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Forked from phatak-dev/
Created December 6, 2017 23:56
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Functional Programming in C++

#Compilng You need g++ 4.9 to compile this code. Follow these steps to install g++-4.9

After installing run the following command to compile

/usr/bin/g++-4.9 -std=c++11 lambda.cpp


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
Example showing the function programming ideas in
C++ 11. Features used here are part of standard language.
template <typename Collection,typename unop>
void for_each(Collection col, unop op){
template <typename Collection,typename unop>
Collection map(Collection col,unop op) {
return col;
template <typename Collection,typename binop>
Collection zip(Collection fc,Collection sc,binop op) {
return fc;
template <typename Collection,typename Condition>
bool exists(Collection col,Condition con) {
auto exist = std::find_if(col.begin(),col.end(),con);
return exist != col.end();
template <typename Collection,typename Predicate>
Collection filterNot(Collection col,Predicate predicate ) {
auto returnIterator = std::remove_if(col.begin(),col.end(),predicate);
return col;
template <typename Collection,typename Predicate>
Collection filter(Collection col,Predicate predicate) {
auto fnCol = filterNot(col,[predicate](typename Collection::value_type i) { return !predicate(i);});
return fnCol;
int main()
//helper println
auto println = [](const char *message){ std::cout << message << std::endl;};
auto lambda_echo = [](int i ) { std::cout << i << std::endl; };
std::vector<int> col{20,24,37,42,23,45,37};
//call foreach to print the vector
println("running foreach");
// add one to each element
println("running map operation");
auto addOne = [] (int i) { return i+1;};
auto returnCol = map(col,addOne);
//zip operation
println("running zip operation");
auto zipAdd = [] (int a, int b){ return a+b;};
std::vector<int> secondCol{40,22,22,24,23,45,34};
auto zipCol = zip(col,secondCol,zipAdd);
println("runnig exists");
//prints 1 if true 0 if false
std::cout << "value 20 exist= " << exists(col, [] (int value){ return value==20;}) << std::endl;
std::cout << "value 43 exist= " << exists(col, [] (int value){ return value==43;}) << std::endl;
println("running filterNot");
auto filterCol = filterNot(col,[](int value){ return value==23;});
println("running filter");
auto filteredCol = filter(col,[](int value){ return value > 30;});
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