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Created March 4, 2022 08:03
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Recurse into hashes
F recurse_hash(h:Hash, cb:Fun) {
F is_not_hash(x) x is not Hash -> F(val, ctx) {
cb(val, ctx._path)
test("recurse_hash(Hash, Fun) sum", {
h = {
'a': {'b': 2}
'c': 3
sum = collector/0 {
recurse_hash(h, F(val, _path) collect(val))
# Shorter alternative to the above line:
# recurse_hash(h, collect(X))
assert(sum, 5)
F recurse_hash(h:Hash, pa:PatternAction) {
F is_not_hash(x) x is not Hash -> F(val, ctx) {
if val =~ pa.pattern {
pa::action(val, ctx._path)
test("recurse_hash(Hash, PatternAction) sum", {
h = {
'a': {'b': 2}
'c': 3
'd': 'a string'
'e': 10
r = Result({ collector/0 recurse_hash(h, F(val, _path) collect(val)) })
assert(r, Failure)
assert(r, {'val': MethodNotFound})
assert(r, {'val': {'args': [5, 'a string']}})
sum = collector/0 recurse_hash(h, Int -> F(val, _path) collect(val))
assert(sum, 15)
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rdje commented Mar 5, 2022

Hi IIya,

Thank you for considering implementing this deep hash-based data structure's walk method.

From what I understand, this recurse_hash() has 2 variants

  • One that accepts a Fun object as its 2nd argument
  • One that accepts a PatternAction object as its 2nd argument
    • I guess the PatternAction is a comprise because in my FR both the condition or pattern and the Action which I called closure were closures

To be honest, I don't understand all of your test examples yet, but that's ok for now.

Well done!

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