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Last active March 13, 2024 00:29
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Dockerfile: ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

To avoid interactive prompts during the Docker image build process, you can set the DEBIAN_FRONTEND environment variable argument to "noninteractive." This prevents Debian-based package management tools, such as APT, from prompting for user input.

Example: Interactive Prompt during APT Package Installation

Suppose your Docker image needs the libglib2 package:

GLib is a library containing many useful C routines for things such as trees, hashes, lists, and strings. It is a useful general-purpose C library used by projects such as GTK+, GIMP, and GNOME.

Without the noninteractive mode set you will be prompted like this:

 => [9/9] RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libglib2.0
 => => # Please select the geographic area in which you live. Subsequent configuration
 => => # questions will narrow this down by presenting a list of cities, representing
 => => # the time zones in which they are located.
 => => #   1. Africa   3. Antarctica  5. Arctic  7. Atlantic  9. Indian    11. US
 => => #   2. America  4. Australia   6. Asia    8. Europe    10. Pacific  12. Etc
 => => # Geographic area:


Add the following line to your Dockerfile before the apt install command: ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

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jaamarks commented Mar 12, 2024

Don't use the ENV instruction because it will persist to all containers - which could cause some undesired consequences. Use ARG instead, which is only applicable to the Dockerfile during build.

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