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Created October 18, 2020 09:57
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coc.nvim debug log
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -1,nvim_get_api_info,[]
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -2,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received request: 1,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -1,[
"functions": [
"name": "nvim_buf_attach"
"name": "nvim_get_mode"
"name": "nvim_list_runtime_paths"
"name": "nvim_win_del_var"
"name": "nvim_tabpage_list_wins"
"name": "nvim_buf_del_var"
"name": "nvim_buf_get_mark"
"name": "nvim_tabpage_set_var"
"name": "nvim_create_namespace"
"name": "nvim_win_get_position"
"name": "nvim_win_set_height"
"name": "nvim_call_atomic"
"name": "nvim_buf_detach"
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"name": "nvim_tabpage_is_valid"
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"name": "nvim_err_write"
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"name": "nvim_call_dict_function"
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"name": "nvim_unsubscribe"
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"name": "nvim_set_client_info"
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"name": "nvim_win_set_option"
"name": "nvim_eval"
"name": "nvim_tabpage_get_var"
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"name": "nvim_tabpage_del_var"
"name": "nvim_buf_get_name"
"name": "nvim_list_bufs"
"name": "nvim_win_set_buf"
"name": "nvim_win_close"
"name": "nvim_command_output"
"name": "nvim_command"
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"name": "nvim_win_set_var"
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"name": "nvim_buf_set_var"
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"name": "nvim_err_writeln"
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"name": "nvim_list_tabpages"
"name": "nvim_set_option"
"name": "nvim_buf_get_lines"
"name": "nvim_buf_get_changedtick"
"name": "nvim_win_get_tabpage"
"name": "nvim_call_function"
"name": "nvim_buf_is_valid"
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -1,114ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -2,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -2,111ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
"major": 0,
"minor": 0,
"patch": 79
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -3,nvim_get_vvar,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -3,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -3,0ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -4,nvim_eval,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -5,nvim_eval,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -4,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -4,0ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response of client cost: 1,14ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
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"state": "unknown",
"packageJSON": {
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"description": "eslint extension for coc",
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"activationEvents": [
"contributes": {
"commands": [
"title": "Fix all auto-fixable problems",
"category": "ESLint",
"command": "eslint.executeAutofix"
"title": "Create a '.eslintrc' config file",
"category": "ESLint",
"command": "eslint.createConfig"
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"title": "Eslint",
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"eslint.enable": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true,
"description": "enable lint for files."
"eslint.quiet": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": false,
"description": "Turns on quiet mode, which ignores warnings."
"eslint.nodeEnv": {
"type": [
"default": null,
"description": "The value of NODE_ENV to use when running eslint tasks."
"eslint.trace.server": {
"type": "string",
"default": "off",
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"type": "array",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "string"
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"default": [
"items": {
"type": "string"
"eslint.packageManager": {
"type": "string",
"default": "npm",
"enum": [
"": {
"type": "string",
"default": "onType",
"enum": [
"eslint.runtime": {
"type": [
"default": null,
"description": "The location of the node binary to run ESLint under."
"eslint.nodePath": {
"type": [
"default": null,
"description": "A path added to NODE_PATH when resolving the eslint module."
"eslint.autoFix": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true,
"description": "Enable auto fix feature"
"eslint.options": {
"scope": "resource",
"type": "object",
"default": {},
"description": "The eslint options object to provide args normally passed to eslint when executed from a command line (see"
"eslint.autoFixOnSave": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"eslint.autoFixSkipRules": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"default": [],
"description": "Rules that should be skipped when autofixing."
"eslint.codeAction.disableRuleComment": {
"scope": "resource",
"type": "object",
"default": {
"enable": true,
"location": "separateLine"
"properties": {
"enable": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true,
"description": "Show the disable code actions."
"location": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"default": "separateLine",
"description": "Configure the disable rule code action to insert the comment on the same line or a new line."
"eslint.codeAction.showDocumentation": {
"scope": "resource",
"type": "object",
"default": {
"enable": true
"properties": {
"enable": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true,
"description": "Show the documentation code actions."
"author": "[email protected]",
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
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"@types/eslint": "^7.2.2",
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"description": "Json extension for coc.nvim",
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"keywords": [
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"coc": ">= 0.0.70"
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf lib",
"watch": "webpack --watch",
"build": "webpack",
"prepare": "npx npm-run-all clean build"
"activationEvents": [
"contributes": {
"configuration": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Json",
"properties": {
"json.enable": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true,
"description": "Enable json server"
"json.trace.server": {
"type": "string",
"default": "off",
"enum": [
"json.execArgv": {
"type": "array",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "string"
"json.format.enable": {
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"default": true,
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"json.schemas": {
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"default": [],
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"fileMatch": {
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"type": "string",
"default": "MyFile.json"
"minItems": 1,
"description": "File pattern to match."
"schema": {
"$ref": "",
"description": "Url of json schema, support file/url protocol."
"author": "[email protected]",
"license": "MIT",
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"@chemzqm/tslint-config": "^1.0.18",
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11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -5,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -5,2ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -6,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -6,[
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"guicursor": "n-v-c:block-Cursor/lCursor,ve:ver35-Cursor,o:hor50-Cursor,i-ci:ver25-Cursor/lCursor,r-cr:hor20-Cursor/lCursor,sm:block-Cursor-blinkwait175-blinkoff150-blinkon175"
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -6,25ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -7,nvim_list_bufs,[]
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -7,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -7,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -8,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -8,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -8,0ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -9,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -10,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -11,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -12,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -13,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -14,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -15,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -16,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -17,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -18,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -19,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -20,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -21,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -22,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -9,[
"changedtick": 4,
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"eol": 1,
"previewwindow": false,
"bufname": "innovatrix/images/api/service/services/CampaignService.js",
"fullpath": "/home/channi16/imec/innovatrix/images/api/service/services/CampaignService.js",
"filetype": "javascript.jsx",
"buftype": "",
"iskeyword": "@,48-57,_,192-255,$",
"size": 51559
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -9,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -10,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -10,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -11,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -11,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -12,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -12,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -13,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -13,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -14,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -14,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -15,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -15,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -16,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -16,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -17,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -17,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -18,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -18,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -19,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -19,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -20,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -20,0ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -23,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -21,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -21,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -22,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -22,1ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -23,[
"const log4js = require('log4js');",
"const { config } = require('cargo-service');",
"const { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');",
"const moment = require('moment-timezone');",
"const {",
" addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,",
" addUserToDxAuth,",
" getAllPossibleReviewers,",
" getPossibleCampaignManagers,",
" getScopedRightsForUser,",
" getUserFromDxAuth,",
" getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,",
"} = require('./_duxisAuthService');",
"const DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');",
"const {",
"} = require('../constants/intakes');",
"const log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');",
"const SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);",
"const PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);",
"function transformCampaign({",
" assessment_flows_group_id,",
" created_by,",
" created_on,",
" decision_date,",
" end_date,",
" has_evaluative_phases,",
" intake_end_date,",
" intake_start_date,",
" intake_type,",
" pitch_end,",
" pitch_start,",
" start_date,",
" updated_by,",
" updated_on,",
"}) {",
" return {",
" assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,",
" createdBy: created_by,",
" createdOn: created_on,",
" decisionDate: decision_date,",
" endDate: end_date,",
" hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,",
" intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,",
" intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,",
" intakeType: intake_type,",
" pitchEnd: pitch_end,",
" pitchStart: pitch_start,",
" startDate: start_date,",
" updatedBy: updated_by,",
" updatedOn: updated_on,",
" };",
"class CampaignService {",
