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Created June 3, 2011 22:05
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Save iandees/1007256 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An OSM "weirdness" detector: Reads minutely/hourly diffs and looks for oddly-shaped ways or ways that don't quite make sense.
import sys
import urllib2
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
import simplejson as json
from datetime import datetime
import StringIO
import gzip
import time
import math
# Parse the diff and write out a simplified version
class OscHandler():
def __init__(self):
self.changes = {}
self.nodes = {}
self.ways = {}
self.relations = {}
self.action = ""
self.primitive = {}
self.missingNds = set()
def startElement(self, name, attributes):
if name in ('modify', 'delete', 'create'):
self.action = name
if name in ('node', 'way', 'relation'):
self.primitive['id'] = int(attributes['id'])
self.primitive['version'] = int(attributes['version'])
self.primitive['changeset'] = int(attributes['changeset'])
self.primitive['user'] = attributes.get('user')
self.primitive['timestamp'] = isoToTimestamp(attributes['timestamp'])
self.primitive['tags'] = {}
self.primitive['action'] = self.action
if name == 'node':
self.primitive['lat'] = float(attributes['lat'])
self.primitive['lon'] = float(attributes['lon'])
elif name == 'tag':
key = attributes['k']
val = attributes['v']
self.primitive['tags'][key] = val
elif name == 'way':
self.primitive['nodes'] = []
elif name == 'relation':
self.primitive['members'] = []
elif name == 'nd':
ref = int(attributes['ref'])
if ref not in self.nodes:
elif name == 'member':
'type': attributes['type'],
'role': attributes['role'],
'ref': attributes['ref']
def endElement(self, name):
if name == 'node':
self.nodes[self.primitive['id']] = self.primitive
elif name == 'way':
self.ways[self.primitive['id']] = self.primitive
elif name == 'relation':
self.relations[self.primitive['id']] = self.primitive
if name in ('node', 'way', 'relation'):
self.primitive = {}
def isoToTimestamp(isotime):
t = datetime.strptime(isotime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
return time.mktime(t.timetuple())
def distanceBetweenNodes(node1, node2):
dlat = math.fabs(node1['lat'] - node2['lat'])
dlon = math.fabs(node1['lon'] - node2['lon'])
return math.hypot(dlat, dlon)
def angleBetweenNodes(a, b, c):
d = ((a * a) + (b * b) - (c * c)) / (2.0 * a * b)
if 1.0 - d < 0.00001:
d = 1.0
elif 1.0 + d < 0.00001:
d = -1.0
return math.degrees(math.acos(d))
def requestNodes(ndlist):
url = "" % (",".join(map(str, ndlist)))
content = urllib2.urlopen(url)
return content
def parseOsm(source, handler):
for event, elem in ElementTree.iterparse(source, events=('start', 'end')):
if event == 'start':
handler.startElement(elem.tag, elem.attrib)
elif event == 'end':
# from
def grouper( page_size, iterable ):
page= []
for item in iterable:
page.append( item )
if len(page) == page_size:
yield page
page= []
yield page
# from
def sliceIterator(lst, sliceLen):
for i in range(len(lst) - sliceLen + 1):
yield lst[i:i + sliceLen]
def minutelyUpdateRun():
# Read the state.txt
sf = open('state.txt', 'r')
state = {}
for line in sf:
if line[0] == '#':
(k, v) = line.split('=')
state[k] = v.strip().replace("\\:", ":")
minuteNumber = int(isoToTimestamp(state['timestamp'])) / 60
print "Minute Number: %s" % (minuteNumber)
# Grab the sequence number and build a URL out of it
sqnStr = state['sequenceNumber'].zfill(9)
url = "" % (sqnStr[0:3], sqnStr[3:6], sqnStr[6:9])
print "Downloading change file (%s)." % (url)
content = urllib2.urlopen(url)
content = StringIO.StringIO(
gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=content)
print "Parsing change file."
handler = OscHandler()
parseOsm(gzipper, handler)
# Fetch from jxapi the nodes that weren't in the changeset
print "Filling in %d missing nodes." % (len(handler.missingNds))
ndchunk = []
for group in grouper(350, handler.missingNds):
parseOsm(requestNodes(group), handler)
# Now that we have the data in memory, start looking for suspicious-looking changes
print "%d nodes, %d ways, %d relations." % (len(handler.nodes), len(handler.ways), len(handler.relations))
print "Detecting problems."
## Ways should not have bends > 95deg in them
for way in handler.ways.itervalues():
if way['action'] == 'delete':
# Skip deleted ways for now
prevNode = None
nds = way['nodes']
ndCount = len(nds)
if ndCount <= 1:
print "Action was %s" % (way['action'])
print "!!! Way %d consists of one or fewer nodes." % (way['id'])
elif ndCount == 2:
node1 = handler.nodes[nds[0]]
node2 = handler.nodes[nds[1]]
except KeyError, e:
print "Node %s was not found in way %d. Skipping." % (e, way['id'])
if distanceBetweenNodes(node1, node2) > 0.3:
print "!!! Way %d consists of two nodes that are far apart." % (way['id'])
totalAngle = 0.0
for ndSlice in sliceIterator(nds, 3):
nd1 = ndSlice[0]
nd2 = ndSlice[1]
nd3 = ndSlice[2]
A = handler.nodes[nd1]
B = handler.nodes[nd3]
C = handler.nodes[nd2]
except KeyError, e:
print "Node %s was not found in way %d. Skipping." % (e, way['id'])
a = distanceBetweenNodes(C, B)
b = distanceBetweenNodes(C, A)
c = distanceBetweenNodes(A, B)
if 0.0 in (a, b, c):
if a == 0.0:
print "!!! Way %d has nodes %d and %d that overlap." % (way['id'], nd2, nd3)
if b == 0.0:
print "!!! Way %d has nodes %d and %d that overlap." % (way['id'], nd1, nd3)
if c == 0.0:
print "!!! Way %d has nodes %d and %d that overlap." % (way['id'], nd1, nd2)
totalAngle = totalAngle + angleBetweenNodes(a, b, c)
except ValueError, e:
print "a=%f b=%f c=%f" % (a, b, c)
raise e
averageAngle = totalAngle / (len(nds) - 2)
#print "Way %d has average angle %f." % (way['id'], averageAngle)
if averageAngle < 75.0 or averageAngle > 195.0:
print "!!! Way %d is abnormally shaped with an average angle of %f." % (way['id'], averageAngle)
# Download the next state file
nextSqn = int(state['sequenceNumber']) + 1
sqnStr = str(nextSqn).zfill(9)
url = "" % (sqnStr[0:3], sqnStr[3:6], sqnStr[6:9])
u = urllib2.urlopen(url)
statefile = open('state.txt', 'w')
except Exception, e:
print e
return False
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
result = minutelyUpdateRun()
while result is True:
result = minutelyUpdateRun()
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