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Depth buffer raymarching for contact shadows, SSGI, SSR, etc.
// Copyright (c) 2023 Tomasz Stachowiak
// This contribution is dual licensed under EITHER OF
// Apache License, Version 2.0, (
// MIT license (
// at your option.
#include "/inc/frame_constants.hlsl"
#include "/inc/uv.hlsl"
#include "/inc/samplers.hlsl"
struct RootFinderInput {
/// Distance to the surface of which a root we're trying to find
float distance;
/// Whether to consider this sample valid for intersection.
/// Mostly relevant for allowing the ray marcher to travel behind surfaces,
/// as it will mark surfaces it travels under as invalid.
bool valid;
template<typename Point>
struct HybridRootFinder {
uint linear_steps;
uint bisection_steps;
bool use_secant;
float linear_march_exponent;
float jitter;
float min_t;
float max_t;
static HybridRootFinder new_with_linear_steps(uint v) {
HybridRootFinder res;
res.linear_steps = v;
res.bisection_steps = 0;
res.use_secant = false;
res.linear_march_exponent = 1;
res.jitter = 1;
res.min_t = 0;
res.max_t = 1;
return res;
HybridRootFinder with_bisection_steps(uint v) {
HybridRootFinder res = this;
res.bisection_steps = v;
return res;
HybridRootFinder with_use_secant(bool v) {
HybridRootFinder res = this;
res.use_secant = v;
return res;
HybridRootFinder with_linear_march_exponent(float v) {
HybridRootFinder res = this;
res.linear_march_exponent = v;
return res;
HybridRootFinder with_jitter(float v) {
HybridRootFinder res = this;
res.jitter = v;
return res;
HybridRootFinder with_min_t(uint v) {
HybridRootFinder res = this;
res.min_t = v;
return res;
HybridRootFinder with_max_t(uint v) {
HybridRootFinder res = this;
res.max_t = v;
return res;
// IntersectionFn: (Point) -> DistanceTy, where `DistanceTy` inherits from `RootFinderInput`.
template<typename IntersectionFn, typename DistanceTy>
bool find_root(Point start, Point end, IntersectionFn distance_fn, inout float hit_t, inout float miss_t, out DistanceTy hit_d) {
const Point dir = end - start;
float min_t = this.min_t;
float max_t = this.max_t;
DistanceTy min_d = (DistanceTy)0;
DistanceTy max_d = (DistanceTy)0;
const float step_size = (max_t - min_t) / linear_steps;
bool intersected = false;
// Ray march using linear steps
if (linear_steps > 0) {
//const float candidate_t = min_t + step_size * jitter;
const float candidate_t = lerp(this.min_t, this.max_t, pow((0 + jitter) / linear_steps, this.linear_march_exponent));
const Point candidate = start + dir * candidate_t;
const DistanceTy candidate_d = distance_fn(candidate);
intersected = candidate_d.distance < 0 && candidate_d.valid;
if (intersected) {
max_t = candidate_t;
max_d = candidate_d;
// The `[min_t .. max_t]` interval contains an intersection. End the linear search.
} else {
// No intersection yet. Carry on.
min_t = candidate_t;
min_d = candidate_d;
for (uint step = 1; step < linear_steps; ++step) {
//const float candidate_t = min_t + step_size;
const float candidate_t = lerp(this.min_t, this.max_t, pow((step + jitter) / linear_steps, this.linear_march_exponent));
const Point candidate = start + dir * candidate_t;
const DistanceTy candidate_d = distance_fn(candidate);
intersected = candidate_d.distance < 0 && candidate_d.valid;
if (intersected) {
max_t = candidate_t;
max_d = candidate_d;
// The `[min_t .. max_t]` interval contains an intersection. End the linear search.
} else {
// No intersection yet. Carry on.
min_t = candidate_t;
min_d = candidate_d;
