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Created October 24, 2020 23:17
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nHentai API Endpoint findings

Api endpoints


${id} = the name in the url of the doujin itself

normal api

image + metadata api

image baselink

${gallery_id} = the gallery id you get from the api
${image_number} = number of the image (e.g. 1 if you want the first)
${file_extension} = file extentsion (png, jpg...)${gallery_id}/${image_number}.${file_extension}

why use link collections

for one you can simply pass the collection from the resonse object
but than there is the issue that nhentai dot com sometimes has the untranslated images
on the same gallery id just with a diffrent file extension.
Be sure to use the image + metadata api if you wanna download the doujin as it's visible on the site

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