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Created October 31, 2018 04:38
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//Specification: Input: 2 strings
//Output: boolean, if they are anagram of each other;
//Constraints: ignore capitalization;
//edge case: return false;
//Justification: check if one of the strings is a rearragement of characters the other;
//Explanation: two strings that have characters, it can be or can not be a rearrangment of characters of the other;
string1 => S T R I N G 1
string2 => S T R I N G 2
Compare size. Sort them. then Check;
//Approximation/ Pseudocode:
1. Check length => if diference then return false; else go to 2nd step;
2. Split the 2 strings into characters, put them into 2 arrays ;
3. Sort the 2 arrays by words;
4. Then join the sorted arrays into strings again;
5. Compare if the two strings are the same;
6. Return true if it is, else false;
Ex: help , kelp
1. Check length; length of characters = 4 on both => go to step 2;
2. Split 2 strings and put them into arrays:
help => [h, e, l, p];
kelp => [k, e, l, p];
3. Sort the 2 arrays by words:
[h, e, l, p] => ["e", "h", "l", "p"]
[k, e, l, p] => ["e", "k", "l", "p"]
4. Join characters together:
["e", "h", "l", "p"] => ehlp
["e", "k", "l", "p"] => eklp
5. Compare two strings again;
ehlp =/= eklp;
6. Return false;
//Real Code:
function checkAnagram(str1, str2) {
if (str1.length !== str2.length) {
return false;
var arr1 = str1.split('').join();
var arr2 = str2.split('').join();
return arr1 = arr2;
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