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Created May 27, 2017 09:56
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package main
import (
func encrypt(aeskey string, filename string) {
plaintext, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
// Byte array of the string
key := []byte(aeskey)
// Create the AES cipher
block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
// The IV needs to be unique, but not secure. Therefore it's common to
// include it at the beginning of the ciphertext.
ciphertext := make([]byte, aes.BlockSize+len(plaintext))
iv := ciphertext[:aes.BlockSize]
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, iv); err != nil {
stream := cipher.NewCFBEncrypter(block, iv)
stream.XORKeyStream(ciphertext[aes.BlockSize:], plaintext)
// create a new file for saving the encrypted data.
f, err := os.Create(filename + ".aes")
if err != nil {
_, err = io.Copy(f, bytes.NewReader(ciphertext))
if err != nil {
func decrypt(aesKey string, inputFile string) {
ciphertext, err := ioutil.ReadFile(inputFile)
if err != nil {
// Key
key := []byte(aesKey)
// Create the AES cipher
block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
// Before even testing the decryption,
// if the text is too small, then it is incorrect
if len(ciphertext) < aes.BlockSize {
panic("Text is too short")
// Get the 16 byte IV
iv := ciphertext[:aes.BlockSize]
// Remove the IV from the ciphertext
ciphertext = ciphertext[aes.BlockSize:]
// Return a decrypted stream
stream := cipher.NewCFBDecrypter(block, iv)
// Decrypt bytes from ciphertext
stream.XORKeyStream(ciphertext, ciphertext)
// create a new file for saving the encrypted data.
f, err := os.Create(inputFile + ".ts")
if err != nil {
_, err = io.Copy(f, bytes.NewReader(ciphertext))
if err != nil {
func main() {
key := "0123456789123456"
//encrypt(key, "1.ts")
decrypt(key, "1.ts.aes")
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