(..but I wish I had)
- how to run a meeting:
- Have an agenda & a goal to accomplish.
- http://leancoffee.org
- unconference http://unconference.net/how-to-diy-unconference/
- comp sci:
- unit testing
- parameter testing
- source control
- systems thinking
- generate ideas:
- Edward de Bono's principles of innovation
- intersect datasets (that's where interesting things happen)
- look for constraints (too weak, too complicated) This is how engineers innovate, q.v. TRIZ
- questions that are useful:
- three questions: What do you want to improve? What will you change? How do you know it worked?
- If you're wrong, how would you know?
- What will make a relationship for you? What will break a relationship?
- Anscombe's quartet. Interocular inspection. Try to get a look at what is happening: profiling, visualize data, some second opinion.
- DevOps, After action review, Field Guide to 'Human Error'
- git for 4 and up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ffBJ4sVUb4
- Inventing on principle:
- find a guiding principle for your work, for your life
- pyschopath code: https://legacy.gitbook.com/book/hintjens/psychopathcode/details
- wardley maps for strategy: https://medium.com/wardleymaps/on-being-lost-2ef5f05eb1ec
- Demming: "Drive out fear"
- six thinking hats:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=719k6SqjAV0
- vim
Cool list...I'm going to think about this a bit today.