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Created September 15, 2015 18:26
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Haven package frustrations
## Read Stata dataset with foreign
xf <- read.dta("")
## Read Stata dataset with haven
xh <- read_dta("")
str(xf) ## structure of foreign result is comprehensable
str(xh) ## structure of haven result is a cluttered mess
glimpse(xf) # works on foreign result
glimpse(xh) # doesn't work on haven result
## Error: `x` and `labels` must be same type
## Extracting metadata from foreign result is easy <- list(variables = data.frame(attributes(xf)[c("names", "var.labels", "formats")]),
values = attributes(xf)$label.table)
## Extracting metadata from haven result is harder but not too bad <- list(variables = data.frame(names = names(xh),
labels = sapply(xh, attr, which = "label")),
values = sapply(xh, attr, which = "labels"))
## The foreign package mostly distinguishes numeric
## from non-numeric columns correctly; the haven package
## doesn't even try, it just stores everthing as doubles
## and slaps labels on it.
(data.comparison <- data.frame(havenclass = sapply(xh, class),
foreignclass = sapply(xf, class),
haventype = sapply(xh, typeof),
foreigntype = sapply(xf, typeof),
description =$variables$var.labels))
## Cleaning up the haven result is difficult. As far as I can tell getting
## these data into a usable form (e.g., age should be an number,
## zodiac should be a factor or a character) requires examining
## each variable and manually converting it:
factor.vars <- c("sex", "usecomp", "usemail", "useweb", "hapmar", "happy", "rincome",
"income", "marital", "postlife", "pres96", "richwork", "satjob",
"spdeg", "spwrksta", "vote96", "wrkstat", "zodiac", "husbft",
num.vars <- setdiff(names(xh), factor.vars)
xh[num.vars] <- lapply(xh[num.vars], as.numeric)
xh[factor.vars] <- lapply(xh[factor.vars], as_factor)
## Well, I guess that wasn't so bad, but mostly that's because I cheated
## and looked at the output form the foreign package to make the list of
## factor variables.
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