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Last active February 11, 2024 22:23
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Script to migrate data from Octadesk to Odoo
import xmlrpc.client
import requests, json, os, time
## Octadesk API:
payload = {'username': '[email protected]', 'password': 'password'}
headers = {'subDomain': 'company', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json'}
r ='', data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
token = r.json()['token']
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
## Odoo API:
apiUrl = ''
apiDB = 'company'
apiUser = '[email protected]'
apiKey = 'apikey'
common = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(apiUrl+'common')
uid = common.authenticate(apiDB, apiUser, apiKey, {})
models = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(apiUrl+'object')
## Add Organization
for p in range(1,10):
tReq = requests.get(''+str(p), headers=headers)
for c in tReq.json():
company = models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey, 'res.partner', 'web_search_read', [[['name','=',r['name']]]], {'specification': {}})
if company['length'] == 1: continue
print(c['name'], c['domains'][0])
company = {
'name': c['name'],
'type': 'contact',
'company_type': 'company',
'website': c['domains'][0],
'lang': 'pt_BR'
models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey, 'res.partner', 'web_save', [[], company], {'specification': {}})
## Add Requesters
for p in range(2,50):
tReq = requests.get(''+str(p), headers=headers)
if len(tReq.json()) == 0: break
print('########## Page',p)
for r in tReq.json():
print('Search', r['name'])
person = models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey, 'res.partner', 'web_search_read', [[['email','=',r['email']]]], {'specification': {}})
if person['length'] == 1: continue
parent_id = False
if 'organization' in r:
company = models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey, 'res.partner', 'web_search_read', [[['name','=',r['organization']['name']]]], {'specification': {}})
if company['length'] == 1:
parent_id = company['records'][0]['id']
person = {
'name': r['name'],
'type': 'contact',
'company_type': 'person',
'email': r['email'],
'lang': 'pt_BR',
'parent_id': parent_id
models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey, 'res.partner', 'web_save', [[], person], {'specification': {}})
## Add Tickets
for p in range(2,50):
tReq = requests.get(''+str(p), headers=headers)
for t in tReq.json():
if t['number'] < 100: continue
if not 'lastPersonUpdate' in t or not 'organizationName' in t \
or t['organizationName'] == 'Company' or t['totalHumanInteractions'] == 0 \
or t['totalHumanInteractions'] > 40: continue
lastEmail = t['lastPersonUpdate']['email']
eTicket = models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey, 'helpdesk.ticket', 'web_search_read', [[['x_studio_nmero_octa','=',t['number']]]], {'specification': {}})
if eTicket['length'] == 1: continue
partner = models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey, 'res.partner', 'web_search_read', [[['email','=',t['requesterMail']]]], {'specification': {'name':{},'email':{}}})
if partner['length'] != 1: continue
print('Solicitante: ', partner)
partner_id = partner['records'][0]['id']
user = models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey, 'res.users', 'web_search_read', [[['email','=',lastEmail]]], {'specification': {'name':{},'email':{}}})
if user['length'] != 1: continue
print('Responsável: ', user)
user_id = user['records'][0]['id']
team_id = 1
print('Buscando interações de ',t['number'])
iReq = requests.get(''+ str(t['number']) +'/interactions', headers=headers)
summary = summarizeTicket(tReq, iReq)
ticket = {
'name': t['summary'] + ' #' + str(t['number']),
'user_id': user_id, # temporaty turn off email notification to avoid spam
'partner_id': partner_id,
'stage_id': 4,
'description': t['descriptionAsText'].replace('\n','<br>')
'team_id': team_id,
'x_studio_nmero_octa': t['number'],
'x_studio_data_octa': t['openDate'].translate({84:32,90:None}).split('.')[0]
print('Inserindo Ticket ',t['number'],': ',t['summary'])
odooT = models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey, 'helpdesk.ticket', 'web_save', [[], ticket], {'specification': {}})
if odooT[0] and odooT[0]['id']:
for i in iReq.json():
if i['isHumanInteraction'] == True and len(i['comments']) > 0:
iPartner = models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey, 'res.partner', 'web_search_read', [[['email','=',i['person']['email']]]], {'specification': {'email':{}}})
if iPartner['length'] != 1: continue
print('Inserindo comentário de ', iPartner['records'][0]['email'])
iData = i['dateCreation'].translate({84:32,90:None}).split('.')[0]
models.execute_kw(apiDB, uid, apiKey,'mail.message','create',
'message_type': 'comment',
'body': '<strong>' + iPartner['records'][0]['email'] + ' disse</strong> em ' + iData + ':<br>' + i['comments'][0]['content'],
'model': 'helpdesk.ticket',
'res_id': odooT[0]['id'],
'subtype_id': 2
## give a break for Oddo Api to avoid too many requests
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