miss_t = min_t;
hit_t = min_t;
// Refine the hit using bisection
if (intersected) {
for (uint step = 0; step < bisection_steps; ++step) {
const float mid_t = (min_t + max_t) * 0.5;
const Point candidate = start + dir * mid_t;
const DistanceTy candidate_d = distance_fn(candidate);
if (candidate_d.distance < 0 && candidate_d.valid) {
// Intersection at the mid point. Refine the first half.
max_t = mid_t;
max_d = candidate_d;
} else {
// No intersection yet at the mid point. Refine the second half.
min_t = mid_t;
min_d = candidate_d;
// This in practice seems to yield worse results as they end up being too sharp,
// and not diffused by noise, resulting in lots of pixel stretching:
//miss_t = min_t;
if (this.use_secant) {
// Finish with one application of the secant method
const float total_d = min_d.distance + -max_d.distance;
const float mid_t = lerp(min_t, max_t, min_d.distance / total_d);
const Point candidate = start + dir * mid_t;
const DistanceTy candidate_d = distance_fn(candidate);
// Only accept the result of the secant method if it improves upon the previous result.
// Technically this should be `abs(candidate_d.distance) < min(min_d.distance, -max_d.distance) * frac`,
// but this seems sufficient.
if (abs(candidate_d.distance) < min_d.distance * 0.9 && candidate_d.valid) {
hit_t = mid_t;
hit_d = candidate_d;
} else {
hit_t = max_t;
hit_d = max_d;
return true;
} else {
hit_t = max_t;
hit_d = max_d;
return true;
} else {
// Mark the conservative miss distance.
hit_t = min_t;
return false;
struct DistanceWithPenetration: RootFinderInput {
/// Conservative estimate of depth to which the ray penetrates the marched surface.
float penetration;
struct DepthRaymarchDistanceFn {
Texture2D<float> depth_tex;
float2 depth_tex_size;
bool march_behind_surfaces;
float depth_thickness;
bool use_sloppy_march;
DistanceWithPenetration operator()(float3 ray_point_cs) {
const float2 interp_uv = cs_to_uv(ray_point_cs.xy);
const float ray_depth = 1.0 / ray_point_cs.z;
// We're using both point-sampled and bilinear-filtered values from the depth buffer.
// That's really stupid but works like magic. For samples taken near the ray origin,
// the discrete nature of the depth buffer becomes a problem. It's not a land of continuous surfaces,
// but a bunch of stacked duplo bricks.
// Technically we should be taking discrete steps in this duplo land, but then we're at the mercy
// of arbitrary quantization of our directions -- and sometimes we'll take a step which would
// claim that the ray is occluded -- even though the underlying smooth surface wouldn't occlude it.
// If we instead take linear taps from the depth buffer, we reconstruct the linear surface.
// That fixes acne, but introduces false shadowing near object boundaries, as we now pretend
// that everything is shrink-wrapped by this continuous 2.5D surface, and our depth thickness
// heuristic ends up falling apart.
// The fix is to consider both the smooth and the discrete surfaces, and only claim occlusion
// when the ray descends below both.
// The two approaches end up fixing each other's artifacts:
// * The false occlusions due to duplo land are rejected because the ray stays above the smooth surface.
// * The shrink-wrap surface is no longer continuous, so it's possible for rays to miss it.
#if 1
const float linear_depth = 1.0 / depth_tex.SampleLevel(sampler_llc, interp_uv, 0);
const float unfiltered_depth = 1.0 / depth_tex.SampleLevel(sampler_nnc, interp_uv, 0);
