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Last active August 3, 2024 16:44
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  • Save illepic/32b8ad914f1dc80446c7e81c3be4e286 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save illepic/32b8ad914f1dc80446c7e81c3be4e286 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Download the latest release binary from a private GitHub repo. (i.e. a .tar.gz that you have manually uploaded in a GitHub release). Update OAUTH_TOKEN, OWNER, REPO, FILE_NAME with your custom values.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Authorize to GitHub to get the latest release tar.gz
# Requires: oauth token,
# Requires: jq package to parse json
# Your oauth token goes here, see link above
# Repo owner (user id)
# Repo name
# The file name expected to download. This is deleted before curl pulls down a new one
# Concatenate the values together for a
# Gets info on latest release, gets first uploaded asset id of a release,
# More info on jq being used to parse json:
ASSET_ID=$(curl $API_URL/releases/latest | jq -r '.assets[0].id')
echo "Asset ID: $ASSET_ID"
# curl does not allow overwriting file from -O, nuke
rm -f $FILE_NAME
# curl:
# -O: Use name provided from endpoint
# -J: "Content Disposition" header, in this case "attachment"
# -L: Follow links, we actually get forwarded in this request
# -H "Accept: application/octet-stream": Tells api we want to dl the full binary
curl -O -J -L -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" "$API_URL/releases/assets/$ASSET_ID"
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I am getting

parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 9

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Alkanov commented Nov 12, 2019

Awesome! Worked like a charm

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Alkanov commented Nov 13, 2019

How can we change this so we can pull the latest pre-release?

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Great! Worked fine for private repo. Thanks for putting this out.

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Thanks!! Worked 100%.

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I wanted to download all of the files for a named release, so I rewrote this to make multiple requests and iterate over files:

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