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Marisha Parker intrepidOlivia

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cvan /
Created May 9, 2017 00:12
"Post-symbolic communication" in Virtual Reality (from "You Are Not a Gadget")

"Post-symbolic communication" in Virtual Reality

I've selected a few important passages from Jaron Lanier's 2010 book, You Are Not a Gadget (pages 123-125) that speak specifically to "post-symbolic communication" in Virtual Reality (and the inspiration: cephalopods and neoteny).

The problem is that in order to morph in virtual reality, humans must design morph-ready avatars in laborious detail in advance.

We can learn to draw and paint, or use computer graphics design software, but we cannot generate images at the speed with which we can imagine them.

Suppose we had the ability to morph at will, as fast as we can think.