// Manual bilinear; in case using a linear sampler on the depth format is not supported.
const float4 depth_vals = depth_tex.GatherRed(sampler_nnc, interp_uv, 0);
const float2 frac_px = frac(interp_uv * depth_tex_size - 0.5.xx);
const float linear_depth = 1.0 / lerp(
lerp(depth_vals.w, depth_vals.z, frac_px.x),
lerp(depth_vals.x, depth_vals.y, frac_px.x),
const float unfiltered_depth = 1.0 / depth_tex.SampleLevel(sampler_nnc, interp_uv, 0);
float max_depth;
float min_depth;
if (use_sloppy_march) {
max_depth = unfiltered_depth;
min_depth = unfiltered_depth;
} else {
max_depth = max(linear_depth, unfiltered_depth);
min_depth = min(linear_depth, unfiltered_depth);
const float bias = 0.000002;
DistanceWithPenetration res;
res.distance = max_depth * (1.0 + bias) - ray_depth;
// This will be used at the end of the ray march to potentially discard the hit.
res.penetration = ray_depth - min_depth;
if (this.march_behind_surfaces) {
res.valid = res.penetration < this.depth_thickness;
} else {
res.valid = true;
return res;
struct DepthRayMarchResult {
/// True if the raymarch hit something.
bool hit;
/// In case of a hit, the normalized distance to it.
/// In case of a miss, the furthest the ray managed to travel, which could either be
/// exceeding the max range, or getting behind a surface further than the depth thickness.
/// Range: `0..=1` as a lerp factor over `ray_start_cs..=ray_end_cs`.
float hit_t;
/// UV correspindong to `hit_t`.
float2 hit_uv;
/// The distance that the hit point penetrates into the hit surface.
/// Will normally be non-zero due to limited precision of the ray march.
/// In case of a miss: undefined.
float hit_penetration;
/// Ditto, within the range `0..DepthRayMarch::depth_thickness_linear_z`
/// In case of a miss: undefined.
float hit_penetration_frac;
struct DepthRayMarch {
/// Number of steps to be taken at regular intervals to find an initial intersection.
/// Must not be zero.
uint linear_steps;
/// Exponent to be applied in the linear part of the march.
/// A value of 1.0 will result in equidistant steps, and higher values will compress
/// the earlier steps, and expand the later ones. This might be desirable in order
/// to get more detail close to objects in SSR or SSGI.
/// For optimal performance, this should be a small compile-time unsigned integer,
/// such as 1 or 2.
float linear_march_exponent;
/// Number of steps in a bisection (binary search) to perform once the linear search
/// has found an intersection. Helps narrow down the hit, increasing the chance of
/// the secant method finding an accurate hit point.
/// Useful when sampling color, e.g. SSR or SSGI, but pointless for contact shadows.
uint bisection_steps;
/// Approximate the root position using the secant method -- by solving for line-line
/// intersection between the ray approach rate and the surface gradient.
/// Useful when sampling color, e.g. SSR or SSGI, but pointless for contact shadows.
bool use_secant;
/// Jitter to apply to the first step of the linear search; 0..=1 range, mapping
/// to the extent of a single linear step in the first phase of the search.
/// Use 1.0 if you don't want jitter.
float jitter;
/// Clip space coordinates (w=1) of the ray.
float3 ray_start_cs;
float3 ray_end_cs;
/// Should be used for contact shadows, but not for any color bounce, e.g. SSR.
/// For SSR etc. this can easily create leaks, but with contact shadows it allows the rays
