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Last active November 26, 2022 10:36
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Rails signed_id reimplemented in NodeJS
* This was just a thought experiment of reimplementing the Rails signed_id's concept
* in NodeJS. All values below are examples and do not represent any real world data.
* This script might be useful for folks who need to support signed IDs that were
* generated by a Ruby on Rails application that is being ported to NodeJS.
const { createHmac, pbkdf2Sync } = require("node:crypto");
const HASH_DIGEST_CLASS = "sha256";
const ITERATIONS = 1_000;
const KEY_LENGTH = 64;
const SALT = "active_record/signed_id";
const SEPARATOR = "--";
// Replace this w/ your Rails secret key base!
// This is what the final result will be
const secret = pbkdf2Sync(
const expiresAt = (expiresIn = null) => {
if (!expiresIn) return null;
const now = new Date().getTime();
const offset = 1_000 * expiresIn;
return new Date(now + offset).toISOString();
const encode64 = value => Buffer.from(value, "utf8").toString("base64");
const decode64 = value => Buffer.from(value, "base64").toString("utf8");
const encode = (value, pur, expiresIn = null) => {
const message = encode64(value);
const exp = expiresAt(expiresIn);
const _rails = { message, exp, pur };
const payload = JSON.stringify({ _rails });
return encode64(payload);
const generateSignature = payload => {
const hmac = createHmac("sha256", secret);
return hmac.digest("hex");
const signedId = (value, purpose, expiresIn = null) => {
const data = encode(value, purpose, expiresIn);
const signature = generateSignature(data);
return `${data}${SEPARATOR}${signature}`;
const decodedId = token => {
const segments = token.split(SEPARATOR);
// TODO: Add a check here if segments length is != 2
const payload = decode64(segments[0]);
// TODO: Add a check here to verify the payload is JSON
const data = JSON.parse(payload);
// TODO: Add a check here that the data is valid
const { message, exp, pur: model } = data._rails;
// Get the original model ID
const id = decode64(message);
// TODO: Recreate the signature here to verify nothing has been tampered w/
return { id, model, expiresAt: exp };
console.log("Original Token");
console.log("Generated Tokens");
const encoded = signedId("27", "user");
console.log("Decoded Token");
const decoded = decodedId(encoded);
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