" constructor(store) {",
" = store;",
" this.tableName = 'campaigns';",
" this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();",
" }",
" async createCampaigns(data, trx) {",
" try {",
"'Writing campaigns...');",
" const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('title', 'Pre-selection');",
" const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('title', 'Selection');",
" const projectPhase = await trx('phases')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('title', 'Project');",
" let preSelId = uuid();",
" let selId = uuid();",
" let projectPhaseId = uuid();",
" if (preSelectionPhase) {",
" preSelId =;",
" } else {",
" await trx('phases').insert({",
" id: preSelId,",
" title: 'Pre-selection',",
" });",
" }",
" if (selectionPhase) {",
" selId =;",
" } else {",
" await trx('phases').insert({",
" id: selId,",
" title: 'Selection',",
" });",
" }",
" if (projectPhase) {",
" projectPhaseId =;",
" } else {",
" await trx('phases').insert({",
" id: projectPhaseId,",
" title: 'Project',",
" });",
" }",
" await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {",
" await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE",
" SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,",
" decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;",
" `, [",
", campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,",
" campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,",
" ]);",
" await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {",
" await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({",
" assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,",
" deadline,",
" left_id:,",
" right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,",
" order,",
" }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE",
" SET deadline = ?;",
" `, [deadline]);",
" });",
" await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')",
" .insert({",
" left_id:,",
" right_id: projectPhaseId,",
" order: phases.length,",
" })",
" .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;",
" `, []);",
" });",
"'Writing campaigns is done!');",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);",
" }",
" }",
" async removeAll(trx) {",
" try {",
" await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);",
" await trx('campaigns_phases').del();",
" await trx('phases').del();",
" await trx(this.tableName).del();",
" await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async createCampaign({",
" name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,",
" intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,",
" }, duxisId) {",
" try {",
" return await (trx) => {",
" const profile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!profile) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');",
" }",
" const campaignId = uuid();",
" const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({",
" id: campaignId,",
" created_by:,",
" created_on: new Date(),",
" updated_by:,",
" updated_on: new Date(),",
" name,",
" intake_type: intakeType,",
" intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,",
" intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,",
" has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,",
" });",
" let phaseOrder = 0;",
" if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {",
" for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {",
" await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({",
" assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,",
" deadline,",
" left_id: campaignId,",
" right_id: phaseId,",
" order: phaseOrder,",
" });",
" phaseOrder += 1;",
" }",
" }",
" const projectPhase = await trx('phases')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('title', 'Project');",
" if (projectPhase) {",
" await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({",
" left_id: campaignId,",
" right_id:,",
" order: phaseOrder,",
" });",
" }",
" // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation",
" if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {",
" await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({",
" left_id: campaignId,",
" right_id: intakeFormId,",
" });",
" }",
" return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async updateCampaign({",
" assessmentFlowsGroupId,",
" attendees,",
" campaignId,",
" hasEvaluativePhases,",
" intakeEndDate,",
" intakeFormId,",
" intakeStartDate,",
" intakeType,",
" name,",
" phases,",
" }, duxisId) {",
" try {",
" let campaign;",
" await (trx) => {",
" const profile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!profile) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');",
" }",
" await trx('campaigns').update({",
" assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,",
" attendees,",
" name,",
" intake_type: intakeType,",
" intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,",
" intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,",
" has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,",
" updated_by:,",
" updated_on: new Date(),",
" }).where('id', campaignId);",
" // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.",
" if (phases !== undefined) {",
" // Remove campaign phase links.",
" await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);",
" let phaseOrder = 0;",
" if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {",
" for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {",
" const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')",
" .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')",
" .where('id', assessmentVersionId);",
" await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({",
" assessment_version_id:,",
" assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,",
" deadline,",
" left_id: campaignId,",
" right_id: phaseId,",
" order: phaseOrder,",
" });",
" phaseOrder += 1;",
" }",
" }",
" const projectPhase = await trx('phases')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('title', 'Project');",
" if (projectPhase) {",
" await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({",
" left_id: campaignId,",
" right_id:,",
" order: phaseOrder,",
" });",
" }",
" }",
" if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {",
" await trx('campaigns_intakes')",
" .del()",
" .where('left_id', campaignId);",
" }",
" if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {",
" await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({",
" left_id: campaignId,",
" right_id: intakeFormId,",
" });",
" }",
" campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);",
" });",
" return campaign;",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {",
" try {",
" let campaign;",
" const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);",
" await, async (trx) => {",
" campaign = await trx(this.tableName)",
" .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')",
" .where('id', campaignId)",
" .first();",
" campaign.phases = await trx('phases')",
" .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')",
" .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')",
" .where('left_id', campaignId)",
" .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');",
" const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;",
" campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline",
" ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)",
" : true;",
" campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);",
" const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')",
" .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);",
" campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;",
" });",
" return transformCampaign(campaign);",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {",
" try {",
" return await (trx) => {",
" // Make sure the campaign exists",
" const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')",
" .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')",
" .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well",
" // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error",
" // handling in the front-end",
" if (!publicCampaignData) {",
" return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };",
" }",
" const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);",
" const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));",
" return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {",
" try {",
" return await (trx) => {",
" // Check intake_end for current campaign",
" const campaign = await trx('campaigns')",
" .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')",
" .where('id', campaignId);",
" if (!campaign) {",
" throw new Error('Call does not exist.');",
" }",
" const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);",
" const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;",
" if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {",
" throw new Error('Call is closed.');",
" }",
" // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database",
" const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();",
" const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;",
" const sanitizedUsername =;",
" const response = await addUserToDxAuth({",
" data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },",
" enabled: true,",
" provider: 'auth0',",
" roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],",
" scoped_rights: [],",
" username: sanitizedUsername,",
" password: user.password,",
" }, strippedToken, true);",
" // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors",
" if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {",
" if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {",
" log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);",
" return {",
" };",
" }",
" log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));",
" return {",
" id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',",
" };",
" }",
" // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store",
" const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(",
" sanitizedUsername,",
" strippedToken",
" );",
" if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {",
" log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');",
" return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';",
" }",
" const id = uuid();",
" const profile = {",
" duxis_auth_id:,",
" email: sanitizedUsername,",
" first_name: user.firstName,",
" has_logged_in: false,",
" id,",
" job_title: user.role,",
" last_name: user.lastName,",
" phone_number:,",
" salutation: user.salutation,",
" linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,",
" };",
" await trx('user_profiles')",
" .insert(profile);",
" return { id };",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {",
" await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {",
" // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.",
" campaign.phases = await trx('phases')",
" .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')",
" .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')",
" .where('left_id',",
" .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');",
" if (campaign.created_by) {",
" // Get and assign creator",
" const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')",
" .where('id', campaign.created_by);",
" campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;",
" }",
" if (campaign.updated_by) {",
" // Get and assign updater.",
" const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')",
" .where('id', campaign.updated_by);",
" campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;",
" }",
" // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.",
" let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')",
" .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')",
" .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')",
" .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')",
" .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')",
" .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;",
" // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.",
" if (!campaignPhase) {",
" campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')",
" .first('right_id AS phaseId')",
" .orderBy('order', 'DESC')",
" .where('left_id',;",
" }",
" const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')",
" .count('')",
" .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')",
" .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')",
" .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {",
" this.first('right_id AS id')",
" .from('campaigns_phases')",
" .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')",
" .orderBy('order', 'DESC');",
" })",
" .where('',",
" .first();",
" campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);",
" }",
" const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')",
" .select(' AS id', ' AS name')",
" .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')",
" .where('left_id',;",
" campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;",
" campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;",
" campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;",
" const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')",
" .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;",
" campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;",
" });",
" }",
" async getCampaigns() {",
" try {",
" return (trx) => {",
" const campaigns = await",
" this.tableName,",
" { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }",
" );",
" await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);",
" return;",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {",
" try {",
" return (trx) => {",
" const profile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!profile) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized user');",
" }",
" // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user",
" const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')",
" .select('left_id as id')",
" .where('right_id',;",
" // Fetch their data",
" const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')",
" .select('*')",
" .whereIn('', =>;",
" // Add additional data...",
" await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);",
" // Transform the data and pass it to front-end",
" return;",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {",
" try {",
" return (trx) => {",
" const profile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!profile) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');",
" }",
" // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign",
" const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')",
" .select('right_id AS id')",
" .where('left_id', campaignId);",
" if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {",
" return [];",
" }",
" const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')",
" .whereIn('id', =>;",
" return => ({",
" ...manager,",
" name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,",
" }));",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }",
" async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {",
" try {",
" await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {",
" const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };",
" await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async removeAllRelations(trx) {",
" try {",
" await trx('campaigns_projects').del();",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async createPhase({ title }) {",
" try {",
" const phase = { id: uuid(), title };",
" await'phases').insert(phase);",
" return phase;",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" // Used for dropdown with all available phases.",
" async getPhases() {",
" try {",
" return await'phases')",
" .select('id', 'title')",
" .orderBy('title');",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {",
" try {",
" return await (trx) => {",
" // Check if the user exists",
" const profile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!profile) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');",
" }",
" // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container",
" const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();",
" const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;",
" const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);",
" const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];",
" const result = [];",
" await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {",
" const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id',",
" .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);",
" // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry",
" if (matchingProfile) {",
" result.push({",
" ...matchingProfile,",
" ...reviewer,",
" name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,",
" profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,",
" });",
" }",
" });",
" const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result",
" // eslint-disable-next-line",
" .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));",
" return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;",
" });",
" } catch (err) {",
" log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);",
" throw new Error(err);",
" }",
" }",
" // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them",
" async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {",
" try {",
" return (trx) => {",
" // Check if the user exists",
" const profile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!profile) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');",
" }",
" // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database",
" const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();",
" const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;",
" const sanitizedUsername =;",
" const response = await addUserToDxAuth({",
" data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },",
" enabled: true,",
" provider: 'auth0',",
" roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],",
" scoped_rights: [],",
" username: sanitizedUsername,",
" }, strippedToken, false);",
" // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors",
" if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {",
" if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {",
" log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);",
" return {",
" };",
" }",
" log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));",
" return {",
" id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',",
" };",
" }",
" // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store",
" const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(",
" sanitizedUsername,",
" strippedToken",
" );",
" if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {",
" log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');",
" return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';",
" }",
" const id = uuid();",
" const newProfile = {",
" duxis_auth_id:,",
" email: sanitizedUsername,",
" first_name: user.firstName,",
" has_logged_in: false,",
" id,",
" last_name: user.lastName,",
" };",
" await trx('user_profiles')",
" .insert(newProfile);",
" return { id };",
" });",
" } catch (err) {",
" log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);",
" throw new Error(err);",
" }",
" }",
" async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {",
" if (!campaignId) {",
" throw new Error('campaignId is required.');",
" }",
" if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {",
" throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');",
" }",
" await (trx) => {",
" const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')",
" .select('right_id AS userProfileId')",
" .where('left_id', campaignId)",
" .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);",
" // Insert new campaign reviewers",
" await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {",
" const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')",
" .first('right_id')",
" .where('right_id', id)",
" .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);",
" if (!exists) {",
" await trx('campaigns_reviewers')",
" .insert({",
" left_id: campaignId,",
" right_id: id,",
" });",
" }",
" });",
" if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }",
" const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')",
" .select('right_id AS projectId')",
" .where('left_id', campaignId);",
" const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);",
" const projectIds = => c.projectId);",
" await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {",
" // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)",
" await trx('projects_reviewers')",
" .del()",
" .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)",
" .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);",
" // Delete campaign reviewer entry",
" await trx('campaigns_reviewers')",
" .del()",
" .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)",
" .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);",
" });",
" });",
" }",
" async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {",
" try {",
" return await'campaigns_reviewers')",
" .select('right_id AS id')",
" .where('left_id', campaignId);",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {",
" try {",
" return await (trx) => {",
" // Check if the user exists",
" const profile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!profile) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');",
" }",
" // Get all groups and their reviewers",
" const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')",
" .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')",
" .orderBy('title');",
" const result = [];",
" await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {",
" const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')",
" .select('right_id AS id')",
" .where('left_id',;",
" result.push({",
" ...reviewerGroup,",
" reviewerIds: =>,",
" });",
" });",
" return result;",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {",
" try {",
" return await (trx) => {",
" // Check if the user exists",
" const profile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!profile) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');",
" }",
" // Get all the currently stored groups' ids",
" const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')",
" .select('id');",
" // Check which groups we need to delete",
" const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds",
" .filter((r) => ! =>",
" .map((g) =>;",
" // Create/update groups",
" await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {",
" // Check if reviewer_group already exists...",
" const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('id',;",
" if (exists) {",
" // update if it does",
" await trx('reviewer_groups')",
" .update({",
" title: group.title,",
" collapsed: group.collapsed,",
" })",
" .where('id',;",
" // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones",
" // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update",
" await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')",
" .del()",
" .where('left_id',;",
" } else {",
" // create if it doesn't",
" await trx('reviewer_groups')",
" .insert({",
" id:,",
" title: group.title,",
" collapsed: group.collapsed,",
" });",
" }",
" // Insert the reviewers",
" const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values",
" await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {",
" await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')",
" .insert({",
" left_id:,",
" right_id: reviewerId,",
" });",
" });",
" });",
" // Finally remove deleted groups",
" await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {",
" await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')",
" .del()",
" .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);",
" await trx('reviewer_groups')",
" .del()",
" .where('id', deletedGroupId);",
" });",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {",
" try {",
" await (trx) => {",
" await trx('campaigns_phases')",
" .del()",
" .where('left_id', campaignId);",
"'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);",
" await trx('campaigns_projects')",
" .del()",
" .where('left_id', campaignId);",
"'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);",
" await trx('campaigns_reviewers')",
" .del()",
" .where('left_id', campaignId);",
"'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);",
" // Delete linked intakes",
" await trx('campaigns_intakes')",
" .del()",
" .where('left_id', campaignId);",
" await trx('campaigns')",
" .del()",
" .where('id', campaignId);",
"'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async makeCampaignsExport() {",
" try {",
" return await (trx) => {",
" const phases = await trx('phases')",
" .select('id', 'title');",
" const projects = await trx('projects')",
" .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')",
" .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')",
" .where('deleted_on', null);",
" const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')",
" .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');",
" const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')",
" .select('id', 'name');",
" for (const campaign of campaigns) {",
" campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')",
" .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')",
" .orderBy('order'));",
" }",
" let evaluations;",
" evaluations = await trx('evaluations')",
" .select(",
" '', 'project_id AS projectId',",
" 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'",
" )",
" .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')",
" .where('submitted', true)",
" .orderBy('order');",
" for (const evaluation of evaluations) {",
" // Only get ratings for quantified questions.",
" evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')",
" .select(",
