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Last active December 31, 2024 16:10
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Modified version of Laytan's Odin LLDB collection visualizer to support chunked arrays for large dat asets
import lldb
import math
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def is_slice_type(t, internal_dict):
return ("[]") or"[dynamic]")) and not']')
def slice_summary(value, internal_dict):
value = value.GetNonSyntheticValue()
length = value.GetChildMemberWithName("len").unsigned
data = value.GetChildMemberWithName("data")
pointee = data.deref
type_name = pointee.type.GetDisplayTypeName()
return f"[{length}]{type_name}"
class SliceChildProvider:
def __init__(self, val, dict):
self.val = val
def update(self):
val = self.val
self.len = val.GetChildMemberWithName("len").unsigned
self.data_val = val.GetChildMemberWithName("data")
assert self.data_val.type.is_pointer
is_chunked = self.len > SliceChildProvider.CHUNK_COUNT
self.chunked_len = 0 if not is_chunked else math.ceil(self.len / SliceChildProvider.CHUNK_COUNT)
return False
def num_children(self):
return self.chunked_len if self.chunked_len > 0 else self.len
def get_child_at_index(self, index):
length = self.num_children()
assert index >= 0 and index < length
first = self.data_val.deref
if self.chunked_len > 0:
chunk_size = SliceChildProvider.CHUNK_COUNT
array_len = min(chunk_size, self.len - index * chunk_size)
arr_type = first.type.GetArrayType(array_len)
offset = index * first.size * chunk_size
range_start = index * chunk_size
return self.data_val.CreateChildAtOffset(f"[{range_start}..<{range_start+array_len}]", offset, arr_type)
offset = index * first.size
return self.data_val.CreateChildAtOffset(f"[{index}]", offset, first.type)
def is_string_type(t, internal_dict):
return == "string"
def string_summary(value, internal_dict):
pointer = value.GetChildMemberWithName("data").GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
length = value.GetChildMemberWithName("len").GetValueAsSigned(0)
if pointer == 0:
return False
if length == 0:
return '""'
error = lldb.SBError()
string_data = value.process.ReadMemory(pointer, length, error)
return '"{}"'.format(string_data.decode("utf-8"))
def is_map_type(t, internal_dict):
class MapChildProvider:
def __init__(self, val, dict):
self.val = val
def num_children(self):
return (self.val.GetChildMemberWithName("len").GetValueAsSigned() * 2) + 1
def get_child_at_index(self, index):
data = self.val.GetChildMemberWithName("data")
tkey = data.GetChildMemberWithName("key").type
tval = data.GetChildMemberWithName("value").type
hash_field = data.GetChildMemberWithName("hash")
key_cell = data.GetChildMemberWithName("key_cell")
value_cell = data.GetChildMemberWithName("value_cell")
raw_data = data.GetValueAsUnsigned()
key_ptr = raw_data & ~63
cap_log2 = raw_data & 63
cap = 0 if cap_log2 <= 0 else 1 << cap_log2
key_cell_info = self.cell_info(tkey, key_cell)
value_cell_info = self.cell_info(tval, value_cell)
size_of_hash = hash_field.size
assert size_of_hash == 8
value_ptr = self.cell_index(key_ptr, key_cell_info, cap)
hash_ptr = self.cell_index(value_ptr, value_cell_info, cap)
error = lldb.SBError()
# Last one, the capacity.
if index == self.num_children()-1:
cap_data = lldb.SBData.CreateDataFromInt(cap)
return self.val.CreateValueFromData("cap", cap_data, self.val.GetChildMemberWithName("len").type)
wants_key = index % 2 == 0
index = int(index / 2)
key_index = 0
for i in range(cap):
TOMBSTONE_MASK = 1 << (size_of_hash*8 - 1)
offset_hash = hash_ptr + i * size_of_hash
hash_val = self.val.process.ReadUnsignedFromMemory(offset_hash, size_of_hash, error)
if not error.success:
elif hash_val == 0 or (hash_val & TOMBSTONE_MASK) != 0:
offset_key = self.cell_index(key_ptr, key_cell_info, i)
offset_value = self.cell_index(value_ptr, value_cell_info, i)
if index == key_index:
if wants_key:
return self.val.CreateValueFromAddress(f"[{i}]", offset_key, tkey)
