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update patch version for .tools-version
get_latest_patch_version() {
local plugin=$1
local current_version=$2
local major_minor=$(echo $current_version | cut -d. -f1-2)
local latest_patch=$(asdf list-all $plugin | grep "^$major_minor\." | sort -V | tail -n1)
echo $latest_patch
# Check if .tool-versions file exists
if [ ! -f ".tool-versions" ]; then
echo "Error: .tool-versions file not found in the current directory."
exit 1
# Read the .tool-versions file
while IFS=' ' read -r plugin version || [[ -n "$plugin" ]]; do
# Skip empty lines
if [ -z "$plugin" ]; then
echo "Checking $plugin..."
# Get the latest patch version
latest_patch_version=$(get_latest_patch_version $plugin $version)
# Compare versions
if [ "$version" != "$latest_patch_version" ]; then
echo "Updating $plugin from $version to $latest_patch_version"
# Update the version in .tool-versions file
sed -i.tmp "s/^$plugin .*/$plugin $latest_patch_version/" .tool-versions
rm .tool-versions.tmp # Remove temporary file created by sed on macOS
echo "Updated .tool-versions file for $plugin"
echo "$plugin is already at the latest patch version ($version)"
echo "-------------------"
done <.tool-versions
echo "All tools in .tool-versions have been checked and the file has been updated with the latest patch versions if necessary."
echo "Please run 'asdf install' to install the new versions specified in .tool-versions"
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