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Created November 29, 2010 02:47
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Create a thumbnail or resize an image with Imagemagick in PHP
//Dynamically resize images
function thumb_create($file, $width , $height ) {
/*** the image file ***/
$image = $file;
/*** a new imagick object ***/
$im = new Imagick();
/*** ping the image ***/
/*** read the image into the object ***/
$im->readImage( $image );
/*** thumbnail the image ***/
$im->thumbnailImage( $width, $height );
/*** Write the thumbnail to disk ***/
$im->writeImage( 'THUMB_'.$file );
/*** Free resources associated with the Imagick object ***/
return 'THUMB_'.$file;
catch(Exception $e)
print $e->getMessage();
return $file;
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