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Forked from Bloody-Badboy/
Created February 23, 2024 21:33
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EPSON L3250 Series Waste Ink Counter Reset Using SNMP Protocol (Remove Service Required)
import re
from easysnmp import Session
from pprint import pprint
from struct import pack, unpack
printer_ip = ""
session = Session(hostname=printer_ip, community="public", version=1, timeout=1)
password = [74, 54]
debug = False
def read_eeprom_addr(addr: int) -> str:
split_addr = unpack("BB", pack(">H", addr))
oids = f"{password[0]}.{password[1]}.65.190.160.{split_addr[1]}.{split_addr[0]}"
response = session.get(oids).value
response = re.findall(r"EE:[0-9A-F]{6}", response)[0][3:]
chk_addr = (int(response[:2], 16), int(response[2:4], 16))
value = response[4:6]
if split_addr != chk_addr:
raise ValueError(
f"Address and response address are not equal: {split_addr} != {chk_addr}"
if debug:
print(f"Address: {split_addr} {hex(addr)} Value: 0x{value}")
return value
def write_eeprom(addr: int, value: int):
split_addr = unpack("BB", pack(">H", addr))
value_before = read_eeprom_addr(addr)
oids = f"{password[0]}.{password[1]}.66.189.33.{split_addr[1]}.{split_addr[0]}.{value}."
value_after = read_eeprom_addr(addr)
if debug:
f"Address: {split_addr} {hex(addr)}, Value Before: 0x{value_before}. Value After: 0x{value_after}"
if value != int(value_after, 16):
raise ValueError(
f"Failed to write value to Address {split_addr} {hex(addr)}, Value:{value}"
def read_eeprom_multi(addrs: list[int]) -> list[str]:
return [read_eeprom_addr(oid) for oid in addrs]
def transform_addrs(base_addr: int, end_addrs: list[int]):
return list(map(lambda n: ((base_addr << 8) | (n & 0xFF)), end_addrs))
def read_error_logs():
for i in range(0, 5):
address = [32 + (2 * i), 32 + (2 * i) + 1]
address = transform_addrs(0x1, address[::-1])
code = int("".join(read_eeprom_multi(address)), 16)
print(f"Last printer falal error code {i+1} : {code} ({hex(code)})")
for i in range(0, 5):
address = [39 + (1 * i)]
address = transform_addrs(0x7, address[::-1])
code = int("".join(read_eeprom_multi(address)), 16)
print(f"Last printer scanner error code {i+1} : {code} ({hex(code)})")
for i in range(0, 5):
address = [244 + (2 * i), 244 + (2 * i) + 1]
address = transform_addrs(0x7, address[::-1])
code = int("".join(read_eeprom_multi(address)), 16)
print(f"Last general scanner error code {i+1} : {code} ({hex(code)})")
def reset_error_logs():
for i in range(0, 5):
address = [32 + (2 * i), 32 + (2 * i) + 1]
address = transform_addrs(0x1, address[::-1])
write_eeprom(address[0], 0x0)
write_eeprom(address[1], 0x0)
for i in range(0, 5):
address = [39 + (1 * i)]
address = transform_addrs(0x7, address[::-1])
write_eeprom(address[0], 0x0)
for i in range(0, 5):
address = [244 + (2 * i), 244 + (2 * i) + 1]
address = transform_addrs(0x7, address[::-1])
write_eeprom(address[0], 0x0)
write_eeprom(address[1], 0x0)
def read_waste_counter():
waste_counter1 = int(
"".join(read_eeprom_multi(addrs=transform_addrs(0x0, [48, 49][::-1]))), 16
waste_counter2 = int(
"".join(read_eeprom_multi(addrs=transform_addrs(0x0, [50, 51][::-1]))), 16
waste_counter3 = int(
"".join(read_eeprom_multi(addrs=transform_addrs(0x0, [252, 253][::-1]))), 16
print(f"Waste Counter 1 : {(waste_counter1 / 6345) * 100}%")
print(f"Waste Counter 2 : {(waste_counter2 / 3416) * 100}%")
print(f"Waste Counter 3 : {(waste_counter3 / 1300) * 100}%")
model = session.get("").value
serial = "".join(
chr(int(value, 16))
for value in read_eeprom_multi(
addrs=transform_addrs(0x6, [68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77])
print(f"Device Model: {model}")
print(f"Serial No: {serial}")
# reset_error_logs()
# waste counters [two bytes]
for value in transform_addrs(0x0, [48, 49, 50, 51, 252, 253]):
write_eeprom(value, 0)
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