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Created April 2, 2019 22:32
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Sentry Jira plugin patched for sentry onpremise v9
FROM sentry:9.0-onbuild
COPY /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sentry_plugins/jira/
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import re
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls import url
from rest_framework.response import Response
from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qs, quote_plus, unquote_plus, urlencode, urlsplit, urlunsplit
from sentry.models import GroupMeta
from sentry.plugins.bases.issue2 import IssuePlugin2, IssueGroupActionEndpoint, PluginError
from sentry.utils.http import absolute_uri
from sentry_plugins.base import CorePluginMixin
from sentry_plugins.exceptions import ApiError, ApiUnauthorized
from sentry_plugins.jira.client import JiraClient
from sentry_plugins.utils import get_secret_field_config
# A list of common builtin custom field types for JIRA for easy reference.
'select': 'com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select',
'textarea': 'com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textarea',
'multiuserpicker': 'com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiuserpicker',
'tempo_account': 'com.tempoplugin.tempo-accounts:accounts.customfield'
class JiraPlugin(CorePluginMixin, IssuePlugin2):
description = 'Integrate JIRA issues by linking a project.'
slug = 'jira'
title = 'JIRA'
conf_title = title
conf_key = slug
asset_key = 'jira'
assets = [
def get_group_urls(self):
_patterns = super(JiraPlugin, self).get_group_urls()
IssueGroupActionEndpoint.as_view(view_method_name='view_autocomplete', plugin=self)
return _patterns
def is_configured(self, request, project, **kwargs):
if not self.get_option('default_project', project):
return False
return True
def get_group_description(self, request, group, event):
# mostly the same as parent class, but change ``` to {code}
output = [
body = self.get_group_body(request, group, event)
if body:
return '\n'.join(output)
def build_dynamic_field(self, group, field_meta):
Builds a field based on JIRA's meta field information
schema = field_meta['schema']
# set up some defaults for form fields
fieldtype = 'text'
fkwargs = {
'label': field_meta['name'],
'required': field_meta['required'],
# override defaults based on field configuration
if (schema['type'] in ['securitylevel', 'priority']
or schema.get('custom') == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES['select']):
fieldtype = 'select'
fkwargs['choices'] = self.make_choices(field_meta.get('allowedValues'))
elif field_meta.get('autoCompleteUrl') and \
(schema.get('items') == 'user' or schema['type'] == 'user'):
fieldtype = 'select'
sentry_url = '/api/0/issues/%s/plugins/%s/autocomplete' % (, self.slug)
fkwargs['url'] = '%s?jira_url=%s' % (
sentry_url, quote_plus(field_meta['autoCompleteUrl']),
fkwargs['has_autocomplete'] = True
fkwargs['placeholder'] = 'Start typing to search for a user'
elif schema['type'] in ['timetracking']:
# TODO: Implement timetracking (currently unsupported alltogether)
return None
elif schema.get('items') in ['worklog', 'attachment']:
# TODO: Implement worklogs and attachments someday
return None
elif schema['type'] == 'array' and schema['items'] != 'string':
fieldtype = 'select'
'multiple': True,
'choices': self.make_choices(field_meta.get('allowedValues')),
'default': []
# break this out, since multiple field types could additionally
# be configured to use a custom property instead of a default.
if schema.get('custom'):
if schema['custom'] == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES['textarea']:
fieldtype = 'textarea'
fkwargs['type'] = fieldtype
return fkwargs
def get_issue_type_meta(self, issue_type, meta):
issue_types = meta['issuetypes']
issue_type_meta = None
if issue_type:
matching_type = [t for t in issue_types if t['id'] == issue_type]
issue_type_meta = matching_type[0] if len(matching_type) > 0 else None
# still no issue type? just use the first one.
if not issue_type_meta:
issue_type_meta = issue_types[0]
return issue_type_meta
def get_new_issue_fields(self, request, group, event, **kwargs):
fields = super(JiraPlugin, self).get_new_issue_fields(request, group, event, **kwargs)
jira_project_key = self.get_option('default_project', group.project)
client = self.get_jira_client(group.project)
meta = client.get_create_meta_for_project(jira_project_key)
except ApiUnauthorized:
raise PluginError(
'JIRA returned: Unauthorized. '
'Please check your username, password, '
'instance and project in your configuration settings.'