" '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',",
" 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',",
" 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',",
" 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',",
" 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'",
" )",
" .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')",
" .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')",
" }",
" for (const project of projects) {",
" = await trx('reviews')",
" .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')",
" .where('project_id',;",
" }",
" } else {",
" evaluations = await trx('evaluations')",
" .select(",
" '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',",
" 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'",
" )",
" .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')",
" .where('completed', true)",
" .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)",
" .orderBy('order');",
" for (const evaluation of evaluations) {",
" // Only get ratings for quantified questions.",
" evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')",
" .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')",
" .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')",
" const review = await trx('new_reviews')",
" .first(",
" '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',",
" 'advice_type AS advice',",
" )",
" .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')",
" .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')",
" .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;",
" evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;",
" }",
" }",
" return {",
" campaigns,",
" evaluations,",
" phases,",
" projects,",
" projectDecisions,",
" };",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');",
" }",
" }",
" async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {",
" const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();",
" const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;",
" const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);",
" const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;",
" if (!userData || !userData.roles) {",
" // Should we throw an error?",
" return false;",
" }",
" return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);",
" }",
" async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {",
" try {",
" await (trx) => {",
" const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();",
" let userProfileId =;",
" let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;",
" const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();",
" // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database",
" if (!userProfileId) {",
" // Email is required field",
" if (!sanitizedUsername) {",
" throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');",
" }",
" // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store",
" const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);",
" if (data.getUser.user) {",
" throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');",
" }",
" // Add the new user to our database",
" // with normal client role and campaign_manager role",
" await addUserToDxAuth({",
" data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },",
" enabled: true,",
" provider: 'auth0',",
" roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],",
" scoped_rights: [],",
" username: sanitizedUsername,",
" }, strippedToken, false);",
" // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store",
" const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(",
" sanitizedUsername,",
" strippedToken",
" );",
" if (newlyAddedUser) {",
" const id = uuid();",
" userDuxisAuthId =;",
" // Add new user_profile entry",
" await trx('user_profiles')",
" .insert({",
" id,",
" duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,",
" email: sanitizedUsername,",
" first_name: user.firstName,",
" last_name: user.lastName,",
" has_logged_in: false,",
" });",
" // Check if has been successfully created",
" const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);",
" // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign",
" if (userEntry) {",
" userProfileId =;",
" } else {",
" throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');",
" }",
" } else {",
" throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');",
" }",
" } else {",
" // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database",
" const profile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id', 'email')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);",
" if (!profile) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');",
" }",
" // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet",
" // else we skip this step",
" const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');",
" if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {",
" let roles;",
" let scopedRights;",
" const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);",
" const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;",
" if (!userData || !userData.roles) {",
" // Should we throw an error?",
" roles = [];",
" scopedRights = [];",
" } else {",
" roles = (userData.roles || []);",
" const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);",
" scopedRights = =>;",
" }",
" await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({",
" data:,",
" provider: userData.provider,",
" roles,",
" scopedRights,",
" userId: userDuxisAuthId,",
" username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store",
" enabled: userData.enabled,",
" }, strippedToken);",
" }",
" }",
" // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...",
" await trx('campaigns_managers')",
" .insert({",
" right_id: userProfileId,",
" left_id: campaignId,",
" });",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);",
" throw new Error(e);",
" }",
" }",
" async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {",
" try {",
" await (trx) => {",
" const profile = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .select('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!profile) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');",
" }",
" await trx('campaigns_managers')",
" .del()",
" .where('right_id', userProfileId)",
" .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);",
" throw new Error(e);",
" }",
" }",
" async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {",
" try {",
" return (trx) => {",
" const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();",
" const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;",
" const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);",
" const result = [];",
" await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {",
" const user = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id',;",
" if (user) {",
" result.push(user);",
" }",
" });",
" return result;",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {",
" const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);",
" if (hasIntake) {",
" return {",
" status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,",
" submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,",
" };",
" }",
" return {",
" status: OPEN_INTAKE,",
" submittedOn: null,",
" };",
" }",
" async getCalls(duxisId) {",
" try {",
" return (trx) => {",
" const user = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!user) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');",
" }",
" const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');",
" const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')",
" .select(",
" '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',",
" ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'",
" )",
" .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')",
" .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')",
" .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!",
" // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any",
" // we should fetch an array of objects like:",
" // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],",
" const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')",
" .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')",
" .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')",
" .where('user_profile_id',;",
" const calls = {};",
" // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd",
" // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set",
" // for open calls we have 3 states,",
" // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED",
" calls.openCalls = allCampaigns",
" .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them",
" .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))",
" .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))",
" // Sort by soonest first",
" .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);",
" // for closed calls we only have 2 states,",
" // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED",
" calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns",
" .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))",
" .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))",
" // Sort by most recently passed first",
" .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status",
" .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);",
" return calls;",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" // Get a list of all calls",
" // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)",
" async manageCalls(duxisId) {",
" try {",
" return await (trx) => {",
" const user = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!user) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');",
" }",
" const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')",
" .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')",
" .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');",
" return calls;",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
" async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {",
" try {",
" return await (trx) => {",
" const user = await trx('user_profiles')",
" .first('id')",
" .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);",
" if (!user) {",
" throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');",
" }",
" const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')",
" .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')",
" .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')",
" .where('', callId);",
" if (!call) {",
" throw new Error('Call does not exist.');",
" }",
" // Get all necessary data for the frontend",
" let result = {",
" };",
" // Get the answer data",
" const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')",
" .select(",
" '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',",
" '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',",
" 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',",
" )",
" .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')",
" .where('campaign_id', callId)",
" .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)",
" // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together",
" .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')",
" // sort drafts by created_on",
" .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');",
" const applications = [];",
" await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {",
" // parse the JSON",
" const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);",
" // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists",
" const projectNameField = parsedAnswers",
" .map((section) => section.items)",
" .flat()",
" .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);",
" // get the project name (if field exists)",
" const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';",
" // structure the object for the frontend",
" const structuredObject = {",
" projectName,",
" };",
" // add it to the list of applications",
" applications.push(structuredObject);",
" });",
" result = {",
" ...result,",
" applications,",
" };",
" const documents = [];",
" await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {",
" // parse the JSON",
" const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);",
" const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')",
" .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')",
" .where('intake_answer_id',;",
" const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);",
" // find the document fields with uploaded documents",
" const documentFields = parsedAnswers",
" .map((section) => section.items)",
" .flat()",
" .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;",
" // Only push to the results array if there effectively are",
" // uploaded documents available on a question",
" if (documentFields.length > 0) {",
" documents.push({",
" uploadedDocuments: documentFields,",
" });",
" }",
" });",
" result = {",
" ...result,",
" documents,",
" };",
" return result;",
" });",
" } catch (e) {",
