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Last active February 7, 2024 10:30
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  • Save ivanperez-keera/570ffae3c1155572cc44d03cabc95b99 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Clean LaTeX Makefile
.PHONY: default
# Use texfot if available. Produces less output.
TEXFOT_ARGS=--no-interactive --ignore 'Underfull.*' --ignore 'Package polytable Warning: Redefining column' --ignore 'Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string' --ignore 'LaTeX Warning: .h. float specifier changed to .ht..'
TEXFOT=$(shell which texfot >/dev/null && echo texfot "${TEXFOT_ARGS}" || echo "")
# Use chronic if available. Removes output on zero exitcode.
CHRONIC=$(shell which chronic || echo "")
default: thesis.pdf
thesis.tex: thesis.lhs \
c-0-abstract.lhs \
c-0-acknow.lhs \
c-0-background.lhs \
c-0-introduction.lhs \
frptime.lhs \
macros.tex \
robust.tex \
title.tex \
toc.tex \
c-1-msfs.lhs \
c-1-msfs-frp.lhs \
c-1-msfs-usecase.lhs \
c-1-reactivevalues.lhs \
c-1-reactivevalues-experience.lhs \
c-9-relatedwork.lhs \
c-9-futurework.lhs \
c-9-appendix.lhs \
lhs2TeX -o $*.tex $*.lhs
# INFO: If the file repeatedly fails to compile, use:
# pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -file-line-error paper.tex
%.pdf: %.tex
@${CHRONIC} ${TEXFOT} pdflatex $<
@${TEXFOT} bibtex $(basename $<)
@${CHRONIC} ${TEXFOT} pdflatex $<
@${TEXFOT} pdflatex $<
# latexmk -g -pdf -pdflatex="${CHRONIC} ${TEXFOT} pdflatex" $<
# ${CHRONIC} ${TEXFOT} bibtex
# ${TEXFOT} pdflatex $<
# ${TEXFOT} pdflatex $<
rm -f *.pdf *.out *aux *bbl *blg *log *toc *.ptb *.tod *.fls *.fdb_latexmk *.lof
while true; do \
make -B $(WATCHMAKE); \
inotifywait --exclude '.*swx' --exclude '.*swp' --exclude '.*~' -qre close_write .; \
# Explanation for the following rule.
# We manually select files. You can do with *.lhs or something similar.
# cat is used to pipe the file. This makes aspell (the spell checker) run in non-interactive mode.
# aspell: use local dictionary, run in non-interactive mode (-a), check the file (-c), source is latex (-t), language variant.
# grep: eliminate aspell crap, empty lines, aspell suggested corrections.
# grep: eliminate line with Ispell version number.
# sed: turn lines of the form <word> <line> <column> into <file>:<line>:<column>:error:<word>. This integrates with
# editors better.
for i in c-0-abstract.lhs c-0-introduction.lhs ; do \
cat $$i | \
aspell --extra-dicts=$$PWD/.aspell.en.pws -a -c -t --lang=en_GB | \
grep -ve '^*' | grep -ve '^\s*$$' | sed -e 's/:.*//g' | \
grep -ve 'Ispell' | \
sed -e "s/\& \(.*\) \([0-9]\+\) \([0-9]\+\)$$/$$i: \2: \3: error: \1/g" | sort -g -t ':' -k 2 ; \
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