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Last active June 20, 2016 07:11
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Uses the C API to retrieve the used range for a sheet, and intersect with a passed-in ExcelReference
using ExcelDna.Integration;
using static System.Math;
using static ExcelDna.Integration.XlCall;
public static class TestFunctions
[ExcelFunction(Description = "Returns the sum of cells in the target (using the used range for performance)", IsMacroType = true)]
public static object GetUsedSum([ExcelArgument(AllowReference = true)] object target)
// NOTE: This function will be volatile by default,
// since it is both IsMacroType=true and has an AllowReference=true.
// So we might want to reset the volatile flag for every call.
// WARNING: However, clearing the volatile flag also means that the function will not recalculate when values in the
// target range change due to 'volatile' recalculations, e.g. if the target range has an =RAND() cell,
// then pressing F9 will change that cell, but this function would not be called.
// Excel(xlfVolatile, false);
if (!(target is ExcelReference))
return ExcelError.ExcelErrorValue;
object targetSheetName = Excel(xlSheetNm, target);
// The used range rows and columns here are 1-based (returning 0 for an empty sheet)
// We adjust to be 0-based, to match the ExcelReference convention
// For an empty sheet (where we now get RowLast = ColumnLast = -1) the ExcelReference will convert the -1 values back to 0,
// so will get an ExcelEmpty from GetValue() and eventually (correctly) return 0 from the function.
int firstRow = (int)(double)Excel(xlfGetDocument, 9, targetSheetName) - 1;
int lastRow = (int)(double)Excel(xlfGetDocument, 10, targetSheetName) - 1;
int firstCol = (int)(double)Excel(xlfGetDocument, 11, targetSheetName) - 1;
int lastCol = (int)(double)Excel(xlfGetDocument, 12, targetSheetName) - 1;
ExcelReference targetRef = (ExcelReference)target;
ExcelReference usedTarget = new ExcelReference(
rowFirst: Max(firstRow, targetRef.RowFirst),
rowLast: Min(lastRow, targetRef.RowLast),
columnFirst: Max(firstCol, targetRef.ColumnFirst),
columnLast: Min(lastCol, targetRef.ColumnLast),
sheetId: targetRef.SheetId);
object values = usedTarget.GetValue();
double sum = 0;
if (values is object[,])
object[,] valuesArr = (object[,])values;
for (int i = 0; i < valuesArr.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < valuesArr.GetLength(1); j++)
var value = valuesArr[i,j];
if (value is double)
sum += (double)value;
else if (values is double)
// Single cell
sum = (double)values;
return sum;
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