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`terraform destroy` fail on aws_app_cookie_stickiness_policy when load balancer doesn't exist
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalWriteState
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] root: eval: terraform.EvalNoop
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] root: eval: terraform.EvalNoop
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] root: eval: terraform.EvalNoop
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] vertex (close), got dep: aws_route53_record.public_lb_alias
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] vertex (close), got dep: aws_app_cookie_stickiness_policy.chef (destroy tainted)
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] vertex output.cluster CNAME, got dep: aws_route53_record.public_lb_alias
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] vertex root.output.cluster CNAME: walking
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] vertex root.output.cluster CNAME: evaluating
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalSequence
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalWriteOutput
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] vertex root, got dep: output.cluster CNAME
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] vertex root, got dep: (close)
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] vertex root, got dep: provisioner.remote-exec (close)
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] vertex root, got dep: output.backend bootstrap node
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] vertex root, got dep: var.aws_security_group
2016/06/07 20:04:13 [DEBUG] waiting for all plugin processes to complete...
Error refreshing state: 1 error(s) occurred:
* aws_app_cookie_stickiness_policy.chef: Error retrieving policy: LoadBalancerNotFound: There is no ACTIVE Load Balancer named 'dang-desktop-test-elb'
status code: 400, request id: ae4647bb-2d25-11e6-9afc-cf567208f28d
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