" log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);",
" throw e;",
" }",
" }",
"module.exports = CampaignService;"
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -23,3ms
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -24,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:54 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -24,[
11:54:54 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -24,4ms
11:54:55 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:55 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
"sign define CocError linehl=CocErrorLine texthl=CocErrorSign text=>>"
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11:54:55 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:55 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -25,nvim_command,[
"source /tmp/vFnmXCJ/coc.nvim-17368/coc-17368.vim"
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"source /tmp/vFnmXCJ/coc.nvim-17368/coc-17368.vim"
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11:54:55 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:55 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -25,[
11:54:55 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -25,12ms
11:54:56 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -26,nvim_eval,[
11:54:56 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:56 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -26,[
"title": ""
11:54:56 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -26,1ms
11:54:56 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -27,nvim_call_atomic,[
"error": 0,
"warning": 0,
"information": 0,
"hint": 0,
"lnums": [
11:54:56 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
"error": 0,
"warning": 0,
"information": 0,
"hint": 0,
"lnums": [
11:54:56 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -27,[
11:54:56 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -27,1ms
11:54:56 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -28,nvim_eval,[
11:54:56 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:56 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -28,[
11:54:56 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -28,0ms
11:54:56 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:54:56 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:56 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:56 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:54:57 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:54:57 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
"lnum": 531,
"col": 64,
"changedtick": 5,
"pre": " campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId"
11:54:57 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -29,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:57 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:57 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -29,[
"changedtick": 5,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
11:54:57 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -29,7ms
11:54:57 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:54:57 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:54:57 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:54:58 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -30,nvim_eval,[
11:54:58 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:58 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -30,[
"title": ""
11:54:58 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -30,1ms
11:54:58 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -31,nvim_call_atomic,[
"error": 1,
"warning": 0,
"information": 0,
"hint": 0,
"lnums": [
"sign place 1000 line=531 name=CocError buffer=1"
11:54:58 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
"error": 1,
"warning": 0,
"information": 0,
"hint": 0,
"lnums": [
"sign place 1000 line=531 name=CocError buffer=1"
11:54:58 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -31,[
11:54:58 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -31,2ms
11:54:58 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -32,nvim_eval,[
11:54:58 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:58 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -32,[
11:54:58 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -32,37ms
11:54:58 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -33,nvim_call_function,[
11:54:58 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:54:58 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -33,[
"changedtick": 5,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
11:54:58 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -33,8ms
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"changedtick": 7,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
11:55:01 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -35,7ms
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"[eslint semi] [E] Missing semicolon. (semi)"
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"[eslint semi] [E] Missing semicolon. (semi)"
"noa normal! gg0"
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"changedtick": 7,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
11:55:01 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -40,9ms
11:55:01 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -41,nvim_eval,[
11:55:01 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:01 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -41,[
"title": ""
11:55:01 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -41,1ms
11:55:01 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -42,nvim_call_atomic,[
"error": 0,
"warning": 0,
"information": 0,
"hint": 0,
"lnums": [
11:55:01 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
"error": 0,
"warning": 0,
"information": 0,
"hint": 0,
"lnums": [
11:55:01 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -42,[
11:55:01 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -42,2ms
11:55:01 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -43,nvim_eval,[
11:55:01 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:02 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -43,[
11:55:02 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -43,53ms
11:55:02 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:02 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:55:02 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:02 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:55:03 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:55:03 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -44,nvim_eval,[
11:55:03 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:03 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -44,[
11:55:03 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -44,2ms
11:55:06 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:55:06 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -45,nvim_eval,[
11:55:06 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:06 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -45,[
11:55:06 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -45,1ms
11:55:06 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:55:06 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:06 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:06 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:55:06 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
"lnum": 532,
"col": 7,
"changedtick": 8,
"pre": " "
11:55:07 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -46,nvim_call_function,[
11:55:07 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:07 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -46,[
"changedtick": 8,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n \n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
11:55:07 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -46,11ms
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"lnum": 533,
"col": 7,
"changedtick": 9,
"pre": " "
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"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n \n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
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"lnum": 533,
"col": 8,
"changedtick": 10,
"pre": " c"
11:55:07 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -48,nvim_call_function,[
11:55:07 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:07 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -49,nvim_eval,[
"[coc#util#cursor(), getline(\".\")]"
11:55:07 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
"[coc#util#cursor(), getline(\".\")]"
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -48,[
"changedtick": 10,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n c\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -48,3ms
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" c"
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11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -50,[
"word": "c",
"bufnr": 1,
"col": 6,
"synname": "jsFuncBlock",
"filepath": "/home/channi16/imec/innovatrix/images/api/service/services/CampaignService.js",
"blacklist": [],
"line": " c",
"filetype": "javascript.jsx",
"linenr": 533,
"input": "c",
"colnr": 8,
"changedtick": 10
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -50,1ms
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received notification: [
"lnum": 533,
"col": 9,
"changedtick": 11,
"pre": " co"
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -51,nvim_call_function,[
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -52,nvim_eval,[
"[coc#util#cursor(), getline(\".\")]"
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
"[coc#util#cursor(), getline(\".\")]"
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -51,[
"changedtick": 11,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n co\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -51,4ms
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -53,nvim_call_function,[
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11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -52,[
" co"
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -52,8ms
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -53,[
"word": "co",
"bufnr": 1,
"col": 6,
"synname": "jsFuncBlock",
"filepath": "/home/channi16/imec/innovatrix/images/api/service/services/CampaignService.js",
"blacklist": [],
"line": " co",
"filetype": "javascript.jsx",
"linenr": 533,
"input": "co",
"colnr": 9,
"changedtick": 11
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -53,0ms
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -54,nvim_call_function,[
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -54,[
"changedtick": 11,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n co\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
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"lnum": 533,
"col": 10,
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"pre": " con"
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"[coc#util#cursor(), getline(\".\")]"
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"[coc#util#cursor(), getline(\".\")]"
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"changedtick": 12,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n con\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -55,3ms
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" con"
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11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -57,[
"word": "con",
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"col": 6,
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"filepath": "/home/channi16/imec/innovatrix/images/api/service/services/CampaignService.js",
"blacklist": [],
"line": " con",
"filetype": "javascript.jsx",
"linenr": 533,
"input": "con",
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11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -57,0ms
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -58,[
"changedtick": 12,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n con\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -58,2ms
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"changedtick": 12,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n con\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
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"noa set completeopt=noselect,menuone"
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
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"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n const \n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
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"lnum": 533,
"col": 14,
"changedtick": 34,
"pre": " const t"
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"[coc#util#cursor(), getline(\".\")]"
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"[coc#util#cursor(), getline(\".\")]"
