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Last active March 10, 2019 12:16
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This is an insertion sort algorithm implemented in Python.
import random as rd
''' Complexity : O(n^2)
In the worst case, the function looks and inverse the elements
(n * (n-1))/2 times. (Reverse order situation)
~1/2N^2 compares and ~1/2N^2 exchanges.
In the best case, the array is sorted. So, we do not make any
inversion operation. We just iterates the array n times and
makes N-1 compares. So, our complexity is O(n).
On average case, insertion sort uses ~1/4N^2 compares and
~1/4N^2 exchanges.
def insertion_sort(arr):
for i in range(len(arr)): # Iterates the all list
tmp = arr[i] # Temporary variable for comparing elements in while loop
j = i
# If index of j is bigger than 1 and tmp variable is lower than
# previous element of the current element
while j > 0 and tmp < arr[j-1]:
arr[j] = arr[j-1] # Changes the elements
j -= 1 # Decrease the index for looking at previous element
arr[j] = tmp
# Test
for _ in range(5):
arr = [rd.randint(0,20) for _ in range(10)]
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