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Last active August 1, 2024 23:38
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An AWK script that supresses terraform helm_release metadata attributes


The terraform helm provider is rather noisy printing unnecessary metadata in the plan output making it hard to review changes. This awk script redacts unnecessary field from the output to make it easier to review.


terraform plan -out plan.tfplan | awk -f supress_helm_release.awk
terraform show -no-color plan.tfplan | awk -f supress_helm_release.awk
BEGIN { in_block = 0; redact = 0 }
/^(\[0m)? (\[3[123]m)?[~+-](\[0m\[0m)? resource "helm_release" "[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+" {$/ { in_block = 1; print; next }
in_block && /^ }$/ { in_block = 0; redact = 0; print; next }
in_block && /^ (\[3[123]m)?[~+-](\[0m\[0m)? (metadata|values) +=/ { redact = 1; next }
in_block && redact && /^ (\[3[123]m)?[~+-](\[0m\[0m)? [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/ { redact = 0; print; next }
redact { next }
{ print }
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