/// to pass over invalid occlusions (due to thickness), and find potentially valid ones ahead.
/// Note that this will cause the linear search to potentially miss surfaces,
/// because when the ray overshoots and ends up penetrating a surface further than
/// `depth_thickness_linear_z`, the ray marcher will just carry on.
/// For this reason, this may require a lot of samples, or high depth thickness,
/// so that `depth_thickness_linear_z >= world space ray length / linear_steps`.
bool march_behind_surfaces;
/// If `true`, the ray marcher only performs nearest lookups of the depth buffer,
/// resulting in aliasing and false occlusion when marching tiny detail.
/// It should work fine for longer traces with fewer rays though.
bool use_sloppy_march;
/// When marching the depth buffer, we only have 2.5D information, and don't know how
/// thick surfaces are. We shall assume that the depth buffer fragments are litte squares
/// with a constant thickness defined by this parameter.
float depth_thickness_linear_z;
/// Size of the depth buffer we're marching in, in pixels.
float2 depth_tex_size;
/// The depth buffer. Must use reverse Z with an infinite far plane.
Texture2D<float> depth_tex;
static DepthRayMarch new_from_depth(
Texture2D<float> depth_tex,
float2 depth_tex_size
) {
DepthRayMarch res = (DepthRayMarch)0;
res.jitter = 1;
res.linear_steps = 4;
res.bisection_steps = 0;
res.linear_march_exponent = 1;
res.depth_tex = depth_tex;
res.depth_tex_size = depth_tex_size;
res.depth_thickness_linear_z = 1;
res.march_behind_surfaces = false;
res.use_sloppy_march = false;
return res;
DepthRayMarch with_linear_steps(uint v) {
DepthRayMarch res = this;
res.linear_steps = v;
return res;
DepthRayMarch with_bisection_steps(uint v) {
DepthRayMarch res = this;
res.bisection_steps = v;
return res;
DepthRayMarch with_use_secant(bool v) {
DepthRayMarch res = this;
res.use_secant = v;
return res;
DepthRayMarch with_linear_march_exponent(float v) {
DepthRayMarch res = this;
res.linear_march_exponent = v;
return res;
DepthRayMarch with_jitter(float v) {
DepthRayMarch res = this;
res.jitter = v;
return res;
DepthRayMarch with_depth_thickness(float v) {
DepthRayMarch res = this;
res.depth_thickness_linear_z = v;
return res;
DepthRayMarch with_march_behind_surfaces(bool v) {
DepthRayMarch res = this;
res.march_behind_surfaces = v;
return res;
DepthRayMarch with_use_sloppy_march(bool v) {
DepthRayMarch res = this;
res.use_sloppy_march = v;
return res;
/// March from a clip-space position (w = 1)
DepthRayMarch from_cs(float3 v) {
DepthRayMarch res = this;
res.ray_start_cs = v;
return res;
/// March towards a clip-space direction.
/// If `infinite` is `true`, then the ray is extended to cover the whole view frustum.
/// If `infinite` is `false`, then the ray length is that of the `dir_cs` parameter.
/// Must be called after `from_cs`, as it will clip the world-space ray to the view frustum.
DepthRayMarch to_cs_dir_impl(float4 dir_cs, bool infinite) {
float4 end_cs = float4(this.ray_start_cs, 1) + dir_cs;
// Perform perspective division, but avoid dividing by zero for rays
// heading directly towards the eye.
end_cs /= (end_cs.w >= 0 ? 1 : -1) * max(1e-10, abs(end_cs.w));
// Clip ray start to the view frustum
//if (any(abs(this.ray_start_cs) > 1)) {
if (true) {
const float3 delta_cs = - this.ray_start_cs;
const float3 near_edge = select(delta_cs < 0, float3(1, 1, 1), float3(-1, -1, 0));
const float3 dist_to_near_edge = (near_edge - this.ray_start_cs) / delta_cs;
