4312252964429]
;; ["2008-01-02" 872.3722440944882]
;; ["2009-01-02" 973.6581027667984]
;; ["2010-01-04" 1226.664624505929]
;; ["2011-01-04" 1573.1599601593628]
;; ["2012-01-03" 1668.857142857143]
;; ["2013-01-02" 1409.505928853755]
;; ["2014-01-02" 1266.0626482213438]
;; ["2015-01-02" 1159.8211462450597]
;; ["2016-01-04" 1261.2420091324207])
;; just as easy to group monthly
(def data-monthly
(partition-by #(subs (first %) 0 7) data))
(count data-monthly)
;;=> 263
;; N.B. weekly is harder! :)
;; range queries are super easy and clear when using strings
(def subset-1997+1998
(subseq data > "1997" < "1999"))
(count subset-1997+1998)
;;=> 506
;; and, of course, you can take windows easily with partition. here's
;; a moving average of the proceding five days for each day in the
;; selected year range.
(mapv (fn [chunk]
[(first (last chunk))
(let [prices (map second chunk)]
(/ (apply + prices) (count prices)))])
(partition 5 1 subset-1997+1998))
;;=> [["1997-01-08" 360.96]
;; ["1997-01-09" 358.29999999999995]
;; ["1997-01-10" 357.15]
;; ["1997-01-13" 357.21999999999997]
;; ["1997-01-14" 357.15] ...
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