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Last active May 18, 2022 16:45
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  • Save igorw/42bd2ea44c8fcc73232a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save igorw/42bd2ea44c8fcc73232a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// AVL tree
class Node {
public $value;
public $left;
public $right;
public $height;
function __construct($value, Node $left = null, Node $right = null, $height = 1) {
$this->value = $value;
$this->left = $left;
$this->right = $right;
$this->height = $height;
function node($value, Node $left = null, Node $right = null, $height = 1) {
return new Node($value, $left, $right, $height);
function node_height(Node $node = null) {
return $node ? $node->height : 0;
function balance_factor(Node $node) {
return node_height($node->left) - node_height($node->right);
function rotate_left(Node $node) {
$a = $node->left;
$b = $node->right->left;
$c = $node->right->right;
$height = max(node_height($a), node_height($b)) + 1;
return node(
node($node->value, $a, $b, $height),
max($height, node_height($c)) + 1
function rotate_right(Node $node) {
$b = $node->left->left;
$c = $node->left->right;
$d = $node->right;
$height = max(node_height($c), node_height($d)) + 1;
return node(
node($node->value, $c, $d, $height),
max($height, node_height($b)) + 1
function replace_left(Node $node, Node $new_left = null, $height = null) {
return node(
$height ?: $node->height
function replace_right(Node $node, Node $new_right = null, $height = null) {
return node(
$height ?: $node->height
function retrace(Node $node) {
$balance_factor = balance_factor($node);
$balance_factor_left = $node->left ? balance_factor($node->left) : 0;
$balance_factor_right = $node->right ? balance_factor($node->right) : 0;
if ($balance_factor === 2) {
if ($balance_factor_left === -1) {
$node = replace_left($node, rotate_left($node->left));
return rotate_right($node);
if ($balance_factor_left === 1) {
return rotate_right($node);
if ($balance_factor === -2) {
if ($balance_factor_right === 1) {
$node = replace_right($node, rotate_right($node->right));
return rotate_left($node);
if ($balance_factor_right === -1) {
return rotate_left($node);
return $node;
function insert($root, $value) {
if (is_null($root)) {
return node($value);
if ($value < $root->value) {
$new_left = insert($root->left, $value);
return retrace(replace_left(
max(node_height($new_left), node_height($root->right)) + 1
$new_right = insert($root->right, $value);
return retrace(replace_right(
max(node_height($root->left), node_height($new_right)) + 1
// var_dump(node(5));
// var_dump(insert(node(5), 6));
// var_dump(insert(insert(node(5), 6), 7));
// var_dump(insert(insert(insert(node(5), 6), 7), 2));
// $node = node(0);
// foreach (range(1, 100000) as $i) {
// if ($i % 2 == 0) {
// $node = insert($node, $i);
// }
// }
// foreach (range(1, 100000) as $i) {
// if ($i % 2 == 1) {
// $node = insert($node, $i);
// }
// }
// var_dump($node->height);
$node = node(0);
foreach (range(1, 100000) as $i) {
$node = insert($node, $i);
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