Ctrl+KB | toggle side bar |
Ctrl+Shift+P | command prompt |
Ctrl+` | python console |
Ctrl+N | new file |
Ctrl+L | select line (repeat select next lines) |
Ctrl+D | select word (repeat select others occurrences in context for multiple editing) |
Ctrl+Shift+M | select content into brackets |
Ctrl+X | delete line |
Ctrl+KK | delete from cursor to end of line |
Ctrl+K+Backspace | delete from cursor to start of line |
Ctrl+Shift+D | duplicate line(s) |
Ctrl+J | join lines |
Ctrl+KU | upper case |
Ctrl+KL | lower case |
Ctrl+ / | comment |
Ctrl+Shift+/ | block comment |
Ctrl+Y | redo or repeat |
Ctrl+Shift+V | past and ident |
Alt+/ | autocomplete (repeat to select next suggestion). Default is Ctrl+Space, but it always reserved for language change in Chinese Windows environment. |
Ctrl+M | jump to matching brackets |
Ctrl+U | soft undo (movement undo) |
Ctrl+P | goto anyway. Search files by name in your project. |
Ctrl+R | goto symbol(functions and classes) in the file. Same as Ctrl+P, then type @ |
Ctrl+; | goto word in current file. Same as Ctrl+P, then type # |
Ctrl+G | goto line in current file. Same as Ctrl+P, then type : |
Ctrl+F | find |
Ctrl+H | replace |
Ctrl+Shift+F | find in files |
Alt+Shift+1 | single column |
Alt+Shift+2 | two columns |
Alt+Shift+5 | grid (4 groups) |
Ctrl+[1,2,3,4] | focus group |
Ctrl+Shift+[1,2,3,4] | move file to group |
Ctrl+[1,2,3…] | select tab |
Ctrl+F2 | toggle bookmark |
F2 | next bookmark |
Shift+F2 | previous bookmark |
Ctrl+Shift+F2 | clear bookmarks |
I like Ctrl+P and its @, it is very convenient.