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -62,[
"changedtick": 34,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n const t\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set the newly created user_profile's id to link with the campaign\n if (userEntry) {\n userProfileId =;\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while creating the new user.');\n }\n } else {\n throw new Error('Something went wrong while getting the user from the auth database');\n }\n } else {\n // The user has an id, so he should exist in our database\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'email')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n // Add \"campaign manager\" role to the user if he does NOT have the role yet\n // else we skip this step\n const hasCampaignManagerRole = await this._checkRoles(userDuxisAuthId, 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager');\n if (!hasCampaignManagerRole) {\n let roles;\n let scopedRights;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n roles = [];\n scopedRights = [];\n } else {\n roles = (userData.roles || []);\n const sr = await getScopedRightsForUser(userDuxisAuthId, strippedToken);\n scopedRights = =>;\n }\n await addCampaignManagerRoleToUser({\n data:,\n provider: userData.provider,\n roles,\n scopedRights,\n userId: userDuxisAuthId,\n username:, // username in auth-store is the same as email in api-store\n enabled: userData.enabled,\n }, strippedToken);\n }\n }\n\n // Finally we link the user profile to the campaign...\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .insert({\n right_id: userProfileId,\n left_id: campaignId,\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaignManager({ campaignId, userProfileId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', userProfileId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaignManager: ${e}`);\n throw new Error(e);\n }\n }\n\n async getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxPossibleCampaignManagers = await getPossibleCampaignManagers(searchString, strippedToken);\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn((dxPossibleCampaignManagers.items || []), async (possibleUser) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'email', 'duxis_auth_id AS duxisAuthId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',;\n if (user) {\n result.push(user);\n }\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPossibleCampaignManagers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n _getIntakeCallStatus(id, intakes) {\n const hasIntake = intakes.find((i) => i.intakeId === id);\n if (hasIntake) {\n return {\n status: hasIntake.status === SUBMITTED_INTAKE ? SUBMITTED_INTAKE : DRAFT_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: hasIntake.submittedOn ? hasIntake.submittedOn : null,\n };\n }\n return {\n status: OPEN_INTAKE,\n submittedOn: null,\n };\n }\n\n async getCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ).format('YYYY-MM-DD');\n const allCampaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select(\n '', '', 'intake_end_date AS intakeEndDate', 'pitch_end AS pitchEnd',\n ' AS intakeId', 'intakes.deleted_on AS isIntakeDeleted'\n )\n .join('campaigns_intakes', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .join('intakes', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id', '')\n .where('intake_type', 'APPLICATION'); // This is important, because we only want campaigns with an intake form assigned to them!\n\n // fetch the current user's submitted/draft intakes, if any\n // we should fetch an array of objects like:\n // [{ id: 'a051x0000044HjXAAU', intakeId: 'd9eeb730-d26d-11ea-aa67-af38bfd1b3df', status: DRAFT|SUBMITTED, submittedOn: '2020-07-31' }],\n const intakesCurrentUser = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select('campaigns_intakes.right_id as intakeId', 'campaign_id AS campaignId', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn')\n .join('campaigns_intakes', 'intake_answers.campaign_id', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('user_profile_id',;\n\n const calls = {};\n // This should only be filtered on the pitchEnd\n // but let's add a fallback (for now) just in case no pitchEnd was set\n // for open calls we have 3 states,\n // 1) OPEN 2) DRAFT 3) SUBMITTED\n calls.openCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => !c.isIntakeDeleted) // make sure we filter out the campaigns with a deleted intake linked to them\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isSameOrAfter(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by soonest first\n .sort((x, y) => x.intakeEndDate - y.intakeEndDate);\n // for closed calls we only have 2 states,\n // 1) DRAFT 2) SUBMITTED\n calls.closedCalls = allCampaigns\n .filter((c) => || c.intakeEndDate, BRUSSELS_TZ).isBefore(now))\n .map((c) => ({ ...c, ...(this._getIntakeCallStatus(c.intakeId, intakesCurrentUser)) }))\n // Sort by most recently passed first\n .filter((c) => c.status !== OPEN_INTAKE) // we need to filter the OPEN_INTAKE status\n .sort((x, y) => y.intakeEndDate - x.intakeEndDate);\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Get a list of all calls\n // ( = campaigns with an IntakeForm linked to them)\n async manageCalls(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const calls = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .select('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId');\n\n return calls;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`manageCalls: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async callOverview({ callId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const user = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n const call = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('', '', 'campaigns_intakes.right_id AS intakeId')\n .join('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_intakes.left_id')\n .where('', callId);\n\n if (!call) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n\n // Get all necessary data for the frontend\n let result = {\n,\n };\n\n // Get the answer data\n const storedApplications = await trx('intake_answers')\n .select(\n '', 'answers', 'status', 'submitted_on AS submittedOn',\n '', 'user_profiles.first_name AS firstName',\n 'user_profiles.last_name AS lastName', 'created_on AS created_on',\n )\n .join('user_profiles', '', 'intake_answers.user_profile_id')\n .where('campaign_id', callId)\n .andWhere('intake_id', call.intakeId)\n // sort by submitted_on first, drafts will be grouped together\n .orderBy('submitted_on', 'desc')\n // sort drafts by created_on\n .orderBy('intake_answers.created_on', 'desc');\n\n const applications = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n // find the provided PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD if it exists\n const projectNameField = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .find((field) => field.type === PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD);\n // get the project name (if field exists)\n const projectName = (projectNameField && projectNameField.value) || 'No project name provided';\n // structure the object for the frontend\n const structuredObject = {\n,\n projectName,\n };\n // add it to the list of applications\n applications.push(structuredObject);\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n applications,\n };\n\n const documents = [];\n await asyncForIn(storedApplications, async ({ answers, }) => {\n // parse the JSON\n const parsedAnswers = JSON.parse(answers);\n const intakeDocuments = await trx('intake_documents')\n .select('intake_question_id AS questionId')\n .where('intake_answer_id',;\n const intakeDocumentsIds = => i.questionId);\n // find the document fields with uploaded documents\n const documentFields = parsedAnswers\n .map((section) => section.items)\n .flat()\n .filter((field) => field.type === DOCUMENT_FIELD && field.value && intakeDocumentsIds.includes(;\n // Only push to the results array if there effectively are\n // uploaded documents available on a question\n if (documentFields.length > 0) {\n documents.push({\n,\n uploadedDocuments: documentFields,\n });\n }\n });\n\n result = {\n ...result,\n documents,\n };\n\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`callOverview: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = CampaignService;"
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -62,12ms
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -64,nvim_call_function,[
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -63,[
" const t"
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -63,30ms
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -64,[
"word": "t",
"bufnr": 1,
"col": 12,
"synname": "jsFuncBlock",
"filepath": "/home/channi16/imec/innovatrix/images/api/service/services/CampaignService.js",
"blacklist": [],
"line": " const t",
"filetype": "javascript.jsx",
"linenr": 533,
"input": "t",
"colnr": 14,
"changedtick": 34
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - response from vim cost: -64,1ms
11:55:08 DEBUG [transport] - request to vim: -65,nvim_call_function,[
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - send to vim: [
11:55:08 DEBUG [connection] - received response: -65,[
"changedtick": 34,
"content": "const log4js = require('log4js');\nconst { config } = require('cargo-service');\nconst { asyncForEach, asyncForIn, uuid } = require('cargo-universal/utils');\nconst moment = require('moment-timezone');\nconst {\n addCampaignManagerRoleToUser,\n addUserToDxAuth,\n getAllPossibleReviewers,\n getPossibleCampaignManagers,\n getScopedRightsForUser,\n getUserFromDxAuth,\n getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId,\n} = require('./_duxisAuthService');\nconst DuxisAuthClient = require('./DuxisAuthClient');\nconst {\n DOCUMENT_FIELD,\n PROJECT_RECORD_FIELD,\n DRAFT_INTAKE,\n OPEN_INTAKE,\n SUBMITTED_INTAKE,\n BRUSSELS_TZ,\n} = require('../constants/intakes');\n\nconst log = log4js.getLogger('CampaignService');\n\nconst SALESFORCE_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.enable', false);\nconst PHASES_ENABLED = config.get('innovatrix.salesforceNoCreate.campaigns.phases', false);\n\nfunction transformCampaign({\n assessment_flows_group_id,\n created_by,\n created_on,\n decision_date,\n end_date,\n has_evaluative_phases,\n intake_end_date,\n intake_start_date,\n intake_type,\n pitch_end,\n pitch_start,\n start_date,\n updated_by,\n updated_on,\n\n}) {\n return {\n assessmentFlowsGroupId: assessment_flows_group_id,\n createdBy: created_by,\n createdOn: created_on,\n decisionDate: decision_date,\n endDate: end_date,\n hasEvaluativePhases: has_evaluative_phases,\n intakeEndDate: intake_end_date,\n intakeStartDate: intake_start_date,\n intakeType: intake_type,\n pitchEnd: pitch_end,\n pitchStart: pitch_start,\n startDate: start_date,\n updatedBy: updated_by,\n updatedOn: updated_on,\n,\n };\n}\n\nclass CampaignService {\n constructor(store) {\n = store;\n this.tableName = 'campaigns';\n this.duxisAuthClient = new DuxisAuthClient();\n }\n\n async createCampaigns(data, trx) {\n try {\n'Writing campaigns...');\n\n const preSelectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Pre-selection');\n const selectionPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Selection');\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n let preSelId = uuid();\n let selId = uuid();\n let projectPhaseId = uuid();\n\n if (preSelectionPhase) {\n preSelId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: preSelId,\n title: 'Pre-selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (selectionPhase) {\n selId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: selId,\n title: 'Selection',\n });\n }\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n projectPhaseId =;\n } else {\n await trx('phases').insert({\n id: projectPhaseId,\n title: 'Project',\n });\n }\n\n await asyncForIn(data, async ({ phases, ...campaign }) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx(this.tableName).insert(campaign).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE\n SET name = ?, start_date = ?, end_date = ?, intake_start_date = ?, intake_end_date = ?,\n decision_date = ?, pitch_start = ?, pitch_end = ?;\n `, [\n, campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, campaign.intake_start_date, campaign.intake_end_date,\n campaign.decision_date, campaign.pitch_start, campaign.pitch_end,\n ]);\n\n await asyncForEach(phases, async ({ title, deadline, assessmentVersionGroupId }, order) => {\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id:,\n right_id: title === 'Pre-selection' ? preSelId : selId,\n order,\n }).