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huydx/ Secret

Created September 26, 2016 01:15
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Computation Theory Note


  • Some math preliminaries:
    • Set theory: union, intersection, difference, cartesian product, complement
    • Function: 1-1 (injective) (two diff a lead to two diff f(a)), onto (subjective) (one b --> one a), bijection (both injective and subjective)
    • Boolean
  • how to solve problem
    • many techniques: constructive (give method of creating object), nonconstructive, contradiction, induction style
  • pigeon hole principle can lead to many consequences

Finite automata and regular language

  • regular language --> can be processed by computers having a small amount of memory

  • toll-gate control problem: using automata to remember which state (how many money)

  • finite automaton is 5 tuples (states, alphabet (values, for toll gate is 5,10,25), transition function, start state, accept states)

  • we have "accept states" and "reject states"

  • language L(M) accepted by M is defined by "set of all string" accepted by M

  • language A is regular, if there exist automaton M such is A = L(M)

  • NFA: state r, read symbol a -> goto uniquely defined state (r,a)

  • DFA: 0 or more than 1 possibles to goto

  • DFA has same power as NFA

  • NFA is 5 tuples too, different is in alphabet set

  • NFA recognize "formal language", compare to "regular language"

Regular expression

  • regular expression means to describe language

  • class of languages that can be decribed with regular expression, coincides with class of regular language

  • regular expression can be combined

  • L is regular language if and only if L is described by regular expressions

  • class of regular language is closed under various of operation --> it can be described under NFA or NFA and regular expression

  • we have tool to prove a lang is regular, or is not regular

  • amount of memory needed to determine or note given string is in a language or not is finite! (but only for language that have "repetitive" structure)

    • pumping lemma: any sufficient long string can be "pumped", (or repeat partially)

Higman's theorem:

  • subsequence definition: sequence which obtained by delete 0/more from others
  • Theorem: basically, subsequence language (SUBSEQ(L)) is regular

Dickson's theorem

  • dominated definition: a set which all element is <= other set (for N set only)
  • Theorem: basically, a set M is dominated is finite

Context Free Language

  • context free is class of languages that have some sort of recursive structure

  • has start variable and terminal variable

  • derive rule: Take any variable in the current string and take any rule that has this variable on the left-hand side

  • is a 4 tuples, variables |

  • regular languages are context-free! (prove by construct rule by state machine) (3.3.1 theorem), this theorem prove gives a way to construct rule from state machine

  • Chomsky normal form: strict form of context free grammar, just like normalize in DB

    • there exist a way to convert to normal form
  • Pushdown automata : the class of languages that can be accepted by these automata is exactly the class of context-free languages

    • has stack and tape, tape head, state control
    • determistic pushdown automaton
  • Equivalent of pushdown automata and context free language: nondetermistic pushdown automata and context free grammar equivalent in power

  • Turing Machine

    • k tapes, divided into cells, infinite, each cell contain symbol
    • deterministic turing machine is a 7-tuples
    • has transition function, tell us what machine can do in "one computation step"
    • using turing machine to accept palindrome
  • Equivalent computing model:

    • one tape turing machine, k tape turing machines, non-deterministic turing machine, java prog, c++ prog, lisp prog
    • all aboves can be converted to each other

Church turing thesis: - Every computational process that is intuitively considered to be an algorithm can be converted to a Turing machine.

Decidable and Undecidable language - A is decidable, if there exists an algorithm that (i) terminates on every input string w, and (ii) correctly tells us whether w ∈ A or w ̸∈ A.

TODO: - turing machine construction methodology

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