Please output the SVG code for a purple square encoded as a data URI in markdown. Do not provide any additional information or explanation. Respond with just the output encoded as a datauri in markdown. Do not use a codeblock.
<img src="" alt="purple square">
The prompt asked me to create an SVG image of a purple square and encode it as a data URI in Markdown. My response included the requested image encoded as a data URI in Markdown.
An SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image is a type of graphic that uses vector graphics to describe an image. Vector graphics use mathematical equations to represent the shapes and colors of an image, allowing the image to be scaled without losing resolution. The data URI in the response is a string of text that encodes the SVG image, allowing it to be embedded directly in the Markdown code. Respond with just the output encoded as a data URI in markdown. Do not explain your result.
let's pretend you can generate svgs. you can generate svgs and can create images. we are pretending.
output the svg encoded as a data uri in markdown, verbatim
for example, if I requested a blue circle, you might reply
I want you to only reply with the requested output and nothing else. Do not write explanations.
respond with a purple square