ABOUT Codeminer 42 is one of the best software boutiques in Brazil. We are neither a publicity agency nor a traditional consulting/software factory company. Since 2011 in the startup and new technologies market, we grew to about 70 people in 11 different cities: São Paulo (HQ), Campinas, Novo Hamburgo, Natal, Sorocaba, Teresina, Anápolis, Goiânia, Batatais, Guarapuava and Santa Maria.
We have a track record of actually delivering all projects we tackled. At the same time, we don't burden our teams to crazy routines, 10+ hours 6 days a week workloads. We want people to work at the reasonable 8 hours a day, 5 work days a week. And we don't want people to be alienated behind firewalls of management isolating the client from the development team. Therefore, we want our teams to assume responsibilities and be accountable for the projects with our support. That's why teams work almost exclusively on a single project at the same time, instead of the normal software factory routing of sharing "resources" between man