if not meta:
raise PluginError(
'Error in JIRA configuration, no projects '
'found for user %s.' % client.username
# check if the issuetype was passed as a GET parameter
issue_type = None
if request is not None:
if request.method == 'POST':
issue_type = request.DATA.get('issuetype')
issue_type = request.GET.get('issuetype')
if issue_type is None:
issue_type = self.get_option('default_issue_type', group.project)
issue_type_meta = self.get_issue_type_meta(issue_type, meta)
issue_type_choices = self.make_choices(meta['issuetypes'])
# make sure default issue type is actually
# one that is allowed for project
if issue_type:
if not any((c for c in issue_type_choices if c[0] == issue_type)):
issue_type = issue_type_meta['id']
fields = [
'name': 'project',
'label': 'Jira Project',
'choices': ((meta['id'], jira_project_key), ),
'default': meta['id'],
'type': 'select',
'readonly': True
] + fields + [
'name': 'issuetype',
'label': 'Issue Type',
'default': issue_type or issue_type_meta['id'],
'type': 'select',
'choices': issue_type_choices
# title is renamed to summary before sending to JIRA
standard_fields = [f['name'] for f in fields] + ['summary']
ignored_fields = (self.get_option('ignored_fields', group.project) or '').split(',')
# apply ordering to fields based on some known built-in JIRA fields.
# otherwise weird ordering occurs.
anti_gravity = {"priority": -150, "fixVersions": -125, "components": -100, "security": -50}
dynamic_fields = issue_type_meta.get('fields').keys()
dynamic_fields.sort(key=lambda f: anti_gravity.get(f) or 0)
# build up some dynamic fields based on required shit.
for field in dynamic_fields:
if field in standard_fields or field in [x.strip() for x in ignored_fields]:
# don't overwrite the fixed fields for the form.
mb_field = self.build_dynamic_field(group, issue_type_meta['fields'][field])
if mb_field:
mb_field['name'] = field
for field in fields:
if field['name'] == 'priority':
# whenever priorities are available, put the available ones in the list.
# allowedValues for some reason doesn't pass enough info.
field['choices'] = self.make_choices(client.get_priorities())
field['default'] = self.get_option('default_priority', group.project) or ''
elif field['name'] == 'fixVersions':
field['choices'] = self.make_choices(client.get_versions(jira_project_key))
return fields
def get_link_existing_issue_fields(self, request, group, event, **kwargs):
return [
'name': 'issue_id',
'label': 'Issue',
'default': '',
'type': 'select',
'has_autocomplete': True
}, {
'name': 'comment',
'label': 'Comment',
'default': absolute_uri(group.get_absolute_url()),
'type': 'textarea',
'help': ('Leave blank if you don\'t want to '
'add a comment to the JIRA issue.'),
'required': False
def link_issue(self, request, group, form_data, **kwargs):
client = self.get_jira_client(group.project)
issue = client.get_issue(form_data['issue_id'])
except Exception as e:
comment = form_data.get('comment')
if comment:
client.create_comment(issue['key'], comment)
except Exception as e:
return {'title': issue['fields']['summary']}
def get_issue_label(self, group, issue_id, **kwargs):
return issue_id
def get_issue_url(self, group, issue_id, **kwargs):
instance = self.get_option('instance_url', group.project)
return "%s/browse/%s" % (instance, issue_id)
def _get_formatted_user(self, user):
display = '%s %s(%s)' % (
user.get('displayName', user['name']),
'- %s ' % user.get('emailAddress') if user.get('emailAddress') else '',
return {
'id': user['name'],
'text': display,
def view_autocomplete(self, request, group, **kwargs):
query = request.GET.get('autocomplete_query')
field = request.GET.get('autocomplete_field')
project = self.get_option('default_project', group.project)
if field == 'issue_id':
client = self.get_jira_client(group.project)
response = client.search_issues(project, query)
except ApiError as e:
return Response(
'error_type': 'validation',
'errors': [{
'__all__': self.message_from_error(e)
issues = [
'text': '(%s) %s' % (i['key'], i['fields']['summary']),
'id': i['key']
} for i in response.get('issues', [])
return Response({field: issues})
jira_url = request.GET.get('jira_url')
if jira_url:
jira_url = unquote_plus(jira_url)
parsed = list(urlsplit(jira_url))
jira_query = parse_qs(parsed[3])
jira_client = self.get_jira_client(group.project)
is_user_api ='/rest/api/(latest|[0-9])/user/', jira_url)
is_user_picker = '/rest/api/1.0/users/picker' in jira_url
if is_user_api: # its the JSON version of the autocompleter
is_xml = False
jira_query['username'] = query.encode('utf8')
'issueKey', False
) # some reason JIRA complains if this key is in the URL.