//const float max_dist_to_near_edge = max(max(dist_to_near_edge.x, dist_to_near_edge.y), dist_to_near_edge.z);
const float max_dist_to_near_edge = max(dist_to_near_edge.x, dist_to_near_edge.y);
this.ray_start_cs += delta_cs * max(0.0, max_dist_to_near_edge);
// Clip ray end to the view frustum
float3 delta_cs = - this.ray_start_cs;
const float3 far_edge = select(delta_cs >= 0, float3(1, 1, 1), float3(-1, -1, 0));
const float3 dist_to_far_edge = (far_edge - this.ray_start_cs) / delta_cs;
const float min_dist_to_far_edge = min(min(dist_to_far_edge.x, dist_to_far_edge.y), dist_to_far_edge.z);
if (infinite) {
delta_cs *= min_dist_to_far_edge;
} else {
// If unbounded, would make the ray reach the end of the frustum
delta_cs *= min(1.0, min_dist_to_far_edge);
DepthRayMarch res = this;
res.ray_end_cs = this.ray_start_cs + delta_cs;
return res;
/// March to a clip-space position (w = 1)
/// Must be called after `from_cs`, as it will clip the world-space ray to the view frustum.
DepthRayMarch to_cs(float3 end_cs) {
float4 dir = float4(end_cs - this.ray_start_cs, 0) * sign(end_cs.z);
return this.to_cs_dir_impl(dir, false);
/// March towards a clip-space direction. Infinite (ray is extended to cover the whole view frustum).
/// Must be called after `from_cs`, as it will clip the world-space ray to the view frustum.
DepthRayMarch to_cs_dir(float4 dir) {
return this.to_cs_dir_impl(dir, true);
/// March to a world-space position.
/// Must be called after `from_cs`, as it will clip the world-space ray to the view frustum.
DepthRayMarch to_ws(float3 end) {
return this.to_cs(main_view().position_world_to_sample(end));
/// March towards a world-space direction. Infinite (ray is extended to cover the whole view frustum).
/// Must be called after `from_cs`, as it will clip the world-space ray to the view frustum.
DepthRayMarch to_ws_dir(float3 dir) {
return this.to_cs_dir_impl(main_view().direction_world_to_clip(dir), true);
/// Perform the ray march.
DepthRayMarchResult march() {
DepthRayMarchResult res = (DepthRayMarchResult)0;
const float2 ray_start_uv = cs_to_uv(ray_start_cs.xy);
const float2 ray_end_uv = cs_to_uv(ray_end_cs.xy);
const float2 ray_uv_delta = ray_end_uv - ray_start_uv;
const float2 ray_len_px = ray_uv_delta * depth_tex_size;
const uint MIN_PX_PER_STEP = 1;
const int step_count = max(2, min(linear_steps, int(floor(length(ray_len_px) / MIN_PX_PER_STEP))));
const float linear_z_to_scaled_linear_z = main_view().rcp_near_plane_distance();
const float depth_thickness = this.depth_thickness_linear_z * linear_z_to_scaled_linear_z;
DepthRaymarchDistanceFn distance_fn;
distance_fn.depth_tex = depth_tex;
distance_fn.depth_tex_size = depth_tex_size;
distance_fn.march_behind_surfaces = this.march_behind_surfaces;
distance_fn.depth_thickness = depth_thickness;
distance_fn.use_sloppy_march = this.use_sloppy_march;
DistanceWithPenetration hit;
float miss_t;
bool intersected = HybridRootFinder<float3>
.find_root(ray_start_cs, ray_end_cs, distance_fn, res.hit_t, miss_t, hit);
if (intersected && hit.penetration < depth_thickness && hit.distance < depth_thickness) {
res.hit = true;
res.hit_uv = lerp(ray_start_uv, ray_end_uv, res.hit_t);
res.hit_penetration = hit.penetration / linear_z_to_scaled_linear_z;
res.hit_penetration_frac = hit.penetration / depth_thickness;
return res;
res.hit_t = miss_t;
res.hit_uv = lerp(ray_start_uv, ray_end_uv, res.hit_t);
return res;
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h3r2tic commented Apr 28, 2023