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO UPDATE\n SET deadline = ?;\n `, [deadline]);\n });\n\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_phases')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: projectPhaseId,\n order: phases.length,\n })\n .toQuery()} ON CONFLICT (left_id, right_id) DO NOTHING;\n `, []);\n });\n'Writing campaigns is done!');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaigns ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async removeAll(trx) {\n try {\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del();\n await trx('phases').del();\n await trx(this.tableName).del();\n await trx.raw(`ALTER TABLE ${this.tableName} ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;`);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createCampaign({\n name, phases, intakeType, intakeStartDate,\n intakeEndDate, hasEvaluativePhases, intakeFormId,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user profile does not exist.');\n }\n\n const campaignId = uuid();\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns').insert({\n id: campaignId,\n created_by:,\n created_on: new Date(),\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n });\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionGroupId } of phases) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersionGroupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n\n // Link intake form with campaign if the intakeType is NOT creation\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n return { ...campaign, intakeFormId };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async updateCampaign({\n assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n campaignId,\n hasEvaluativePhases,\n intakeEndDate,\n intakeFormId,\n intakeStartDate,\n intakeType,\n name,\n phases,\n }, duxisId) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n await (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id').where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized: user does not exist.');\n }\n\n await trx('campaigns').update({\n assessment_flows_group_id: assessmentFlowsGroupId,\n attendees,\n name,\n intake_type: intakeType,\n intake_start_date: intakeStartDate,\n intake_end_date: intakeEndDate,\n has_evaluative_phases: hasEvaluativePhases,\n updated_by:,\n updated_on: new Date(),\n }).where('id', campaignId);\n\n // If no phases were explicitly provided we ignore it.\n if (phases !== undefined) {\n // Remove campaign phase links.\n await trx('campaigns_phases').del().where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n let phaseOrder = 0;\n if (hasEvaluativePhases && phases && phases.length > 0) {\n for (const { deadline, phaseId, assessmentVersionId } of phases) {\n const assessmentVersion = await trx('assessment_versions')\n .first('id', 'group_id AS groupId')\n .where('id', assessmentVersionId);\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n assessment_version_id:,\n assessment_version_group_id: assessmentVersion.groupId,\n deadline,\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: phaseId,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n phaseOrder += 1;\n }\n }\n\n const projectPhase = await trx('phases')\n .first('id')\n .where('title', 'Project');\n\n if (projectPhase) {\n await trx('campaigns_phases').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id:,\n order: phaseOrder,\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (intakeFormId || intakeType === 'CREATION') {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n }\n\n if (intakeType === 'APPLICATION' && intakeFormId) {\n await trx('campaigns_intakes').insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: intakeFormId,\n });\n }\n\n campaign = await this.getCampaign(campaignId, trx);\n });\n return campaign;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`updateCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaign(campaignId, existingTrx) {\n try {\n let campaign;\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n await, async (trx) => {\n campaign = await trx(this.tableName)\n .select('attendees', 'id', 'name', 'assessment_flows_group_id', 'amount_of_phases as phasesCount', 'intake_end_date as endDate')\n .where('id', campaignId)\n .first();\n\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'deadline')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'right_id', '')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n const campaignFirstPhaseDeadline = campaign.phases[0] && campaign.phases[0].deadline;\n campaign.isInFirstPhase = campaignFirstPhaseDeadline\n ?, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now)\n : true;\n campaign.intakeDeadlinePassed = campaign.endDate && !, BRUSSELS_TZ).isAfter(now);\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id', campaignId);\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n return transformCampaign(campaign);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getPublicCampaign({ campaignName }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Make sure the campaign exists\n const publicCampaignData = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('id', 'name', 'intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .whereRaw(`LOWER(name) = LOWER('${campaignName}')`); // allow fully lowercase campaign names as well\n\n // If campaign wasn't found let's pass this INVALID_ID so we can do some error\n // handling in the front-end\n if (!publicCampaignData) {\n return { id: 'INVALID_ID', callClosed: true };\n }\n\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const callClosed = now.isAfter(, BRUSSELS_TZ));\n return { ...publicCampaignData, callClosed };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPublicCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async registerCampaignUser({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check intake_end for current campaign\n const campaign = await trx('campaigns')\n .first('intake_end_date AS deadline')\n .where('id', campaignId);\n if (!campaign) {\n throw new Error('Call does not exist.');\n }\n const now = moment().tz(BRUSSELS_TZ);\n const deadline = campaign.deadline ?, BRUSSELS_TZ) : now;\n if (now.isSameOrAfter(deadline)) {\n throw new Error('Call is closed.');\n }\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/applicant'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n password: user.password,\n }, strippedToken, true);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('registerCampaignUser: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const profile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n job_title: user.role,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n phone_number:,\n salutation: user.salutation,\n linked_in_profile: user.linkedIn,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(profile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`registerCampaignUser: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx) {\n await asyncForIn(campaigns, async (campaign) => {\n // Get all evaluative phases for this campaign.\n campaign.phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title', 'deadline', 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_version_group_id as assessmentVersionGroupId', 'assessment_version_id AS lockedAssessmentVersion')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.right_id', '')\n .where('left_id',\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order');\n\n if (campaign.created_by) {\n // Get and assign creator\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.created_by);\n campaign.createdBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n if (campaign.updated_by) {\n // Get and assign updater.\n const userProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name as firstName', 'last_name as lastName')\n .where('id', campaign.updated_by);\n campaign.updatedBy = userProfile.firstName && userProfile.lastName && `${userProfile.firstName} ${userProfile.lastName}`;\n }\n\n // Get our most advanced phase for this campaign.\n let campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .first('campaigns_phases.right_id AS phaseId')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .join('campaigns_phases', 'campaigns_phases.left_id', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('campaigns_phases.order', 'DESC')\n .where('campaigns_projects.left_id',;\n\n // If there are no projects yet, we fallback on the first phase of the campaign.\n if (!campaignPhase) {\n campaignPhase = await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .first('right_id AS phaseId')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC')\n .where('left_id',;\n }\n\n if (PHASES_ENABLED) {\n const projectsInLastPhase = await trx('projects')\n .count('')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns_projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .rightOuterJoin('campaigns', '', 'campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .where('projects.phase_id', function whereLastPhase() {\n this.first('right_id AS id')\n .from('campaigns_phases')\n .whereRaw('left_id = campaigns_projects.left_id')\n .orderBy('order', 'DESC');\n })\n .where('',\n .first();\n campaign.projectsInLastPhase = Number(projectsInLastPhase.count);\n }\n\n const projectsInCampaign = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select(' AS id', ' AS name')\n .join('projects', '', 'campaigns_projects.right_id')\n .where('left_id',;\n\n campaign.projects = projectsInCampaign;\n\n campaign.numberOfProjects = (projectsInCampaign || []).length;\n\n campaign.phaseId = campaignPhase && campaignPhase.phaseId;\n\n const t\n\n const linkedIntake = await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .first('right_id AS id').where('left_id',;\n campaign.intakeFormId = linkedIntake ? : null;\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaigns() {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const campaigns = await\n this.tableName,\n { ordering: [{ field: 'start_date', direction: 'desc' }], trx }\n );\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getScopedCampaigns(duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user');\n }\n // Fetch all campaigns linked to the current user\n const assignedCampaignIds = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('left_id as id')\n .where('right_id',;\n\n // Fetch their data\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('*')\n .whereIn('', =>;\n\n // Add additional data...\n await this.addOtherCampaignData(campaigns, trx);\n\n // Transform the data and pass it to front-end\n return;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getScopedCampaigns: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignManagers({ campaignId }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the user_profile ids that are assigned for the current campaign\n const managerIdsForCurrentCampaign = await trx('campaigns_managers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n if (managerIdsForCurrentCampaign.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const campaignManagers = await trx('user_profiles')\n .select('email', 'first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id')\n .whereIn('id', =>;\n\n return => ({\n ...manager,\n name: `${manager.firstName ? `${manager.firstName} ` : ''}${manager.lastName || ''}`,\n }));\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignManagers ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // { campaignId: { projects: [ projectId, projectId, ... ]} }\n async addProjects(campaignId, projectIds, trx) {\n try {\n await asyncForIn(projectIds.projects, async (projectId) => {\n const writeObject = { left_id: campaignId, right_id: projectId };\n await trx.raw(`${trx('campaigns_projects').insert(writeObject).toQuery()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`addProjects ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async removeAllRelations(trx) {\n try {\n await trx('campaigns_projects').del();\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`removeAll: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async createPhase({ title }) {\n try {\n const phase = { id: uuid(), title };\n await'phases').insert(phase);\n return phase;\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createPhase: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n // Used for dropdown with all available phases.\n async getPhases() {\n try {\n return await'phases')\n .select('id', 'title')\n .orderBy('title');\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getPhases: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getAllPossibleReviewers(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get a duxis token to make calls to the auth container\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const response = await getAllPossibleReviewers(strippedToken);\n const possibleReviewers = (response && response.items) || [];\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(possibleReviewers, async (reviewer) => {\n const matchingProfile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('first_name AS firstName', 'last_name AS lastName', 'id AS profileId')\n .where('duxis_auth_id',\n .andWhere('email', reviewer.username);\n // Only push to the result array if we have a matching user_profile entry\n if (matchingProfile) {\n result.push({\n ...matchingProfile,\n ...reviewer,\n name: `${matchingProfile.lastName || ''}${matchingProfile.firstName ? ` ${matchingProfile.firstName}` : ''}`,\n profileId: matchingProfile.profileId,\n });\n }\n });\n const alphabeticallySortedReviewersList = result\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n .sort((a, b) => (a.lastName < b.lastName ? -1 : (a.lastName > b.lastName) ? 