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Created October 24, 2011 23:36
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Ion Torrent - Recursive plugin call
#Set the URL for the API requests
#Set the HTTP Headers
api_header="Content-Type: application/json;Accept: application/json"
#Count the number of plugins with status of "Started"
running=`curl --silent \
--header ${api_header} \
--location ${plugin_url} |
jsonpipe |
grep pluginState/ |
awk '{print $2}'|
grep "Started" |
wc -l`
#write out the json to rerun the plugin
echo {\"plugin\":[\"${RUNINFO__PLUGIN_NAME}\"]} > post.json
if [ "$running" -ne "0" ]
#if there are plugins still "started" then call this plugin again
echo "There are still plugins running, calling this plugin again."
#wait a few seconds first
sleep 10
curl --silent --header ${api_header} \
--location ${plugin_url} \
--request POST \
--data "@post.json"
#All of the other plugins have finished -- do your final step here
echo "Done!"
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