  • cs in the naming convention means "clip space"
  • ws is "world space"
  • The depth buffer uses reverse Z (1 == near, 0 == far) with an infinite far plane
  • rcp_near_plane_distance() returns 1.0 / near plane distance, which is a positive number
  • position_world_to_sample transforms a world-space position to a clip-space position with sub-sample jitter (from TAA)
  • direction_world_to_clip transforms a world-space direction vector to clip space


  • sampler_llc is a bilinear-clamp
  • sampler_nnc is a nearest-clamp

UV conversion

// OpenGL: 1, Vulkan: -1
#define CLIP_SPACE_UV_Y_DIR -1

float2 cs_to_uv(float2 cs) {
    return cs * float2(0.5, CLIP_SPACE_UV_Y_DIR * 0.5) + float2(0.5, 0.5);

float2 uv_to_cs(float2 uv) {
    return (uv - 0.5.xx) * float2(2, CLIP_SPACE_UV_Y_DIR * 2);

Coordinate spaces

Based on kajiya; relevant extensions:

float3 position_world_to_sample(float3 v) {
    float4 p = mul(world_to_view, float4(v, 1));
    p = mul(view_to_sample, p);
    return / p.w;

float4 direction_world_to_clip(float3 v) {
    float4 p = mul(world_to_view, float4(v, 0));
    return mul(view_to_clip, p);

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h3r2tic commented Dec 16, 2023

Refraction example:

enum RefractionType {
    // Bends the refracted ray using Snell's law. More correct, but has artifacts due to missing screen-space info.
    // More or less matches the normal map distortion from `Real`. Not physical, but very few artifacts.
    // Only works well for approx Y=1 normal surfaces.

// ...

const float water_ior = 1.33;
const RefractionType refaction_type = RefractionType::DistortOnly;

float3 refraction_dir_ws;
switch (refaction_type) {
    case RefractionType::Real: {
        refraction_dir_ws = refract(-wo, normal_ws, 1.0 / water_ior);
    } break;
    case RefractionType::DistortOnly: {
        refraction_dir_ws = normalize(-wo - 0.5 * x0z(wave_distortion));
    } break;
    case RefractionType::None: {
        refraction_dir_ws = -wo;
    } break;

// Note: many more are needed for `RefractionType::Real`.
const uint linear_steps = 3;
const uint bisection_steps = 1;

float2 refraction_uv = uv;
DepthRayMarch raymarch = DepthRayMarch::new_from_depth(depth_tex, depth_tex_dims)
    // Guess the max ray distance to improve precision.
    .to_ws(pos_ws + refraction_dir_ws * min(4, 4 * length(pos_ws - refraction_hit_ws)))
DepthRayMarchResult raymarch_result = raymarch.march();

if (raymarch_result.hit) {
    refraction_uv = raymarch_result.hit_uv;
    const float4 refraction_hit_cs = float4(lerp(raymarch.ray_start_cs, raymarch.ray_end_cs, raymarch_result.hit_t), 1);
    refraction_hit_ws = main_view().position_clip_to_world(refraction_hit_cs);
} else {
    // Take one linear step back, and pretend that's the intersection.
    // Will cause stretching of misses, but that's better than blackness.
    const float4 refraction_hit_cs = float4(lerp(raymarch.ray_start_cs, raymarch.ray_end_cs, raymarch_result.hit_t), 1);
    refraction_uv = cs_to_uv(refraction_hit_cs.xy);

    const float depth_at_hit = depth_tex.SampleLevel(sampler_lnc, refraction_uv, 0);
    refraction_hit_ws = ViewRayContext::from_uv_and_depth(refraction_uv, depth_at_hit).ray_hit_ws();

refraction_radiance = refraction_tex.SampleLevel(sampler_lnc, refraction_uv, 0);

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AdrienDeTocqueville commented May 23, 2024

Thanks for the code. I found that i had to add the following code in to_cs_dir_impl after line 478 to avoid self intersection when step count is high

// Start ray marching from the next texel to avoid self-intersections.
float2 texel_size_cs = * 2.0f;
float scale = abs(delta_cs.x) > abs(delta_cs.y) ? texel_size_cs.x / abs(delta_cs.x) : texel_size_cs.y / abs(delta_cs.y);
this.ray_start_cs += scale * delta_cs;
delta_cs -= scale * delta_cs;

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h3r2tic commented May 25, 2024

@AdrienDeTocqueville Oooh, interesting! Was that when using with_use_sloppy_march(true)? I haven't seen self-intersections otherwise, even with a silly number of steps. Also, are you sure you're tracing from pixel centers, and not accidentally from corners, or with some sorta jitter (e.g. from TAA)?

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Indeed i have sloppy march to true, but even with false i still have some (although way less). The issue seems to be due to jittering so it can happen even with low step count, i use interleaved gradient noise and sometimes the jitter value is so close to zero that the first sample will actually be on the start pixel

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