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Created March 12, 2014 01:45
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# Author: Nelle Varoquaux, Andrew Tulloch
# Uses the pool adjacent violators algorithm (PAVA), with the
# enhancement of searching for the longest decreasing subsequence to
# pool at each step.
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
ctypedef np.float64_t DOUBLE
def _isotonic_regression(np.ndarray[DOUBLE, ndim=1] y,
np.ndarray[DOUBLE, ndim=1] weight,
np.ndarray[DOUBLE, ndim=1] solution):
DOUBLE numerator, denominator
Py_ssize_t i, pooled, n, k, j
DOUBLE[:] y_mv = y
DOUBLE[:] weight_mv = weight
DOUBLE[:] solution_mv = solution
n = y.shape[0]
# The algorithm proceeds by iteratively updating the solution
# array.
# TODO - should we just pass in a pre-copied solution
# array and mutate that?
for i in range(n):
solution_mv[i] = y_mv[i]
if n <= 1:
return solution
with nogil:
n -= 1
pooled = 1
while pooled:
# repeat until there are no more adjacent violators.
i = 0
pooled = 0
while i < n:
k = i
while k < n and solution_mv[k] >= solution_mv[k + 1]:
k += 1
if solution_mv[i] != solution_mv[k]:
# solution[i:k + 1] is a decreasing subsequence, so
# replace each point in the subsequence with the
# weighted average of the subsequence.
# TODO: explore replacing each subsequence with a
# _single_ weighted point, and reconstruct the whole
# sequence from the sequence of collapsed points.
# Theoretically should reduce running time, though
# initial experiments weren't promising.
numerator = 0.0
denominator = 0.0
for j in range(i, k + 1):
numerator += solution_mv[j] * weight_mv[j]
denominator += weight_mv[j]
for j in range(i, k + 1):
solution_mv[j] = numerator / denominator
pooled = 1
i = k + 1
return solution
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