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Last active January 7, 2025 11:50
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  • Save henrik242/1c5010734d6993123d276c3e4d07852f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save henrik242/1c5010734d6993123d276c3e4d07852f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  1. Open
  2. Create new Quick Action
  3. Select Run AppleScript
  4. Add this:
set inputVolume to input volume of (get volume settings)
if inputVolume = 0 then
	set inputVolume to 100
	display notification "Volume set to 100" with title "✅ Microphone is on"
	set inputVolume to 0
	display notification "Volume set to 0" with title "❌ Microphone is off"
end if
set volume input volume inputVolume
  1. Save as mute-microphone
  2. Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services -> General
  3. Find the mute-microphone service and set the hotkey (e.g. control-cmd-option M)
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For me, the automation (Quick-action) works as part of the keyboard shortcut service, but there is no notification. Is someone else facing the same problem?

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