1 : 0));\n return alphabeticallySortedReviewersList;\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`getAllPossibleReviewers: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n // We want to add a new user with the \"innovatrix/role/evaluator\" assigned to them\n async createCampaignReviewer({ user }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Try to register the user to auth0 and in our database\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n\n const sanitizedUsername =;\n\n const response = await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/evaluator'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Check if we have auth0 or auth-store errors\n if (response && response.errors && response.errors.length > 0) {\n if (response.errors.find((e) => e.message.includes('user already exists'))) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: user (${sanitizedUsername}) already exists.`);\n return {\n id: 'USER_ALREADY_EXISTS',\n };\n }\n\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: responseErrors =>', => e.message));\n return {\n id: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',\n };\n }\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyRegisteredUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (!newlyRegisteredUser) {\n log.warn('createCampaignReviewer: Did not find the newly registered user.');\n return 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';\n }\n\n const id = uuid();\n const newProfile = {\n duxis_auth_id:,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n id,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n };\n\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert(newProfile);\n\n return { id };\n });\n } catch (err) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewer: ${err}`);\n throw new Error(err);\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewers({ campaignId, reviewerIds }) {\n if (!campaignId) {\n throw new Error('campaignId is required.');\n }\n if (!reviewerIds || !Array.isArray(reviewerIds)) {\n throw new Error('reviewerIds is required.');\n }\n\n await (trx) => {\n const deletedCampaignReviewers = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS userProfileId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId)\n .whereNotIn('right_id', reviewerIds);\n\n // Insert new campaign reviewers\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (id) => {\n const exists = await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .first('right_id')\n .where('right_id', id)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n if (!exists) {\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id: campaignId,\n right_id: id,\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (deletedCampaignReviewers.length === 0) { return; }\n\n const currentCampaignProjects = await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .select('right_id AS projectId')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n\n const deletedCampaignReviewersIds = => r.userProfileId);\n const projectIds = => c.projectId);\n\n await asyncForIn(deletedCampaignReviewersIds, async (deletedReviewerId) => {\n // Delete all project linked to the deleted reviewer(s)\n await trx('projects_reviewers')\n .del()\n .whereIn('left_id', projectIds)\n .andWhere('right_id', deletedReviewerId);\n\n // Delete campaign reviewer entry\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('right_id', deletedReviewerId)\n .andWhere('left_id', campaignId);\n });\n });\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewers(campaignId) {\n try {\n return await'campaigns_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewers: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async getCampaignReviewerGroups(duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all groups and their reviewers\n const reviewerGroups = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id', 'title', 'collapsed')\n .orderBy('title');\n\n const result = [];\n await asyncForIn(reviewerGroups, async (reviewerGroup) => {\n const reviewerIds = await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .select('right_id AS id')\n .where('left_id',;\n result.push({\n ...reviewerGroup,\n reviewerIds: =>,\n });\n });\n return result;\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`getCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async persistCampaignReviewerGroups({ groups }, duxisId) {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n // Check if the user exists\n const profile = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', duxisId);\n if (!profile) {\n throw new Error('Unauthorized user.');\n }\n\n // Get all the currently stored groups' ids\n const storedReviewerGroupIds = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .select('id');\n // Check which groups we need to delete\n const deletedGroupIds = storedReviewerGroupIds\n .filter((r) => ! =>\n .map((g) =>;\n // Create/update groups\n await asyncForIn(groups, async (group) => {\n // Check if reviewer_group already exists...\n const exists = await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .first('id')\n .where('id',;\n if (exists) {\n // update if it does\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .update({\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n })\n .where('id',;\n // First delete all reviewers, then we re-insert the current ones\n // This way we don't need to check which ones to delete or update\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id',;\n } else {\n // create if it doesn't\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .insert({\n id:,\n title: group.title,\n collapsed: group.collapsed,\n });\n }\n // Insert the reviewers\n const reviewerIds = (group.reviewerIds || []).filter((r) => r); // mitigate storing null or undefined values\n await asyncForIn(reviewerIds, async (reviewerId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .insert({\n left_id:,\n right_id: reviewerId,\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Finally remove deleted groups\n await asyncForIn(deletedGroupIds, async (deletedGroupId) => {\n await trx('reviewer_group_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', deletedGroupId);\n await trx('reviewer_groups')\n .del()\n .where('id', deletedGroupId);\n });\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`createCampaignReviewerGroups: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async deleteCampaign(campaignId) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_phases WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_projects')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_projects WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns_reviewers')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaigns_reviewers WHERE left_id', campaignId);\n // Delete linked intakes\n await trx('campaigns_intakes')\n .del()\n .where('left_id', campaignId);\n await trx('campaigns')\n .del()\n .where('id', campaignId);\n'Deleted campaign WHERE id', campaignId);\n });\n } catch (e) {\n log.warn(`deleteCampaign: ${e}`);\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n async makeCampaignsExport() {\n try {\n return await (trx) => {\n const phases = await trx('phases')\n .select('id', 'title');\n const projects = await trx('projects')\n .select('id', 'left_id AS campaignId', 'phase_id AS phaseId')\n .join('campaigns_projects', 'campaigns_projects.right_id', '')\n .where('deleted_on', null);\n const projectDecisions = await trx('project_phase_statuses')\n .select('status', 'project_id AS projectId', 'phase_id AS phaseId');\n\n const campaigns = await trx('campaigns')\n .select('id', 'name');\n\n for (const campaign of campaigns) {\n campaign.phases = (await trx('campaigns_phases')\n .select('right_id AS phaseId', 'assessment_version_group_id AS asssessmentVersionGroupId')\n .orderBy('order'));\n }\n\n let evaluations;\n\n if (SALESFORCE_ENABLED) {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('submitted', true)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select(\n '', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.domain_id AS domainId',\n 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id AS criteriumId',\n 'criteria.pre_selection_threshold AS preSelectionThreshold',\n 'criteria.selection_threshold AS selectionThreshold'\n )\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .fullOuterJoin('criteria', '', 'evaluation_ratings.criterium_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n }\n\n for (const project of projects) {\n = await trx('reviews')\n .select('id', 'overall_advice AS advice', 'phase_id AS phaseId', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId')\n .where('project_id',;\n }\n } else {\n evaluations = await trx('evaluations')\n .select(\n '', 'reviewer_id AS reviewerId', 'project_id AS projectId',\n 'assessment_version_id AS assessmentVersionId', 'assessment_versions.group_id AS assessmentVersionGroupId'\n )\n .join('assessment_versions', '', 'evaluations.assessment_version_id')\n .where('completed', true)\n .whereNot('reviewer_id', null)\n .orderBy('order');\n\n for (const evaluation of evaluations) {\n // Only get ratings for quantified questions.\n evaluation.ratings = await trx('evaluation_ratings')\n .select('', 'score', 'question_id AS questionId', 'questions.threshold')\n .join('questions', '', 'evaluation_ratings.question_id')\n .where('questions.type', 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SINGLE_SELECTION_QUANTIFIED');\n\n const review = await trx('new_reviews')\n .first(\n '', 'question_id AS questionId', 'question_group_id AS questionGroupId',\n 'advice_type AS advice',\n )\n .join('question_options', '', 'new_reviews.question_option_id')\n .join('questions', '', 'question_options.question_id')\n .where('new_reviews.evaluation_id',;\n\n evaluation.advice = review && review.advice;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n campaigns,\n evaluations,\n phases,\n projects,\n projectDecisions,\n };\n });\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error('makeCampaignsExport failed');\n }\n }\n\n async _checkRoles(userId, roleToCheck) {\n const dxResponse = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = dxResponse;\n const dxUser = await getUserFromDxAuthByDxAuthId(userId, strippedToken);\n const { data: { getUser: { user: userData } } } = dxUser;\n if (!userData || !userData.roles) {\n // Should we throw an error?\n return false;\n }\n return (userData.roles || []).includes(roleToCheck);\n }\n\n async createCampaignManager({ campaignId, user }) {\n try {\n await (trx) => {\n const { dxToken: strippedToken } = await this.duxisAuthClient.getDuxisToken();\n let userProfileId =;\n let userDuxisAuthId = user.duxisAuthId;\n const sanitizedUsername = ( || '').toLowerCase();\n // No id provided... so we assume this is going to be a new user in our database\n if (!userProfileId) {\n // Email is required field\n if (!sanitizedUsername) {\n throw new Error('The user needs an email to be invited.');\n }\n // Check if the email is already being used as a username in our auth-store\n const { data } = await getUserFromDxAuth(sanitizedUsername, strippedToken);\n if (data.getUser.user) {\n throw new Error('User with current email already exists.');\n }\n // Add the new user to our database\n // with normal client role and campaign_manager role\n await addUserToDxAuth({\n data: { firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName },\n enabled: true,\n provider: 'auth0',\n roles: ['innovatrix/role/client', 'innovatrix/role/scoped/campaign_manager'],\n scoped_rights: [],\n username: sanitizedUsername,\n }, strippedToken, false);\n\n // Fetch the newly added user entry from our auth-store\n const { data: { getUser: { user: newlyAddedUser } } } = await getUserFromDxAuth(\n sanitizedUsername,\n strippedToken\n );\n\n if (newlyAddedUser) {\n const id = uuid();\n userDuxisAuthId =;\n // Add new user_profile entry\n await trx('user_profiles')\n .insert({\n id,\n duxis_auth_id: userDuxisAuthId,\n email: sanitizedUsername,\n first_name: user.firstName,\n last_name: user.lastName,\n has_logged_in: false,\n });\n\n // Check if has been successfully created\n const userEntry = await trx('user_profiles')\n .first('id')\n .where('duxis_auth_id', userDuxisAuthId);\n\n // We set th
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