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Forked from a3ammar/color-picker
Last active March 21, 2022 09:28
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Use OS X Color Picker in Emacs
(defun custom-color--choose-action (widget &optional _event) ; this function is only needed if you want to use color-picker in Easy Customization
"customize `widget-color--chose-action' to not split the screen"
nil nil
`(lambda (color)
(when (buffer-live-p ,(current-buffer))
(widget-value-set ',(widget-get widget :parent) color)
(pop-to-buffer ,(current-buffer))))))
(defun nscolor2hex (color)
"Converts colors from `NSColor' format to hex values"
(concat "#" ; Add # at the front
(mapconcat 'identity ; concate the list
(mapcar '(lambda (x) ;returns ("hex" "hex" "hex")
(let ((col (lsh (string-to-number x) -8)))
(if (< col 16)
(format "0%x" col)
(format "%x" col))))
(split-string (s-replace "\"" "" color) ",")) "")))
(defun color-picker (&optional list buffer-name callback)
"Calls OS X color picker and insert the chosen color. It is really messy because of applyscript"
(let ((result
(do-applescript "tell application \"Finder\"
set result to \"\"
set x to (choose color)
set result to item 1 of x as string
set result to result & \",\"
set result to result & item 2 of x as string
set result to result & \",\"
set result to result & item 3 of x as string
return result
end tell")))
(if callback ; For Easy Customization
(funcall callback (nscolor2hex result))
(insert (nscolor2hex result)))
(do-applescript "tell application \"Emacs\" to activate")))
;; If you want to use `color-picker' in Easy Customization add these
(defalias 'list-colors-display 'color-picker)
(defalias 'widget-color--choose-action 'custom-color--choose-action)
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