jira_query['project'] = project.encode('utf8')
elif is_user_picker:
is_xml = False
# for whatever reason, the create meta api returns an
# invalid path, so let's just use the correct, documented one here:
# also, only pass path so saved instance url will be used
parsed[0] = ''
parsed[1] = ''
parsed[2] = '/rest/api/2/user/picker'
jira_query['query'] = query.encode('utf8')
else: # its the stupid XML version of the API.
is_xml = True
jira_query['query'] = query.encode('utf8')
if jira_query.get('fieldName'):
# for some reason its a list.
jira_query['fieldName'] = jira_query['fieldName'][0]
parsed[3] = urlencode(jira_query)
final_url = urlunsplit(parsed)
autocomplete_response = jira_client.get_cached(final_url)
if is_user_picker:
autocomplete_response = autocomplete_response['users']
users = []
if is_xml:
for userxml in autocomplete_response.xml.findAll("users"):
'id': userxml.find('name').text,
'text': userxml.find('html').text
for user in autocomplete_response:
if user.get('name'):
# if JIRA user doesn't have proper permission for user api,
# try the assignee api instead
if not users and is_user_api:
autocomplete_response = jira_client.search_users_for_project(
jira_query.get('project'), jira_query.get('username')
except (ApiUnauthorized, ApiError) as e:
return Response(
'error_type': 'validation',
'errors': [{
'__all__': self.message_from_error(e)
for user in autocomplete_response:
if user.get('name'):
return Response({field: users})
def message_from_error(self, exc):
if isinstance(exc, ApiUnauthorized):
return 'Unauthorized: either your username and password were invalid or you do not have access'
return super(JiraPlugin, self).message_from_error(exc)
def error_message_from_json(self, data):
message = ''
if data.get('errorMessages'):
message = ' '.join(data['errorMessages'])
if data.get('errors'):
if message:
message += ' '
message += ' '.join(['%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in data.get('errors').items()])
return message
def create_issue(self, request, group, form_data, **kwargs):
cleaned_data = {}
# protect against mis-configured plugin submitting a form without an
# issuetype assigned.
if not form_data.get('issuetype'):
raise PluginError('Issue Type is required.')
jira_project_key = self.get_option('default_project', group.project)
client = self.get_jira_client(group.project)
meta = client.get_create_meta_for_project(jira_project_key)
if not meta:
raise PluginError('Something went wrong. Check your plugin configuration.')
issue_type_meta = self.get_issue_type_meta(form_data['issuetype'], meta)
fs = issue_type_meta['fields']
for field in fs.keys():
f = fs[field]
if field == 'description':
cleaned_data[field] = form_data[field]
elif field == 'summary':
cleaned_data['summary'] = form_data['title']
if field in form_data.keys():
v = form_data.get(field)
if v:
schema = f['schema']
if schema.get('type') == 'string' and not schema.get('custom'):
cleaned_data[field] = v
if schema['type'] == 'user' or schema.get('items') == 'user':
v = {'name': v}
elif schema.get('custom') == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES.get('multiuserpicker'):
# custom multi-picker
v = [{'name': v}]
elif schema['type'] == 'array' and schema.get('items') != 'string':
v = [{'id': vx} for vx in v]
elif schema['type'] == 'array' and schema.get('items') == 'string':
v = [v]
elif schema.get('custom') == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES.get('textarea'):
v = v
elif schema['type'] == 'number' or \
schema.get('custom') == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES['tempo_account']:
if '.' in v:
v = float(v)
v = int(v)
except ValueError:
elif (schema.get('type') != 'string'
or (schema.get('items') and schema.get('items') != 'string')
or schema.get('custom') == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES.get('select')):
v = {'id': v}
cleaned_data[field] = v
if not (isinstance(cleaned_data['issuetype'], dict) and 'id' in cleaned_data['issuetype']):
