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ilyich-erd /
Last active July 23, 2021 15:40
Green Pass iOS Shortcut


Make your Green Pass more accessible with iOS shortcuts 🟢

Save time when you have to show your Green Pass by using you iPhone superpowers.

Usage guide

Upcoming Matches ⚽

This easy widget let's you see upcoming matches of your favourite football team.


  1. Copy this code in a new script in Scriptable app
  2. Find teamId here:
  3. Find league id: some league abbreviation (EX: 'eng.1' for EPL, 'usa.1' for MLS, 'ned.1' for Dutch Eredivisie)
  4. Change competitionId variable (line 4) with your competition id
  5. Change teamId variable (line 5) with your favourite team id