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Last active August 2, 2017 13:17
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Get notifications when there are migrations that need to be run in a Rails project:

Copy pending_migrations_check.rb and to your project in folder git_hooks/.

Install post-merge and post-checkout git hooks:

chmod +x git-hooks/ && ./git-hooks/

You can specify colors and auto run migrations by editing your .git/config file, for example:

  automigrate = true
  automigrateforegroundcolor = yellow
  automigratebackgroundcolor = black

Supported colors are black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white

chmod +x git-hooks/pending_migrations_check.rb
cd .git/hooks
ln -is ../../git-hooks/pending_migrations_check.rb post-merge
ln -is ../../git-hooks/pending_migrations_check.rb post-checkout
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# To install run:
# chmod +x git-hooks/ && ./git-hooks/
# This script checks if there was new migrations after git pull (by rebase too), git checkout.
# Default behaviour is simple warning, to run migrations automatically specify it in .git/config.
# Example of .git/config
# [rails]
# automigrate = true
# automigrateforegroundcolor = yellow
# automigratebackgroundcolor = black
COLOR_MAPPINGS = {black: 0,
red: 1,
green: 2,
yellow: 3,
blue: 4,
magenta: 5,
cyan: 6,
white: 7}
def console_color(color, default)
COLOR_MAPPINGS[color.to_s.downcase.gsub("\n", '').to_sym] || COLOR_MAPPINGS[default]
def puts_colored(text)
@fg_color ||= console_color(`git config rails.automigrateforegroundcolor`, :yellow)
@bg_color ||= console_color(`git config rails.automigratebackgroundcolor`, :black)
puts "\e[0;1;3#{@fg_color};4#{@bg_color}m#{text}\e[0m"
if `git diff --name-only HEAD@{1} HEAD`.index('db/migrate')
automigrate = `git config rails.automigrate`.index('true')
if automigrate
puts_colored('Migrating Database... Please wait.')
`rake db:migrate db:test:prepare`
puts_colored('Done migrating database.')
puts_colored('There are pending migrations.')
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