return self.val.CreateValueFromAddress(f"[{i}]", offset_value, tval)
key_index += 1
print("not found")
def cell_info(self, typev, cell_type):
elements_per_cell = 0
if typev.size != cell_type.size:
array_type = cell_type.children[0].type
if array_type.size > 0 and typev.size > 0:
elements_per_cell = array_type.size / typev.size
if elements_per_cell == 0:
elements_per_cell = 1
return CellInfo(typev.size, cell_type.size, elements_per_cell)
def cell_index(self, base, info, index):
cell_index = 0
data_index = 0
if info.elements_per_cell == 1:
return base + (index * info.size_of_cell)
elif info.elements_per_cell == 2:
cell_index = index >> 1;
data_index = index & 1;
elif info.elements_per_cell == 4:
cell_index = index >> 2;
data_index = index & 3;
elif info.elements_per_cell == 8:
cell_index = index >> 3;
data_index = index & 7;
elif info.elements_per_cell == 16:
cell_index = index >> 4;
data_index = index & 15;
elif info.elements_per_cell == 32:
cell_index = index >> 5;
data_index = index & 31;
cell_index = index / elements_per_cell;
data_index = index % elements_per_cell;
return base + (cell_index * info.size_of_cell) + (data_index * info.size_of_type);
class CellInfo:
def __init__(self, size_of_type, size_of_cell, elements_per_cell):
self.size_of_type = size_of_type
self.size_of_cell = size_of_cell
self.elements_per_cell = elements_per_cell
class UnionChildProvider:
def __init__(self, val, dict):
self.val = val
def update(self):
self.children = self.val.children
self.variant_index = self.children[0].unsigned
return False
def num_children(self):
return len(self.children)-1
def get_child_at_index(self, index):
value = self.val
variant_index = index+1
variant = self.children[variant_index]
name = variant.type.GetDisplayTypeName()
# offset = variant.addr.offset - value.addr.offset
selected = "*" if self.variant_index == variant_index else ""
field_name = f"{selected}v{variant_index}({name})"
# c = value.CreateChildAtOffset( field_name, offset, variant.GetType() )
c = value.CreateValueFromData( field_name,, variant.type )
return c
def is_type_union(t, internal_dict):
if t.type != lldb.eTypeClassUnion:
return False
tag = t.GetFieldAtIndex(0)
if tag == None or != "tag":
return False
return True
def union_summary(value, internal_dict):
if value.IsSynthetic():
value = value.GetNonSyntheticValue()
tag = value.GetChildAtIndex(0)
assert( == "tag")
# tag = value.GetChildMemberWithName("tag")
variant_name = f"v{tag.unsigned}"
variant = value.GetChildMemberWithName(variant_name)
# variant_type = variant.type.GetDisplayTypeName()
return f"{variant}"
def __lldb_init_module(debugger, unused):
"type summary add --recognizer-function --python-function odin.union_summary odin.is_type_union"
"type synth add --recognizer-function --python-class odin.UnionChildProvider odin.is_type_union"
"type summary add --recognizer-function --python-function odin.string_summary odin.is_string_type"
"type synth add --recognizer-function --python-class odin.SliceChildProvider odin.is_slice_type"
"type summary add --recognizer-function --python-function odin.slice_summary odin.is_slice_type"
"type synth add --recognizer-function --python-class odin.MapChildProvider odin.is_map_type"
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Credit: laytan
See Laytan's original implementation here:

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harold-b commented Apr 28, 2024

Update: Fixes and add basic union display

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harold-b commented Apr 29, 2024

Update: Slight tweaks to union summary

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harold-b commented May 2, 2024

Update: Prevent treating fixed-size arrays as slices.

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harold-b commented May 3, 2024

Update: Fix unions. Made to properly reflect unions without the #no_nil tag. Unions with said tag will be off in their display.

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