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Created February 24, 2014 07:26
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direnv sub-commands completion for zsh. inspired
#compdef direnv
# setopt -eu
function _direnv {
local direnv
local -a comp_list
allow[Grants direnv to load the given .envrc]
deny[Revokes the auhorization of a given .envrc]
edit[Edits .envrc]
help[shows this help]
hook[Used to setup the shell hook]
reload[triggers an env reload]
status[prints some debug status informations]
stdlib[Displays the stdlib available in the .envrc execution context]"
comp_list=( ${(f)direnv} )
_values 'direnv subcmds' "$comp_list[@]"
_direnv "$@"
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h14i commented Feb 24, 2014


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