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Created December 24, 2015 13:54
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var alexa = require('alexa-traffic-rank'),//including alexa traffic rank node js module to get data from
mongoose = require('mongoose'); // including mongoose node js module to connect MongoDB
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test'); // this url should be your mongoDB url
var db = mongoose.connection, // Database connection object
schema = mongoose.Schema({}, {collection: 'AlexaDailyTracks', strict: false, versionKey: false}); // Defining MongoDB Schema
// this code run if you fail to connect database
db.on('error', function(error) {
console.error('connection error')
// this code run when you success fully connect to your mongodb database
db.once('open', function() {'success connection to database');
// This script will run once in 24 hour
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000*60*60*24);
// uncomment this if you want to track your alexa rank Daily 3 time in a day
/*setInterval(function() {
}, 1000*60*60*8);*/
function getDataAndSave() {
// enter site url that you want track alexa rank
var url = '';
//using alexa-traffic-rank module function to get website data
alexa.AlexaWebData(url, function(error, alexaData) {
// if error not found than
// simply adding date and time to data that we got from, so you can come to know when data is saved in your database
alexaData.savedOn =;
// uncomment in-case if you are tracking multiple site data than, i recommend add site url with alexa data, so you can understand which rank is belong to which website
// alexaData.siteUrl = url;
// creating mongoose model
var data = mongoose.model('AlexaDailyTracks', schema);
// savig dta to data base
data.create(alexaData, function (error, saved) {
console.log(' Data Saved: '+saved.savedOn);
console.log('data not saved: '+JSON.stringify(error)+' and your data is: '+JSON.stringify(alexaData));
// this code will run, when your script fail to get data from
console.error('can not get data from '+ JSON.stringify(error));
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