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Created November 8, 2020 18:21
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  • Save gregorynicholas/e1afa094c8013b57e61f92d261c99bb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Get COMP APY for USDT. Uses Node.js with Compound.js. Be sure to fill in your Infura project ID at the top. See comments for run instructions.
const Compound = require('@compound-finance/compound-js');
const provider = '<YOUR INFURA API KEY HERE>';
const cTokenToGetCompApy = Compound.cUSDT;
const underlying = cTokenToGetCompApy.slice(1, 10);
const underlyingDecimals = Compound.decimals[underlying];
const cTokenDecimals = 8; // always 8
const comptroller = Compound.util.getAddress(Compound.Comptroller);
const opf = Compound.util.getAddress(Compound.PriceFeed);
const cTokenAddr = Compound.util.getAddress(cTokenToGetCompApy);
const apxBlockSpeedInSeconds = 13.15;
const compound = new Compound(provider);
(async function() {
let compSpeed = await
'function compSpeeds(address cToken) public returns (uint)',
[ cTokenAddr ],
{ provider }
let compPrice = await compound.getPrice(Compound.COMP, underlying);
let totalBorrows = await
'function totalBorrowsCurrent() returns (uint)',
{ provider }
let totalSupply = await
'function totalSupply() returns (uint)',
{ provider }
let exchangeRate = await
'function exchangeRateCurrent() returns (uint)',
{ provider }
// Total supply needs to be converted from cTokens
exchangeRate = +exchangeRate.toString() / Math.pow(10, 18);
compSpeed = compSpeed / 1e18; // COMP has 18 decimal places
compPrice = compPrice; // price feed is USD price with 6 decimal places
totalBorrows = +totalBorrows.toString() / (Math.pow(10, underlyingDecimals));
totalSupply = (+totalSupply.toString() * exchangeRate) / (Math.pow(10, underlyingDecimals));
console.log('compSpeed:', compSpeed);
console.log('compPrice:', compPrice);
console.log('totalBorrows:', totalBorrows);
console.log('totalSupply:', totalSupply);
console.log('exchangeRate:', exchangeRate);
const compPerDay = compSpeed * parseInt((60 * 60 * 24) / apxBlockSpeedInSeconds);
const compBorrowApy = +(100 * (Math.pow((1 + (compPrice * compPerDay / totalBorrows)), 365) - 1)).toFixed(2);
const compSupplyApy = +(100 * (Math.pow((1 + (compPrice * compPerDay / totalSupply)), 365) - 1)).toFixed(2);
console.log('compBorrowApy', compBorrowApy, '%');
console.log('compSupplyApy:', compSupplyApy, '%');
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