# something fishy is going on with this field, working on some JIRA
# instances, and some not.
# testing against 5.1.5 and 5.1.4 does not convert (perhaps is no longer included
# in the projectmeta API call, and would normally be converted in the
# above clean method.)
cleaned_data['issuetype'] = {'id': cleaned_data['issuetype']}
response = client.create_issue(cleaned_data)
except Exception as e:
return response.get('key')
def get_jira_client(self, project):
instance = self.get_option('instance_url', project)
username = self.get_option('username', project)
pw = self.get_option('password', project)
return JiraClient(instance, username, pw)
def make_choices(self, x):
return [(y['id'], y['name'] if 'name' in y else y['value']) for y in x] if x else []
def validate_config_field(self, project, name, value, actor=None):
value = super(JiraPlugin, self).validate_config_field(project, name, value, actor)
# Don't make people update password every time
if name == 'password':
value = value or self.get_option('password', project)
return value
def validate_config(self, project, config, actor=None):
if config['foo'] and not config['bar']:
raise PluginError('You cannot configure foo with bar')
return config
client = JiraClient(config['instance_url'], config['username'], config['password'])
except ApiError as e:
return config
def get_configure_plugin_fields(self, request, project, **kwargs):
instance = self.get_option('instance_url', project)
username = self.get_option('username', project)
pw = self.get_option('password', project)
jira_project = self.get_option('default_project', project)
default_priority = self.get_option('default_priority', project)
default_issue_type = self.get_option('default_issue_type', project)
project_choices = []
priority_choices = []
issue_type_choices = []
if instance and username and pw:
client = JiraClient(instance, username, pw)
projects = client.get_projects_list()
except ApiError:
projects = None
if projects:
project_choices = [
(p.get('key'), '%s (%s)' % (p.get('name'), p.get('key'))) for p in projects
jira_project = jira_project or projects[0]['key']
if jira_project:
priorities = client.get_priorities()
except ApiError:
priorities = None
if priorities:
priority_choices = [
(p.get('id'), '%s' % (p.get('name'))) for p in priorities
default_priority = default_priority or priorities[0]['id']
meta = client.get_create_meta_for_project(jira_project)
except ApiError:
meta = None
if meta:
issue_type_choices = self.make_choices(meta['issuetypes'])
if issue_type_choices:
default_issue_type = default_issue_type or issue_type_choices[0][0]
secret_field = get_secret_field_config(pw, '')
secret_field.update({'name': 'password', 'label': 'Password/API Token'})
return [
'name': 'instance_url',
'label': 'JIRA Instance URL',
'default': instance,
'type': 'text',
'placeholder': 'e.g. ""',
'help': 'It must be visible to the Sentry server'
}, {
'name': 'username',
'label': 'Username/Email',
'default': username,
'type': 'text',
'help': 'Ensure the JIRA user has admin permissions on the project'
}, secret_field, {
'name': 'default_project',
'label': 'Linked Project',
'type': 'select',
'choices': project_choices,
'default': jira_project,
'required': False
}, {
'name': 'ignored_fields',
'label': 'Ignored Fields',
'type': 'textarea',
'required': False,
'placeholder': 'e.g. "components, security, customfield_10006"',
'default': self.get_option('ignored_fields', project),
'Comma-separated list of properties that you don\'t want to show in the form'
}, {
'name': 'default_priority',
'label': 'Default Priority',
'type': 'select',
'choices': priority_choices,
'required': False,
'default': default_priority
}, {
'name': 'default_issue_type',
'label': 'Default Issue Type',
'type': 'select',
'choices': issue_type_choices,
'required': False,
'default': default_issue_type
}, {
'name': 'auto_create',
'label': 'Automatically create JIRA Tickets',
'default': self.get_option('auto_create', project) or False,
'type': 'bool',
'required': False,
'help': 'Automatically create a JIRA ticket for EVERY new issue'
def should_create(self, group, event, is_new):
if not is_new:
return False
if not self.get_option('auto_create', group.project):
return False
# XXX(dcramer): Sentry doesn't expect GroupMeta referenced here so we
# need to populate the cache
if GroupMeta.objects.get_value(group, '%s:tid' % self.get_conf_key(), None):
return False
return True
def post_process(self, group, event, is_new, is_sample, **kwargs):
if not self.should_create(group, event, is_new):
fields = self.get_new_issue_fields(None, group, event, **kwargs)
post_data = {}
included_fields = set(['priority', 'issuetype', 'title', 'description', 'project'])
for field in fields:
name = field['name']
if name in included_fields:
post_data[name] = field.get('default')
if not (
post_data.get('priority') and post_data.get('issuetype') and post_data.get('project')
interface = event.interfaces.get('sentry.interfaces.Exception')
if interface:
post_data['description'] += '\n{code}%s{code}' % interface.get_stacktrace(
event, system_frames=False, max_frames=settings.SENTRY_MAX_STACKTRACE_FRAMES
issue_id = self.create_issue(request={}, group=group, form_data=post_data)
except PluginError as e:
logging.exception('Error creating JIRA ticket: %s', e)
prefix = self.get_conf_key()
GroupMeta.objects.set_value(group, '%s:tid' % prefix, issue_id)
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