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Created January 28, 2014 16:34
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Motion streak code using SKShapeNode that didn't make it into the book iOS Games by Tutorials (
#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>
@interface MotionStreak : SKShapeNode
- (void)addPosition:(CGPoint)position;
- (void)updateStreak;
#import "MotionStreak.h"
#import "SKTUtils.h"
static const int MaxPoints = 20;
static const CGFloat Thickness = 8.0f;
@implementation MotionStreak
UIBezierPath *_path;
CGPoint _points[MaxPoints];
CGFloat _angles[MaxPoints];
CGPoint _previousPoint;
int _count;
int _index;
- (instancetype)init
if ((self = [super init]))
_path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
self.lineWidth = 0.0f;
self.fillColor = SKColorWithRGBA(255, 255, 255, 64);
self.antialiased = NO;
// NOTE: This is necessary because of an issue with Sprite Kit.
// If the ShapeNode does not cover the entire playing area when it
// is created, then it gets hidden in the areas it doesn't cover,
// even if you add those later. I consider this a bug.
[_path moveToPoint:CGPointZero];
[_path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(1000.0f, 1000.0f)];
[_path closePath];
self.path = _path.CGPath;
return self;
- (void)addPosition:(CGPoint)position
// Ignore the new point if it is too close to the prevous point.
if (CGPointDistance(_previousPoint, position) < 2.0f)
_points[_index] = position;
if (_count < MaxPoints)
CGFloat angle = CGPointToAngle(CGPointSubtract(position, _previousPoint));
_angles[_index] = angle + M_PI_2;
_previousPoint = position;
if (_index == MaxPoints)
_index = 0;
- (void)updateStreak
[_path removeAllPoints];
if (_count > 1)
int i = _index % _count;
CGPoint point = _points[i];
CGFloat taper = 1.0f / _count;
CGFloat s = sinf(_angles[i]) * taper * Thickness;
CGFloat c = cosf(_angles[i]) * taper * Thickness;
[_path moveToPoint:CGPointMake(point.x + c, point.y + s)];
[_path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(point.x - c, point.y - s)];
for (int t = 1; t < _count; ++t)
int i = (_index + t) % _count;
point = _points[i];
taper = (t + 1) / (float)_count;
s = sinf(_angles[i]) * taper * Thickness;
c = cosf(_angles[i]) * taper * Thickness;
[_path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(point.x - c, point.y - s)];
for (int t = _count - 1; t >= 1; --t)
int i = (_index + t) % _count;
point = _points[i];
taper = (t + 1) / (float)_count;
s = sinf(_angles[i]) * taper * Thickness;
c = cosf(_angles[i]) * taper * Thickness;
[_path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(point.x + c, point.y + s)];
[_path closePath];
self.path = _path.CGPath;
You can find SKTUtils.h at
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Yeap, this is brilliant. It only took 2 mins to set-up and implement. Many thanks!

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