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Created December 13, 2020 13:00
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RoomService V2 ReasonML bindings
type key = string;
type rs;
type options = {auth: string};
[@bs.module "@roomservice/browser"] []
external make: options => rs = "RoomService";
type room;
[@bs.send] external room: (rs, string) => Js.Promise.t(room) = "room";
module Presence = {
type t;
[@bs.send] external make: room => t = "presence";
external subscribe: (t, key, Js.Json.t => unit) => t = "subscribe";
[@bs.send] external unsubscribe: (t, key) => unit = "unsubscribe";
[@bs.send] external set: (t, key, Js.Json.t) => unit = "set";
module Map = {
type t;
[@bs.send] external make: (room, key) => t = "map";
[@bs.send] external set: (t, key, Js.Json.t) => unit = "set";
[@bs.send] external get: (t, key) => Js.Json.t = "get";
[@bs.send] external delete: (t, key) => Js.Json.t = "delete";
[@bs.send] external toObject: t => Js.Json.t = "toObject";
external subscribe: (room, key, Js.Json.t => unit) => unit = "subscribe";
[@bs.send] external unsubscribe: (room, key) => unit = "unsubscribe";
module List = {
type t;
[@bs.send] external make: (room, key) => t = "list";
[@bs.send] external set: (t, key, Js.Json.t) => unit = "set";
[@bs.send] external push: (t, Js.Json.t) => unit = "push";
external subscribe: (room, key, Js.Json.t => unit) => unit = "subscribe";
[@bs.send] external unsubscribe: (room, key) => unit = "unsubscribe";
[@bs.send] external toArray: t => array(Js.Json.t) = "toArray";
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