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Created July 12, 2019 22:29
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* Description : A few snipets that help to load bunch of images or svgs using DOMParse API
* Author : <[email protected]>
* Last-Modified: July 13, 2019
* License : Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Davronov
* In case of disclosure of use of this piece of software you may face prosection
* if any of the following conditions are met:
* 1. You failed to make a due mention of the aforementioned author
* 2. You failed to copy this license text next to this piece of software
* Otherwise anyone is free to use this piece of software at their own risk and responsibility.
* No warranty or any form of safety guarantees are provided.
* Loads image sources into specified target
* @param {object} args
* @param {string=} args.basePath
* @param {string[]} args.images
* @param {HTMLElement}
let loadSvgs = async function ({ basePath, images, target }) {
if (!basePath) basePath = "";
if (!(images && target)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument`)
let domparser = new DOMParser();
let svgPromises = function (src, i, images) {
let response = await fetch(basePath + src);
let text = await response.text();
let xmlDoc = domparser.parseFromString(text, "image/svg+xml");
return xmlDoc.firstElementChild
let svgImages
try {
svgImages = await Promise.all(svgPromises)
svgImages.forEach(function (svgDoc, i, array) {
} catch (e) {
* Loads image sources into specified target
* @param {object} args
* @param {string=} args.basePath
* @param {string[]} args.images
* @param {HTMLElement}
let loadImages = async function ({ basePath, images, target }) {
if (!basePath) basePath = "";
if (!(images && target)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument`)
let htmlElements =, i, images) => {
let el = new Image();
el.src = basePath + src;
return el
htmlElements.forEach(function (el, i, htmlElements) {
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