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import RxSwift
import Action
enum SceneStateOutput {
case idle
case sendingNoRecipient
case sendingSomeRecipients(sendingList: [String: String])
case sending
protocol SceneViewModelInputsType {
var updateUploadList: PublishSubject<(id: String, parameter: String)> { get }
var fromAnotherScene: PublishSubject<AnotherSceneViewModelType> { get }
protocol SceneViewModelOutputsType {
var state: Observable<SceneStateOutput> { get }
var dataSource: Observable<[Item]> { get }
protocol SceneViewModelActionsType {
var pushAnotherScene: CocoaAction { get }
var uploadStuff: Action<Void, DatabaseWriteResult> { get }
protocol SceneViewModelType {
var inputs: SceneViewModelInputsType { get }
var outputs: SceneViewModelOutputsType { get }
var actions: SceneViewModelActionsType { get }
final class SceneViewModel: SceneViewModelType {
var inputs: SceneViewModelInputsType { return self }
var outputs: SceneViewModelOutputsType { return self }
var actions: SceneViewModelActionsType { return self }
// Setup
private let sceneService: SceneServiceType
private let coordinator: SceneCoordinatorType
private let disposeBag: DisposeBag
// Inputs
var updateUploadList: PublishSubject<(id: String, parameter: String)>
var fromAnotherScene: PublishSubject<AnotherSceneViewModelType>
// Outputs
var state: Observable<SceneStateOutput>
var dataSource: Observable<[Item]>
// ViewModel Life Cycle
private let itemsForDataSource: Variable<[Item]>
private let stuffToSend: Variable<Stuff?>
private let sendingList: Variable<[String: String]>
private let isSendingStuff: Variable<Bool>
init(service: SceneServiceType, coordinator: SceneCoordinatorType) {
// Setup
self.sceneService = service
self.coordinator = coordinator
self.disposeBag = DisposeBag()
self.itemsForDataSource = Variable([])
self.stuffToSend = Variable(nil)
self.sendingList = Variable([:])
self.isSendingStuff = Variable(false)
// Inputs
updateUploadList = PublishSubject()
fromAnotherScene = PublishSubject()
// Outputs
state = Observable
resultSelector: {( (stuffToSend: $0.0,
sendingList: $0.1,
isSendingStuff: $0.2)
.map { stuffToSend, sendingList, isSendingStuff -> SceneStateOutput in
guard stuffToSend != nil else { return .idle }
guard !sendingList.isEmpty else { return .sendingNoRecipient }
guard isSendingStuff else { return .sendingSomeRecipients }
return .sending
dataSource = itemsForDataSource.asObservable()
// ViewModel Life Cycle
let fetchItems = sceneService
Observable.combineLatest(fetchItems, state)
.map { items, state in
let updatedItems = items.flatMap { item -> Item in
switch state {
case .sendingModeNoRecipient:
item.bool = true
item.parameter = nil
case .sendingModeSomeRecipients(let sendingList):
item.bool2 = true
item.parameter = sendingList[]
case .sending:
item.bool2 = false
item.bool = true
item.bool2 = false
item.parameter = nil
return item
return updatedItems
.bind(to: itemsForDataSource)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.flatMapLatest { $0.actions.getStuff..execute() }
.bind(to: stuffToSend)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] with in
self.sendingList.value[] = with.parameter
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.bind(to: isSendingStuff)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.filter { $0 == .success }
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] _ in
self.stuffToSend.value = nil
self.sendingList.value = [:]
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// Actions
lazy var pushAnotherScene: CocoaAction = {
return Action { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return .empty() }
let anotherSceneViewModel = AnotherSceneViewModel(
service: AnotherSceneService(),
coordinator: strongSelf.coordinator)
let anotherScene = Scene.anotherScene(anotherSceneViewModel)
return strongSelf.coordinator.transition(to: anotherScene, type: .push(animated: true))
lazy var uploadStuff: Action<Void, DatabaseWriteResult> = {
return Action { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return .empty() }
let stuffStream = strongSelf.stuffToSend.asObservable().unwrap().take(1)
let sendingListStream = strongSelf.sendingList.asObservable().filter { !$0.isEmpty }.take(1)
return, sendingListStream)
.flatMap { [weak self] stuff, sendingList -> Observable<DatabaseWriteResult> in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return .empty() }
return strongSelf.sceneService.sendStuff(stuff, to: sendingList)
extension SceneViewModel: SceneViewModelInputsType, SceneViewModelOutputsType, SceneViewModelActionsType { }
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