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Last active March 19, 2022 16:54
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# solver for
# copyright@gooooloo
import random
def answer_to_score(answer):
ret = 0
for ch in answer:
ret <<= 2
if ch == 'g':
ret |= 0
elif ch == 'y':
ret |= 1
elif ch == 'b':
ret |= 2
return ret
def calc_score(gt, guess):
assert len(guess) == len(gt)
gt = [ch for ch in gt]
guess = [ch for ch in guess]
answer = ['0' for _ in guess]
for i,ch in enumerate(guess):
if ch == gt[i]:
answer[i] = 'g'
gt[i] = ' '
guess[i] = ' '
for i,ch in enumerate(guess):
if ch != ' ':
k = next((i for i,chgt in enumerate(gt) if chgt == ch), None)
if k is None:
answer[i] = 'b'
answer[i] = 'y'
gt[k] = ' '
return answer_to_score(answer)
def choose_guess(candidates):
sample_size = 1024
if len(candidates) > sample_size:
print(f'sampling {sample_size} out of {len(candidates)} candidates...')
candidates = random.sample(candidates, sample_size)
best_guess = None
best_mark = None
for gi, guess in enumerate(candidates):
if gi % 100 == 0:
print(f'searching {gi} / {len(candidates)}')
contour = {}
for gt in candidates:
score = calc_score(gt, guess)
if score not in contour:
contour[score] = set()
mark = 0
for k in contour:
mark += len(contour[k]) ** 2
if not best_mark or mark < best_mark:
best_guess = guess
best_mark = mark
return best_guess
def ndigit(n):
if 0 <= n <= 9:
return 1
if 10 <= n <= 99:
return 2
assert False
def yield_a_b_3():
for a in range(10):
for b in range(10):
yield a, b
def yield_a_b_4():
for a in range(10, 100):
for b in range(10):
yield a, b
yield b, a
def yield_a_op_b():
def mygenerator():
yield from yield_a_b_3()
yield from yield_a_b_4()
for a, b in mygenerator():
yield (f'{a}+{b}', a+b)
yield (f'{a}*{b}', a*b)
if a >= b:
yield (f'{a}-{b}', a-b)
if b and a % b == 0:
yield (f'{a}/{b}', a//b)
def gen_all(v, nchar, allow_num, allow_add_sub, allow_mul_div, cache):
thekey = (v, nchar, allow_num, allow_add_sub, allow_mul_div)
if thekey in cache:
return cache[thekey]
thevalue = set(yield_all(v, nchar, allow_num, allow_add_sub, allow_mul_div, cache))
assert all(nchar == len(s) for s in thevalue)
cache[thekey] = thevalue
return thevalue
def yield_all(v, nchar, allow_num, allow_add_sub, allow_mul_div, cache):
assert allow_num or allow_add_sub or allow_mul_div
if allow_num:
if 0 <= v <= 99 and nchar == ndigit(v):
yield f'{v}'
if allow_add_sub and nchar >= 3:
for k in range(100):
# ANY + k
for s in gen_all(v - k, nchar - ndigit(k) - 1, allow_num = True, allow_add_sub = True, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{s}+{k}'
# k + EXP
for s in gen_all(v - k, nchar - ndigit(k) - 1, allow_num = False, allow_add_sub = False, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{k}+{s}'
# k + (EXP)
for s in gen_all(v - k, nchar - ndigit(k) - 3, allow_num = False, allow_add_sub = True, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{k}+({s})'
# ANY - k
for s in gen_all(v + k, nchar - ndigit(k) - 1, allow_num = True, allow_add_sub = True, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{s}-{k}'
# k - EXP
for s in gen_all(k - v, nchar - ndigit(k) - 1, allow_num = False, allow_add_sub = False, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{k}-{s}'
# k - (EXP)
for s in gen_all(k - v, nchar - ndigit(k) - 3, allow_num = False, allow_add_sub = True, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{k}-({s})'
if allow_add_sub and nchar >= 7:
for s1,v1 in yield_a_op_b():
for s2 in gen_all(v - v1, nchar - len(s1) - 1, allow_num = False, allow_add_sub = False, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{s1}+{s2}'
for s1,v1 in yield_a_op_b():
for s2 in gen_all(v1 - v, nchar - len(s1) - 1, allow_num = False, allow_add_sub = False, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{s1}-{s2}'
if allow_mul_div and nchar >= 3 and v:
for k in range(1, 100):
if v % k == 0:
# ANY * k
for s in gen_all(v // k, nchar - ndigit(k) - 1, allow_num = True, allow_add_sub = False, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{s}*{k}'
# (EXP) * k
for s in gen_all(v // k, nchar - ndigit(k) - 3, allow_num = False, allow_add_sub = True, allow_mul_div = False, cache = cache):
yield f'({s})*{k}'
# k * (EXP)
for s in gen_all(v // k, nchar - ndigit(k) - 3, allow_num = False, allow_add_sub = True, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{k}*({s})'
# k / (EXP)
if v and k % v == 0:
for s in gen_all(k // v, nchar - ndigit(k) - 3, allow_num = False, allow_add_sub = True, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{k}/({s})'
# ANY / k
for s in gen_all(k * v, nchar - ndigit(k) - 1, allow_num = True, allow_add_sub = False, allow_mul_div = True, cache = cache):
yield f'{s}/{k}'
# (EXP) / k
for s in gen_all(k * v, nchar - ndigit(k) - 3, allow_num = False, allow_add_sub = True, allow_mul_div = False, cache = cache):
yield f'({s})/{k}'
if allow_mul_div and v == 0:
# 0 / NUM
# 0 * NUM
# NUM * 0
for k in range(1, 100):
if nchar == ndigit(k) + 2:
yield f'0/{k}'
yield f'0*{k}'
yield f'{k}*0'
if nchar == 3:
yield '0*0'
# ...EXP... */ 0 */ ...EXP...
def mygenerator():
if nchar == 5:
yield from yield_a_b_3()
if nchar == 6:
yield from yield_a_b_4()
for a, b in mygenerator():
yield f'{a}*{b}*0'
yield f'{b}*{a}*0'
yield f'0*{a}*{b}'
yield f'0*{b}*{a}'
yield f'{a}*0*{b}'
yield f'{b}*0*{a}'
if a:
yield f'0/{a}*{b}'
yield f'0*{b}/{a}'
yield f'{b}*0/{a}'
if b:
yield f'0/{b}*{a}'
yield f'0*{a}/{b}'
yield f'{a}*0/{b}'
if a and b:
yield f'0/{a}/{b}'
yield f'0/{b}/{a}'
if b and a % b == 0:
yield f'{a}/{b}*0'
if a and b % a == 0:
yield f'{b}/{a}*0'
def ask_target_n():
n = input('please input the number:')
return int(n)
def ask_answer():
answer = input('\nplease input the check result(g/y/b):')
if len(answer) != 8 or not all(ch in 'gyb' for ch in answer):
answer = input('please input the check result(g/y/b):')
return answer
def main():
n = ask_target_n()
assert n, 'n > 0 is required'
print('generateing all candidates ...')
candidates = gen_all(v=n, nchar=8, allow_num=True, allow_add_sub=True, allow_mul_div=True, cache={})
print(f'{len(candidates)} candidates generated')
while True:
guess = choose_guess(candidates)
print('guess: ', guess)
answer = ask_answer()
score = answer_to_score(answer)
if score == 0:
candidates = [gt for gt in candidates if calc_score(gt, guess) == score]
print(f'candidates limited to {len(candidates)} count')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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