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Forked from paulchubatyy/pipeline.groovy
Created January 29, 2019 19:41
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Jenkins pipeline to read the repository list for Github Organization and create multibranch pipeline projects for them
import org.kohsuke.github.*
* This pipeline uses the Jenkins Job DSL plugin to create the multi-branch pipelines
* for your Github Organization repositories.
* @see
* It does not consumes 5k requests in 6 minutes, but actually queries the Github API
* for the repositories in organization and creates the Multi-Branch Pipelines in Jenkins.
* Usually I will never recommend you executing any pipelines copy-pasted from the Internet.
* But this one should definitely be an exception of the rule
* Because the job must be done.
* @see
* Please read carefully before running
// Redefine these variables for your installation
String folder = 'Tmp' // folder to put your jobs into
String githubLogin = 'john-smith' // github user login
String githubPassword = 'super-duper-password' // github user personal access token
String githubOrganization = 'ACME Incorporated' // github organization
String scanCredentials = 'scan-github-access' // credentials for scanning repository
String checkoutCredentials = 'checkout-github-access' // credentials for repository checkout
String includes = '*' // What branches to include
String excludes = '' // What branches to exclude
String numToKeep = '5' // Number of recent builds to keep. -1 for all of them
String daysToKeep = '10' // Number of days to keep recent builds. -1 for forever
// Please note that these are boolean, but you have to stringify them
String forkPr = 'true|false' // Build fork PRs separately
String forkPrMerge = 'true|false' // Build fork PRs after being merged to target branch
String originBranch = 'true|false' // Build origin branches
String originBranchWithPr = 'true|false' // Build origin branches files as PRs
String originPrHead = 'true|false' // Build origin PRs (unmerged head).
String originPrMerge = 'true|false' // Build origin PRs (merged with base branch).
// Not much to edit below, but don't trust anyone and read it
String folderSource = '''
folder(':folder:') {
description('Repository jobs for :organization: Github Organization')
String dslSource = '''
multibranchPipelineJob(':folder:/:jobName:') {
branchSources {
github {
// Build fork PRs (merged with base branch).
// Build origin branches.
// Build origin branches also filed as PRs.
// Build origin PRs (unmerged head).
// Build origin PRs (merged with base branch).
orphanedItemStrategy {
discardOldItems {
List dslScripts = []
int rateLimitBefore = 0
node('master') {
stage('Scan') {
GitHub github = GitHub.connectUsingPassword(githubLogin, githubPassword)
rateLimitBefore = github.getRateLimit().remaining
echo "API requests before: ${rateLimitBefore}"
// you can say that using .each({ repo -> .... }) would make sense
// I would say that too.
// But Jenkins does not agree with us
// so @see:
List repositories = github.getOrganization(githubOrganization).listRepositories(100).asList()
for (int i = 0; i < repositories.size(); i++) {
def repo = repositories[i]
echo "Scanning repository ${repo.getFullName()}"
String name = repo.getName()
// this is called Elvis Operator
String description = repo.getDescription() ?: ''
// Prepare the template
String dslScript = dslSource.replaceAll(':folder:', folder)
.replaceAll(':organization:', githubOrganization)
.replaceAll(':repository:', name)
.replaceAll(':jobName:', name)
.replaceAll(':description:', description)
.replaceAll(':scanCredentials:', scanCredentials)
.replaceAll(':checkoutCredentials:', checkoutCredentials)
.replaceAll(':includes:', includes)
.replaceAll(':excludes:', excludes)
.replaceAll(':numToKeep:', numToKeep)
.replaceAll(':daysToKeep:', daysToKeep)
.replaceAll(':forkPr:', forkPr)
.replaceAll(':forkPrMerge:', forkPrMerge)
.replaceAll(':originBranch:', originBranch)
.replaceAll(':originBranchWithPr:', originBranchWithPr)
.replaceAll(':originPrHead:', originPrHead)
.replaceAll(':originPrMerge:', originPrMerge)
dslScripts.add dslScript
stage('Create jobs') {
// Anything generated?
if (dslScripts.size() > 0) {
// Add folder dsl
String folderDsl = folderSource.replaceAll(':folder:', folder)
.replaceAll(':organization:', githubOrganization)
// Put it all together
String dslOutput = folderDsl + dslScripts.join('\n')
// Write the dsl to generate the jobs
// If you would like to write the file in the scope where github, repositories and repo variables are present
// you will get stuck with again.
writeFile(file: 'sourceOfGeneratedJobs.groovy', text: dslOutput)
// Generate the jobs
jobDsl failOnMissingPlugin: true, unstableOnDeprecation: true, targets: 'sourceOfGeneratedJobs.groovy'
// Archive the artifacts
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'sourceOfGeneratedJobs.groovy', fingerprint: true, onlyIfSuccessful: true)
} else {
echo "Well-well-well, nothing has been generated for you. Exactly 0 repositories were found in ${githubOrganization} Github organization."
int rateLimitAfter = GitHub.connectUsingPassword(githubLogin, githubPassword).getRateLimit().remaining
echo "API requests after: ${rateLimitAfter}"
int consumed = rateLimitBefore - rateLimitAfter
echo "API requests consumed: ${consumed}"
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